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Will anyone from this Forum be joining Nigel on his walk?

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22 hours ago, Mister M said:

This is the picture today of the Brexit march




In the immortal words of Battery Sergeant Major Williams:

Oh dear. How sad. But never mind :hihi:

had another chuckle at this picture, looks more like theyre waiting for a bus

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5 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

For the first time since Thatcher boosted home ownership by flogging off council houses cheaply, we now have a generation whose parents own their own houses but they themselves can't even afford the deposit to buy, especially in the South. 


Their parents retired at 60 and 65 on index-linked pension. They will be lucky to get a half decent pension at 65, 67 or even 70.


The phrase 'I'm all right Jack' has never been more relvant.

The younger generation should join a union.


Instead they join Facebook.

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7 hours ago, melthebell said:

had another chuckle at this picture, looks more like theyre waiting for a bus

I was thinking a few more people, and maybe they'd be able to replicate thier brown faces campaign poster only in white this time :D

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Well today's the big day when Farage's 'Gammonball Run' draws to a close. I wonder if Farage will be there, seeing as though he never bothered to do any actual marching?

Guy Verhofstadt, MEP messaged Farage:


I’m surprised to see you here, Mr. Farage. I thought you were marching 200 miles for the leave campaign? How many did you do? 2 miles! You remind me more & more of Field Marshal Haig in Blackadder, sitting safely in his office, while his people are walking in the cold & the rain.


I do feel some sympathy for those that have marched, only to see Farage turn up for the cameras to hog the limelight.

Edited by Mister M
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1 hour ago, Mister M said:

Well today's the big day when Farage's 'Gammonball Run' draws to a close. I wonder if Farage will be there, seeing as though he never bothered to do any actual marching?

Guy Verhofstadt, MEP messaged Farage:


I’m surprised to see you here, Mr. Farage. I thought you were marching 200 miles for the leave campaign? How many did you do? 2 miles! You remind me more & more of Field Marshal Haig in Blackadder, sitting safely in his office, while his people are walking in the cold & the rain.


I do feel some sympathy for those that have marched, only to see Farage turn up for the cameras to hog the limelight.

He didn't message him, he actually stood up and said it in the European Parliament and made Farage look an idiot.


Even the Last Leg last Friday couldn't resist taking a pop of that photo earlier in this thread.


I suggest that all those posters predicting a far right revolution if the UK doesn't leave the EU by 11pm take a look at the news coverage of Farage's march coming into London. 17.5 million people reduced to 150 shambling saddos.

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4 minutes ago, geared said:

Jesus 150 people is that really it??

It's been below 40 for most of this week but has picked up as it got nearer to London.


Even when Farage turned up to rally the troops in Nottinghamshire last Saturday, it struggled to get 200.


The original idea was that it would pick up supporters along the route being tens of thousands strong by the time it reached London on Brexit Betrayal Day. They dropped that idea pretty quickly once they realised how poor the turnout was.

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