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The Consequences of Brexit [Part 6] READ FIRST POST BEFORE COMMENTING

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8 hours ago, I1L2T3 said:

I see you’ve given up. Good stuff. Knew you would.

A pamphlet issued by one government can not legally bind a subsequent government.


Things politicians say or write are not laws.


The best argument you’ve got is a moral one, and even that is extremely weak if you are relying on stupid things politicians said or did.


Things that people say that they don't then do are often called lies.  The conservative party, as the government, lie to us.  Are you okay with that?

23 minutes ago, Lex Luthor said:

Wrong on all three counts. 

Entirely correct on at least the first and the last one.

18 minutes ago, Lex Luthor said:

Yes, right.  He should have been arrested for abuse of power in participating in project fear. 

Now known as project reality...

1 hour ago, apelike said:

I'm not so sure we have had much say in those standards while we are a member anyway, but it probably depends on what standards you are talking about. 

We had at least as much say as the other 28 members, and arguably considerably more, given our position as one of the big five economies and our veto on certain issues.

Of course from the outside we'll definitely have no say at all.

Edited by Cyclone
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5 hours ago, woodview said:

Government info during referendum:

If the UK voted to leave the EU, we would lose access to trade agreements with more than 50 countries outside the EU. The UK would seek to renegotiate these deals, but this would take years 

These trade agreements are available within the CU. Does this statement imply leaving the EU also means leaving the EU?

It was probably purposely not clear, as it helps with the general scaremongering tactics.

Was the government wrong in the above?


No, it was not: on their current terms, these trade agreements are not available outside the EU.


Variations may well be available (and may well have been secured at the material time, distinctly or through relevant geographical clauses/limitations) to EEA/EFTA/CU(Turkey) countries, on terms adjusted to reflect those countries' non-membership of the EU/SM.


I think you'll find it very hard to find and pin factless lies in government publications. It wasn't quite the banana republic that it's become since. Quite unlike Leave's slogans.


On the topic of which: a fabulous thread was posted on Twitter today, about all those (72) laws which the EU forced on the UK since 1996. Enjoy:



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8 minutes ago, Magilla said:

Dyson to move company HQ to Singapore:



... nothing to do with Brexit, apparently.. though not exactly a ringing endorsement for post-Brexit UK :?

Last time I checked Singapore wasn't in the EU.      What's Dyson's excuse for moving?  2% saving in tax rate each year perhaps.


Edited by ECCOnoob
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So in discussions today the following possibility came up...


Mrs Mayhem kick the can down the road so far that the cliff edge is looming.

At that point, she withdraws A40 saying that she is doing so so she can go back to the EU without a timelimit to negotiate exit under A50.


What this means is that with that stated intention, the Leavers can't complain as Brexit will still be on the table, but the remainers will be happier as the cliff won't be jumped off...

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15 minutes ago, CaptainSwing said:

A referendum in which it isn't compulsory to vote is just an opinion poll, and a highly biased one at that, given the self-selection of the participants.  If anything, the pre-referendum opinion polls gave a more accurate representation of the Wille des Volkes than did the referendum itself :)

That’s an interesting point. The people that were really riled up about the EU are the ones that got themselves to the polling stations. Remainers who thought that remain would never lose didn’t attend?


Only thing is that it was quite a high turnout by normal standards.

37 minutes ago, Mister M said:

Hang on isn't James Dyson an ardent Brexiteer?

He’s getting out while he can


Before the rack is re-commissioned to deal with traitors

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42 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Last time I checked Singapore wasn't in the EU. 

Well, neither will the UK... in 3 months time.


42 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

What's Dyson's excuse for moving?  2% saving in tax rate each year perhaps.

Apparently not. "Future proofing".. whatever that means... either way, it's not Brexit Britain :?


Of course Singapore already has a comprehensive FTA with the EU, something the UK doesn't:





In other news, Sony is following Panasonic and moving it's HQ from Britain to the Netherlands:





P&O is moving their flag to Cyprus:


When asked on Tuesday if P&O could provide space on ships if needed by the government, the company declined to comment.


.. that would be a "no" then :?



That's a lot of corporate profits being lost from the UK treasury...

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