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The Consequences of Brexit [Part 6] READ FIRST POST BEFORE COMMENTING

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The campaign for a so-called 'People's Vote' by the super wealthy global elite has seen Roland Rudd, 'People's Vote' Chairman and arch Remainer, attending the World Economic Forum at Davos. He wants to know how the world's £billionaires can help to stop Brexit and steal the votes of the UK poor.

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10 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Not even the only one in Barnsley either!


The day after the referendum in 2016, the lunchtime Look North asked two blokes in a barber's shop in Barnsley "What do you think of the result?" One of the guys replied, "Brilliant! Now when are we going to get rid of the *******g immigrants!" To say he was over the moon would be a massive understatement.


This takes us back to yesterday's discussion of what Leave actually means. Some on here said that even though May's deal and a Norway deal both involved leaving the EU they were not acceptable deals because it is not what they voted for. So by the same token should the government pass legislation to deport non white immigrants because a significant number of people voted leave in the referendum believing that this would be the result?

It is shocking. 

Last week's Question Time on the BBC from Derby, when, I think it was Isobel Oakshott spoke in favour of a no deal Brexit, should there be no consensus achieved. The audience erupted in cheers and applause!

This from a city that has a number of large employers in the manufacturing  sector. 

Perhaps they still haven't got the message that many have been articulating - that a no deal Brexit would be catastrophic.

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24 minutes ago, Hots on said:

Some British paratroopers went to Bosnia recently to take part in a European Union army training exercise and they had EU flag badges on their uniforms instead of the Union Jack. Just think about that for a minute.

What of it?


When British soldiers are on UN exercises and peacekeeping missions they wear blue UN berets.


I say again, so what? Who cares?

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4 hours ago, apelike said:

Dont be daft. Do you really think that people from developed Commonwealth countries will be encouraged to come here to pick fruit in the fields or do warehousing jobs and then find they cant get a house to live in?

No that is something that exists in your mind only.

Considering the demographics are not in favour of that especially with Facebook then I dont think so.

You must be living on a different planet.


The vast majority of commonwealth citizens live in undeveloped and underdeveloped countries.


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26 minutes ago, Mister M said:

It is shocking. 

Perhaps they still haven't got the message that many have been articulating - that a no deal Brexit would be catastrophic.


Most of us will never change our minds about Brexit no matter what happens – our brains simply can't


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2 hours ago, L00b said:

That assumption makes no economical sense whatsoever.

It does if the countries that are now supplying the cheap labour develop their economies to such an extent that jobs are plentiful which will mean looking outside for work and being used for cheap labour becomes a lot less. It was about what could happen in the future and not now as a consequence of brexit.

2 hours ago, L00b said:

When was this posed? I must have missed it, because it's easily answered: less labour chases the work, making labour more expensive, whereby those economies lose competitivity to those economies that still use cheap labour.

Post 1052 but posed slightly different. Quote:


"What happens when the newer members economies start growing enough that jobs in those countries are no longer scarce and the people in those countries dont have to go elsewhere for a job. Just where will the developed economies then get their cheap labour from?" 


2 hours ago, L00b said:



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30 minutes ago, Mister M said:

It is shocking. 

Last week's Question Time on the BBC from Derby, when, I think it was Isobel Oakshott spoke in favour of a no deal Brexit, should there be no consensus achieved. The audience erupted in cheers and applause!

This from a city that has a number of large employers in the manufacturing  sector. 

Perhaps they still haven't got the message that many have been articulating - that a no deal Brexit would be catastrophic.

The working class still haven't got the message that rich establishment Remainers have been articulating from Davos with their £billionaire friends. Roland Rudd, Chairman of the 'People's Vote' campaign, has been articulating the need for the rich to steal the votes of the poor live from the World Economic Forum.


To the Remainer establishment elite the only kind of people that matter are rich people. The Leave voters, all 17.4 million of them, aren't even people to the rich who attend Davos.

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