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The Consequences of Brexit [Part 6] READ FIRST POST BEFORE COMMENTING

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39 minutes ago, ez8004 said:

Let the job losses begin. 


Mr Enders said: "Please don't listen to the Brexiteers' madness which asserts that, because we have huge plants here, we will not move and we will always be here. They are wrong."


That’s Airbus responding to a no Brexit deal. 6000 jobs in Wales at risk due to this. Oh well, serves them right I suppose. 

"Serves who right"? The result in Wales almost exactly mirrored the UK result. Almost half wanted to stay in the EU.

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29 minutes ago, Cyclone said:

It's the working class that will lose most of those jobs though, and they strongly supported brexit.



It does appear to be mainly the higher earners who are threatening the working class with doom and destruction for voting to Leave the EU. Every single issue in this country is not connected to our EU membership, despite what the affluent middle class would have us believe. There are a whole host of issues which are hurting the poor, such as the extremely damaging Universal Credit, the decades long wait for social housing and the dilapidated state of our NHS - which have all come about while we have 'enjoyed' EU membership.


Why should those struggling financially vote for more of the same? Why should people who have never been able to afford a holiday abroad care that we might need a visa to travel to Europe after we Leave?


They shouldn't. It's mainly the middle-class afraid of losing their advantages that motivates the Remain side. They fail to understand that their wonderful status quo has already failed millions of people in the UK, and will continue to do so until they lose their EU privilege.



Edited by Car Boot
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Leaving the EU will only make this worse.


much worse.


you said it yourself, the issues in this country have nothing to do with our membership of the EU.



Why should people who have never been able to afford a holiday abroad care that we might need a visa to travel to Europe after we Leave? 

you've missed the point, by miles.



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1 hour ago, ads36 said:

Leaving the EU will only make this worse.


much worse.

The affluent middle class and the rich need to lose their EU privilege for society to begin to heal it's economic and social divisions.


Yes, it's going to hurt. 


But it will be worth it.

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they didn't put that on a bus, did they.


"yes, it's going to hurt"


the rich/middle class aren't losing their holiday privileges, a visa? big deal.


case study : the Sheffield/Rotherham AMP, thousands of well-paid manufacturing jobs. funded in large parts by EU regeneration cash, and research funding.


we've voted for less regeneration cash, and less research funding - which is vital to keeping manufacturing in the UK.


and that's before we consider that leaving the EU will make trading/manufacturing harder.


the future for the working class, does not look rosy.


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22 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

It does appear to be mainly the higher earners who are threatening the working class with doom and destruction for voting to Leave the EU. Every single issue in this country is not connected to our EU membership, despite what the affluent middle class would have us believe. There are a whole host of issues which are hurting the poor, such as the extremely damaging Universal Credit, the decades long wait for social housing and the dilapidated state of our NHS - which have all come about while we have 'enjoyed' EU membership.


Why should those struggling financially vote for more of the same? Why should people who have never been able to afford a holiday abroad care that we might need a visa to travel to Europe after we Leave?


They shouldn't. It's mainly the middle-class afraid of losing their advantages that motivates the Remain side. They fail to understand that their wonderful status quo has already failed millions of people in the UK, and will continue to do so until they lose their EU privilege.



There are certainly other issues in addition to brexit, mostly driven by the ideological position of the conservative party.  But hey, the working class voted for them just like they voted for brexit.

The working class appear to be very much turkeys in favour of christmas.


You're mistaken if you think that leaving the EU will harm the rich or ultimately benefit the working class.  The EU is a socialist body, it protects the working class.  The conservatives will have the brakes taken off and will accelerate dismantling the NHS, rolling out universal credit, reducing workers rights and legal protections and so on.


And it's the working class who are losing their jobs in greater numbers as factories move abroad to retain access to the EU market.  The middle class lose jobs as well, but not so many and they're better prepared to cope with the loss of income.

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10 minutes ago, Cyclone said:

You're mistaken if you think that leaving the EU will harm the rich or ultimately benefit the working class.  The EU is a socialist body, it protects the working class. 

Well said.  There are plenty of articles out there which show how the EU did more for workers rights than were in place beforehand. To name but a couple:

28 days of paid leave and a limit on working hours for more than 26 million employees
Eight million part-time workers being given equal rights with full-time colleagues
Guaranteed maternity leave rights that are used by 340,000 women every year


And what about the EU directives on traffic and air pollution - again affecting less affluent areas?

Edited by alchresearch
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1 hour ago, blackydog said:

"Serves who right"? The result in Wales almost exactly mirrored the UK result. Almost half wanted to stay in the EU.

Everyone will have to pay for the stupidity of the majority then won’t they?


I’ll be looking after myself and I am safe from all this. 

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