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The Consequences of Brexit [Part 6] READ FIRST POST BEFORE COMMENTING

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I don't know if it's just me but when Brexit is discussed on television, it seems that presenters and broadcasters seem to want to say that Brexit was a protest vote by mainly working class voters. 

Perhaps it doesn't matter, but the reason why I raise it, was because I've just been reading an analysis by some psephologists who suggest that it was much more about the 'squeezed middle', than those 'left behind':


... the Leave vote was not more popular among the low skilled, but rather among individuals with intermediate levels of education (A-Levels and GSCE high grades), especially when their socio-economic position was perceived to be declining and/or to be stagnant. These findings point to an alternative narrative to that of the left behind.

This argument of the squeezed middle being behind Brexit raises new questions about how the new politics of inequality influences voting, for it shows that Brexit was the expression of a widely felt social malaise that affects ample segments of the population.


Edited by Mister M
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4 minutes ago, woodview said:

2 years to formulate a WA that is virtually what we have now, is slow going. Paranoia, is a bit strong, but I'm pleased that's the only bit you disagree with.

Constitutional, legal and economic experts said before the referendum that realistically it would take five to ten years for the UK to safely disengage from the EU with minimized damage.


Triggering Article 50 and leaving only two years to complete everything is anything but slow going!



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2 hours ago, Car Boot said:

Ireland will be forced into living with the "hardest border in Europe" if the UK crashes out without a Brexit deal, a key ally of Angela Merkel has starkly warned.




The EU will help bring about the return of the long war, just so business can make a profit. Appalling.

Which tells you all you need to know about The EU . Thank god we are leaving . I despise everything about the EU .

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12 minutes ago, Penistone999 said:

Which tells you all you need to know about The EU . Thank god we are leaving . I despise everything about the EU .

it says more about us, because we have created the conditions where one is necessary.


had we remained then the border would have remained soft and fluffy

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43 minutes ago, RJRB said:

It’s all a bit negative on here with those who have a leaning towards Remain.

It would be uplifting if those who favour Brexit could give us a few positives that we can look forward to with any version of Brexit that they favour.

as far as i can tell it amounts to unicorns and lots of cake

3 hours ago, Lockdoctor said:

Assuming you are correct, then the logical decision for the Irish Republic would be to follow the UK out of the EU. 

the more logical decision would be for Ireland to reunite 

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