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The Consequences of Brexit [Part 6] READ FIRST POST BEFORE COMMENTING

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North Korea? No.


But if I can see the opportunities that other countries might take to bend us over a barrel, you can be sure they see even more.


I'm sure a lot of the arm twisting will happen behind closed doors, exchanging hypotheticals, to keep things civil.


'we can't help noticing that your open Irish border is in direct contravention of WTO rules, it would be a shame if someone felt obliged to register a formal complaint. Perhaps a $60billion contract to construct one of your troublesome nuclear power stations might make an engaging distraction...'

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30 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

Hilarious. Do you think the residents in China and America worry or care when their Governments flout WTO rules?  Do you think the World is going to unite against the UK and enforce a North Korea style  trade embargo on us?

No - but if the economy of the involved countries is prejudiced by British trading outside WTO rules, they will seek to impose symmetrical tariffs in order to protect their economies.

For an idea of how long this can drag on for, check out the US/Canadian softwood lumber dispute which kicked off more than 30 years ago and cost 10,000 Canadian jobs in the last spat between the two countries.

My bet is that, in the event of a "no deal brexit",  it will be the UK running to the WTO claiming that EU tariffs are unfair, not the other way around. Check this thread in a decade and see if I'm right.

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3 hours ago, I1L2T3 said:

Should it be implemented if it doesn’t make sense to do so?

It depends on whether you value democracy or not.

2 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

You and I both know that the only reason you don't want a second referendum is because you will lose it and that will kill off the crackpot idea of leaving the EU possibly forever!

Considering I have previously stated on here that I would accept another referendum providing Parliament want one I think you are just clutching at straws!

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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

But given that the majority of all people did not vote for it, if nothing else it will be fair! 👍

The majority didnt vote conservative either and look whats happened.. :D

1 hour ago, andyofborg said:

the more logical decision would be for Ireland to reunite 

Which it wont as NI can even get to agree on a government at the moment despite devolution. 

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15 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

Deep joy.  The 'clamour' for a second referendum now looks like a non-starter. 



The global elite attending the World Economic Forum at Davos, who are behind the 'People's Vote', will not be pleased that the British electorate aren't being given another opportunity to vote how the super rich have instructed them.

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17 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

The global elite attending the World Economic Forum at Davos, who are behind the 'People's Vote', will not be pleased that the British electorate aren't being given another opportunity to vote how the super rich have instructed them.

I know.  Fancy giving us, the argumentative, eccentric, outsiders of Europe the chance of a referendum.  The writing was on the wall with the. Boaty McBoatface vote. 


As Donald Tusk warned Cameron in 2016 about his 'Stupid' referendum & that there was 'No appetite for revolution in Europe.'  Well we didn't quite play ball on that one did we? 



The BBC's 3 part programme should be both a fascinating insight & hindsight. 

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