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The Consequences of Brexit [Part 6] READ FIRST POST BEFORE COMMENTING

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5 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

I want what I voted for in June 2016. A full, clean Brexit.

This is the problem and why Brexit is at stalemate. First of all, the ballot paper only said "leave or Remain" you do know Mr's Mays deal is leaving the EU and I wont patronise you with that. Remain supporting MP's has nothing to do with it either, why? because it it the Brexiteers who can't decide what form they all want, You can't do them all, you all need to pick one and go for it, it is as simple as that. One thing you do need to do is stop blaming the remainers. 

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18 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

I want what I voted for in June 2016. A full, clean Brexit.


No Deal is the only option that delivers this, and it is now the most popular option for Brexit in the country.


Unfortunately I can't "sort it", as I'm not an elected politician tasked with sorting it. If it had been up to me the UK would have left the EU, a No Deal exit, in June 2016.


I'm embarrassed by Remain supporting politicians pretending to deliver Brexit but in reality trying their hardest to keep us in the EU. Any politician or civil servant that voted for Remain in the referendum shouldn't have been let anywhere near our Brexit negotiations. The results are plain to see.

Funnily enough they weren’t. Brexiteers were leading the negotiations from day one. The first one is now working for JCB for £60k ayear for 20 hours work. That’s 20 hours a year, which is broadly the amount he spent on brexit negotiations.

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30 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

I want what I voted for in June 2016. A full, clean Brexit.


No Deal is the only option that delivers this, and it is now the most popular option for Brexit in the country.


Unfortunately I can't "sort it", as I'm not an elected politician tasked with sorting it. If it had been up to me the UK would have left the EU, a No Deal exit, in June 2016.



I wonder why 😎

Edited by Longcol
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This is hilarious. The UK will not be able to fall into WTO rules even if the government wanted to in a no deal scenario. The House of Lords is set to ambush the government by blocking the Trade Bill. 


From the Independent:

Crucially, Liam Fox, the trade secretary, has admitted that preparations for a no-deal Brexit – by falling back on World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules – are impossible unless the bill passes.


I think Brexit is slowly getting cancelled and you lot didn't even see it. 

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18 minutes ago, ez8004 said:

Crucially, Liam Fox, the trade secretary, has admitted that preparations for a no-deal Brexit – by falling back on World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules – are impossible unless the bill passes.

Not that he's getting on very well despite that.


On Andrew Marr last Sunday, Fox admitted that of the 40 odd deals needing completion before March actually ...............


none ......... had actually been completed!


The Brextremists on here bang on about how a remainer government are sabotaging their beloved Brexit but Fox, Gove, Davis, Raab and Boris the Clown are all avid remainers and they haven't exactly covered themselves in glory.

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8 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:



The Brextremists on here bang on about how a remainer government are sabotaging their beloved Brexit but Fox, Gove, Davis, Raab and Boris the Clown are all avid remainers and they haven't exactly covered themselves in glory.

You might want to edit that.......unless you meant Remainers by Carboot standards!

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22 hours ago, Gormenghast said:

I agree.


So why can't there be a losers vote that does just that.  Asks the same question as the first referendum and doesn't try to split the vote with a third option?

There's no reason questions can't be refined when more information becomes available.

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22 hours ago, altus said:

The difficulty is leave supporters can't agree on what leave means. The ambiguity about what leave means is the cause of most of the problems May has had trying to get a deal agreed. Just repeating the referendum with "Leave" as an option won't do anything to resolve that. If a new ballot doesn't allow people to chose between "Leave - TM's deal" and "Leave - no deal" (and there are good reasons for not doing so) it should specify which of them it means so that people know what they are voting for and there is no argument about what was chosen when it comes to implementing it.

It could be done as an alternative vote system so as not to split the vote of course.

20 hours ago, apelike said:

Which seems to equal up when it was also the super rich that instructed you to remain! 

I don't dispute that, but Carboot seems convinced that it's the "global elite" who want remain.  He doesn't recognise that they are also profiteering from leave.

22 hours ago, Lockdoctor said:

The Withdrawal Agreement has no legal bearing on the UK's future trade relationship with the EU.  There shouldn't  be another referendum and if Parliament don't agree to support the Withdrawal Agreement on offer, then leaving the EU on 29th March will give what every leave voter supported, which is to leave the EU.  

Very good and ironic.  A majority of the people don't want a People's Vote.

You can keep repeating these things, but it doesn't make either of them true.

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16 hours ago, woodview said:

So, the way forward is to be in some kind of half in / half out deal scenario. Fully in and Fully out are both ends of a spectrum.

All the "half" scenarios result in us having to continue to follow the EU rules whilst giving up the power to guide, create and influence those rules.  It's a stupid position to want to take when we have a much better position right now.

14 hours ago, Car Boot said:

I'm afraid that you paint yourself very much as a lone wolf extremist with your views on ignoring the referendum result. The majority of our elected politicians don't want to Leave the EU, but daren't cancel Brexit as they think the consequences could be terrible. If it could have been cancelled, it would have been by now.


Why do you know better? You seem to want the system to explode. 

A "lone wolf" with whom about 50% of the country agrees...  Alone with 30 million like minded people.

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So everyone here seems to be either really pro Remain or really pro Brexit. Am I the only one stuck in the middle? Head says remain and heart says Brexit. I went with head in the referendum as I knew the disruption Brexit would cause, but the way the EU has been in effectively blocking us leaving has probably made me even more split.

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