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The Consequences of Brexit [Part 6] READ FIRST POST BEFORE COMMENTING

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Just now, Top Cats Hat said:

Except the referendum didn't mandate anyone to do anything and certainly not to destroy our economy.

It instructed the Government to LEAVE the eu , simple as that . Not half in , half out , not keep bits of the EU that suits our politicians , it meant leave. 

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5 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Except the referendum didn't mandate anyone to do anything and certainly not to destroy our economy.

The referendum result provided a clear mandate for leaving the EU.


Did you not get the memo?

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5 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Except the referendum didn't mandate anyone to do anything and certainly not to destroy our economy.

An ONS BoE projected 0.2% drop in GDP pa.

Holy cow, that is a destruction of an economy never seen before.

The Class Warriors need to take up arms to stop this potential GDP erosion, it truly should be your main goal.

What other policies can we look at to boost the god of GDP? Slavery and child labour are good ones, they should boost things. Right on, brother.

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7 minutes ago, ads36 said:





a near-split result, from an advisory referendum? 


if that's a  clear mandate, i'm a cactus.



Of course it is a clear mandate. It was a binary choice.  Parliament have accepted the advice the democratic people gave them and made it law the UK are leaving the EU.

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42 minutes ago, retep said:

Mostly the French.

They'll still be getting their (slowly decreasing) CAP payments for the (long-) foreseeable future.


Unlike Brit farmers in 2 months' time if you crash out.


Topically, personal insolvencies are reported today to be at a 7 year-high in the UK. What happened to full employment, record wage growth, ...?

41 minutes ago, woodview said:

The CAP is a subsidy to farmers, that we pay for through our taxes. It doesn't come from thin air.

But, when we leave CAP, a new UK mechanism needs to be put in place.

The CAP is a subsidy based on EU contributions. British, German, French, Irish <etc> farmers' EU subsidies are getting paid from EU28 contributions.


I wouldn't put too much stock in a replacement subsidy, given the domestic political discourse of the past 2 years. UK farmers will be in the same boat as the rest of UK plc: left to fend for themselves.  


But perhaps no.11 can be persuaded to spend a few quids on leaflets about D-veg gardening-Y. "Dig for Brexit Victory", it's catchy :)

Edited by L00b
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