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The Consequences of Brexit [Part 6] READ FIRST POST BEFORE COMMENTING

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Just now, tinfoilhat said:

Well we've got a consensus that our Mps are amongst the most optimistic people in the world. Theresa has the blessing of parliament to ask for something that every man and his dog in the EU have said she can't have. 

And Corbyn has now agreed to meet May after the vote rejecting no deal.

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57 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

What the Brextremists on here don't seem to realise is that however the votes go tonight the vast majority of MPs will not allow a no deal to happen and this actually makes it more likely that between now and March they will stop it either by voting for a second referendum or the revoking of Article 50.

They voted against extending Article 50 tonight , so we leave on March 29th, Deal or No Deal. 

56 minutes ago, RJRB said:

MPs reject no deal Brexit

Not binding I know,but better than indicating that this would be an acceptable outcome.

On to the Brady “alternative to Backstop”

Under EU and UK law , we leave on March 29th weather we have a deal or not. And the EU arnt going to budge on the backstop ,so no deal looks very likely right now.

24 minutes ago, Mister Gee said:

MPs vote 318-310 to reject a no deal Brexit. A bit of sanity at last.

Its not binding, so means nothing. 

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13 minutes ago, Fudbeer said:

So now they have made it known to the EU a no deal is less likely have they not strengthened the EU's hand in negotiations particularly those who want to see us punished for daring to vote leave?

I think they know it anyway, but now we've put some flashing lights up to promote this!

1 minute ago, Penistone999 said:

They voted against extending Article 50 tonight , so we leave on March 29th, Deal or No Deal. 

As I saw it, this was only until the next [rejection] of May's deal in feb. Then it'll get extended. The EU will allow it no doubt, to make sure we don't 'crash out' which is the new buzz-term, and so we get a worse deal than the one on the table.


This'll us just keep dragging on, until we get a deal that no one wants.





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9 minutes ago, Penistone999 said:

They voted against extending Article 50 tonight , so we leave on March 29th, Deal or No Deal. 

Under EU and UK law , we leave on March 29th weather we have a deal or not. And the EU arnt going to budge on the backstop ,so no deal looks very likely right now.

Its not binding, so means nothing. 

Are you talking about your relationship with your local tobacconist?



Edited by Mister Gee
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13 minutes ago, Penistone999 said:

Its not binding, so means nothing. 

Quite the opposite!


What it means is that if we get close to March 29th with no prospect of a deal, there is a majority in parliament to prevent it from happening.


Let’s not forget that there are only somewhere between 10 and 35 MPs on the crackpot wing of the Conservative Party (plus Kate Hoey) who actually want a no deal exit from the EU.

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34 minutes ago, *_ash_* said:

I think they know it anyway, but now we've put some flashing lights up to promote this!

As I saw it, this was only until the next [rejection] of May's deal in feb. Then it'll get extended. The EU will allow it no doubt, to make sure we don't 'crash out' which is the new buzz-term, and so we get a worse deal than the one on the table.


This'll us just keep dragging on, until we get a deal that no one wants.

It was a foregone conclusion since before the referendum. But well, "they need us more than need them", "German manufacturers lobbying", "we hold all the cards" (how I LOL'd at that one, every time it was parroted), <etc>.


And still no one is learning anything. Sigh.


You've already got a deal no one wants. You're not getting another until May rows back on her red lines. It would be a softer deal, so you can count on the ERG, DUP and Brexity Labourites to torpedo the Parliamentary arithmetic. Considering May allowed the ERG to put their feet under the table tonight, she ain't going to row back anytime soon. And she can't be shifted out of no.10.


The EU won't give you an extension of Art.50 without (i) certainty about bringing finality to the charade any which way (as opposed to the current party-focuses shenanigans) and (ii) certainty about the timescale to achieve that finality. These 2 conditions are cumulative. Rest assured the EU27 are quite ready to let you crash out, if it comes to that. The integrity of the SM is way more important to them than the UK's Schrödinger membership, and they've got as much Brexit fatigue as the next Brit.


Sum total: May's lost still more manoeuvering room (but she does the stubborn-like-a-red-donkey immobilism quite well, I'll give her that), and you're still as politically snookered tonight as you ever were over the past 2+ years.


Tonight's vote is meaningless: you can only avoid 'no deal' through signing on a withdrawal agreement, or withdrawing the Art.50 notification. I can't see either happening. Not on an 8 vote majority against 'no deal'.


No deal Brexit by accident is still looking the likeliest outcome, from where I'm sitting.

Edited by L00b
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