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The Consequences of Brexit [Part 6] READ FIRST POST BEFORE COMMENTING

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20 minutes ago, Lex Luthor said:

OK.  It's not Londoners who are demonstrating, wishing to reverse the referendum almost every weekend.  


A huge policy of social cleansing is not happening where the poorest are being shipped off up North. 


London does not get everything.  Even HS2 isn't all about improving speeds to serve London business. 


Sheffield does extremely well compared to London in terms of investment from the treasury. 


Dream on mate.... 

Your points are important.


The problem is leaving the EU doesn’t fix any of that


Parliament will still be in London. And if you replace the current elite with another elite that elite will still be in London


 And the Brexiter elite you are supporting don’t care about the North

Just now, Lex Luthor said:

Not in a referendum it isn't. 

Referendums are non-binding and advisory......except when Parliament decides otherwise


I’d give up on this if I were you

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14 minutes ago, I1L2T3 said:

No I don’t mean it in the Orwellian sense. I mean the opposite in fact. I mean taking people away from their brainwashed state.


In terms of basic understanding about what the EU is, what it’s for and what it does many leavers lack that basic knowledge.


Take freedom of movement for example. You could count on the fingers of one hand the number of leavers (or Brexit apologists) who have posted on SF Brexit threads who really understand it.


My bet is you don’t. In fact I’d say it’s nailed on that you don’t.


I understand freedom of movement, thanks. Did your teacher repeatedly call you stupid?

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4 minutes ago, WiseOwl182 said:

I understand freedom of movement, thanks. Did your teacher repeatedly call you stupid?

I went to school in the 70s so we got called all the names under the sun, and punished with the cane as well


Now, what do you mean by freedom of movement. What is it?

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20 minutes ago, woodview said:

Ez8004, do you speak to people like this in real life, or just on the internet?

I think your attitude to other posters stinks.

Why not try to have a sensible discussion, and act like the educated person you make out to be, instead of a petulant spoilt child?

If you continue to spout unreasoned, non-evidence based drivel then you’ll get the appropriate response it justifiably deserves. 


As for freedom of movement we had provisions in place to deal with the Leavers “anxiety” over it. Cameron even negotiated the 5 year minimum wait before an EU migrant could start to claim on our benefit system. 


The fact that the majority of migrants to this country are from OUTSIDE the EU seems confuse the Leave supporters. 

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4 minutes ago, I1L2T3 said:

I went to school in the 70s so we got called all the names under the sun, and punished with the cane as well


Now, what do you mean by freedom of movement. What is it?

The ability to move, with freedom. 


Although since I didn't bring it up, I'm not sure why you're cross examining me.


Edited by WiseOwl182
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Just now, ez8004 said:

If you continue to spout unreasoned, non-evidence based drivel then you’ll get the appropriate response it justifiably deserves. 


As for freedom of movement we had provisions in place to deal with the Leavers “anxiety” over it. Cameron even negotiated the 5 year minimum wait before an EU migrant could start to claim on our benefit system. 


The fact that the majority of migrants to this country are from OUTSIDE the EU seems confuse the Leave supporters. 

You were arguing with somebody else, not me, so your comment makes no sense, beyond making it clear you have a 'they are all the same' type attitude.

But, as I asked, do you speak to people face-face in the same way? Do you think it's acceptable? I don't.

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1 hour ago, ez8004 said:

This has reminded me of this




Stupid Leave voters are absolutely bricking it now in Cornwall. Let grab my tea and laugh. 

I think you will find that its not the leave voters who are bricking it but, yet again, those that hold the power. The local councils in Sheffield and also Cornwall together with their local partnerships of highly paid people were for remain while the public that actually voted in those areas chose to vote leave, which spins it in another direction. But that was democracy was it not? 

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24 minutes ago, WiseOwl182 said:

The ability to move, with freedom. 


Although since I didn't bring it up, I'm not sure why you're cross examining me.


Ability to move what?

23 minutes ago, woodview said:

You were arguing with somebody else, not me, so your comment makes no sense, beyond making it clear you have a 'they are all the same' type attitude.

But, as I asked, do you speak to people face-face in the same way? Do you think it's acceptable? I don't.


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I don't want globalisation, and the EU is partly responsible for that. I don't want decisions that effect this country being made by people who don't even live here. 


I don't want a European Army,  and I don't want my kids to be forced to do national service, like happens in Germany.   


An EU government is too far removed from me.  It doesn't hear what I want. 


The EU parliament is a ridiculous waste of money.  So much so, it's become a parody of itself. 


It might be that my wishes, coincidentally are the same as a few rich businessmen but for me the gains are too important to worry too much about that.  You've only got to look at our own parliamentary history to discover some very unholy alliances in the past. 


BIG isn't working for the ordinary people and it's definitely not working for our planet. Let's be little again.  It doesn't mean we can't be friends and allies. 

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