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The Consequences of Brexit [Part 6] READ FIRST POST BEFORE COMMENTING

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27 minutes ago, Lex Luthor said:

That's not what she said though.  I told you what she said.  It is OK for her to tar the whole north of the country with the slur of being ignorant racists but she takes exception to being called a fascist when she props up a government that preys on the poor and the disabled?   


People in the North haven't even seen an immigrant?  She is obviously clueless.   If that is a demonstration of a better understanding of the issues surrounding Brexit than most politicians, then heaven help us. 



Can you quote the exact words she said please.


Im just making the point that many areas of the North are perhaps remarkable because of high percentages of white British people. That doesn’t quite fit with the narrative does it?

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55 minutes ago, I1L2T3 said:

That’s only part of it. A lot of my wife’s colleagues are doctors from the EU. My wife is from the EU as well and has now done around 30 years in the NHS.


There are workers from the EU in practically all roles in the NHS.

Well she was correct that a lot of constituencies in the north with high percentages of white British people did vote to leave.


Are you disputing that


Soubry is a curious politician. Her voting record in many areas is in support of things that harm sections of our society. But on the EU she has read the 48% and understood the issues with leaving probably better than any other politician

Anna Soubry has voted for air strikes in Syria, Iraq, and to keep British troops in Afghanistan.


She voted for the bedroom tax to punish the poor for having a spare room. Voted five times against raising benefits in line with prices, voted against raising benefit levels for those on disability, voted many times to impose austerity cuts on the poorest in society.


Anna Soubry did vote 14 times against a bankers bonus tax. 11 times she voted against raising income tax for those earning over £150,000 per year. She voted against a mansion tax on very expensive properties. 9 times she voted to further restrict trade union activities. 


She is a typical Westminster/Brussels elite Remainer politician.

Edited by Car Boot
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7 minutes ago, Magilla said:

So much for Mays "Plan B": Continue trying to avoid a split in the party....



This is beyond a joke now...


She is not the right person for the job. She is too ruddy minded, too single minded and too inflexible. She doesn’t listen to others and thinks she know best.


Nobody wants the deal she is trying to deliver. Nobody!!

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12 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Here's a question for you peter.


Would you prefer to see the UK government spend our money on a tax cut for Phillip Green or a kidney operation for a Hungarian doctor who has been working here for ten years?

Has the Hungarian doctor got health insurance?

12 hours ago, Cyclone said:

You know that we're going to be massively worse off after leaving.  We'll have LESS money.  Not even brexidiots are denying that anymore.

Have you tried getting a tent to go with your crystal ball?

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5 minutes ago, I1L2T3 said:

She is not the right person for the job. She is too ruddy minded, too single minded and too inflexible. She doesn’t listen to others and thinks she know best.


Nobody wants the deal she is trying to deliver. Nobody!!

Seen some discussion on the TV and pretty much everyone is now just standing about with their mouths open.... completely agog at how May has completely and utterly missed the mark. She has completely failed to reach any concensus so it's just "plan A" again! :loopy:



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17 minutes ago, I1L2T3 said:

Can you quote the exact words she said please.


Im just making the point that many areas of the North are perhaps remarkable because of high percentages of white British people. That doesn’t quite fit with the narrative does 


Verbatim, no but I remember what she said and there are plenty of quotes, including here:


especially latter sections, where her simplistic and frankly offensive stereotyping of leave voters stinks and she has to take some responsibility for fanning the flames like she has. 




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12 hours ago, Cyclone said:

You know that we're going to be massively worse off after leaving.  We'll have LESS money.  Not even brexidiots are denying that anymore.

 Many of us are already worse off now, over 45 years after joining the EU paradise club. Many of us have LESS money to spend on essentials NOW. The Westminster/EU Elite have feathered their own nest, and made life so much harder for the rest of us.


We don't want your middle-class status quo. All the bad things you claim will happen if we leave the EU have already happened (and worse) to the poorest while we have been EU members. Out of touch Remainers cannot see this.

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