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The Consequences of Brexit [Part 6] READ FIRST POST BEFORE COMMENTING

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28 minutes ago, apelike said:

Yes as unless parliament can come up with something new she still has a mandate for the UK to leave the EU with or without a deal as given to her by the electorate.


11 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Let’s hope Parliament comes up with something new then because to leave without a deal would be a self inflicted act of sheer stupidity ,mainly by the Conservatives but ably backed by Labour.

Sovereignty looks a poor option if we entrust our futures to these clowns.

It doesn't matter one bit whether Parliamentary debate births something which enough MPs can get behind, if that 'something' is not May's. And even then, then you'd have to sell it to Brussels, for it to have any relevance at all.


Given the failed Tory leadership challenge, the current Parliamentary arithmetic, and the unlikelihood of Corbyn being deposed or turning Remainer in the timescale left before end March 2019, May is unmovable, and will keep stonewalling to the 11th hour before Brexit day, by which time her stonewalling will have left MPs with no other choices than the current withdrawal agreement, whatever softer Brexit agreement might be arrived by that time (most unlikely, unless someone somehow manages to get May to row back on her red lines), or no deal Brexit.


Is May going to Brussels to seek reassurances on the reassurances of the reassurances, which she didn't get on her last 2 trips? That's exactly the kind of stonewalling I'm on about. Move a lot of air, make some grandstanding speeches, but don't give an inch and let the clock run down in the meantime. The lady wants her place in history as the PM who took the UK out of the EU, and by damn she's going to get it.

Edited by L00b
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25 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:


You do realise the referendum simply asked Leave or Remain?


A Norway deal means that we have left the EU. The referendum question made no mention of the single market!

Most people would consider the Norway situation so close, as to not really have left.

It's akin to TM taking a flight from Brussels to London and proclaiming to have 'left the EU' 😀

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20 hours ago, ez8004 said:


You know there is a reason why the financial centre is in London right?  What kind of incentives are you going to give them?  What incentives are you going to give to HSBC which turns over $51bn/year to move away from their home?  Cheap rates?  REALLY?

Obviously I don't mean the likes of HSBC. Incentivising some companies to choose locations other than just London is hardly a radical idea, so quit with the faux shock.

20 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

So as it stands in January 2019, the runners and riders are now as folows:


No deal Brexit 10%


Teresa May's deal 35%


A second referendum 53%


Remain in the EU 54%


Can someone explain to me why people are still banging on about leaving the EU being the will of the people?


Certainly not the people being questioned in aii the recent polls. 🙄


How well did the polls do at predicting the actual result? Oh yes, I've remembered. They showed remain would be clear winners. Polls mean nothing, there's only the actual result that counts.

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37 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:


You do realise the referendum simply asked Leave or Remain?


A Norway deal means that we have left the EU. The referendum question made no mention of the single market!

Norway has to abide by single market rules and we would have to abide by them to. We voted to leave the EU. Single market rules are freedom of movement of labour, services, goods, capital that isn't leaving.

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37 minutes ago, tzijlstra said:

So in completely unexpected news - May has declared that it is her deal or... well, not a lot. We are still at the beckon and call of May and Corbyn power-struggles with no regard at all for the people involved.


(except I no longer have to pay £65 for the pleasure of getting an unclear status)

It's a European deal as well. 


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41 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

You might not like it but leaving the EU is leaving the EU. That was the option on the ballot paper. As I said earlier, the single market was not mentioned.

It's nothing to do whether I like it or not. But we did vote to leave the EU and it's institutions not to be bound by them that is leaving.

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4 minutes ago, hobinfoot said:

It's nothing to do whether I like it or not. But we did vote to leave the EU and it's institutions not to be bound by them that is leaving.

leave is leave, doesnt matter if its up to your standard or not

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