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The Consequences of Brexit [Part 6] READ FIRST POST BEFORE COMMENTING

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56 minutes ago, I1L2T3 said:

The key for me is being able to return later on good terms if we need to


There has to be a halfway house with this

There is no halfway house.


Once we leave the EU we can never return on the favourable terms we have now. Any return would mean joining the Schengen area and ditching Sterling and joining the €uro zone. That's why most Europeans think that we are bonkers. We have a way better deal than any other EU member and we are threatening to throw it all away.

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7 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

There is no halfway house.


Once we leave the EU we can never return on the favourable terms we have now. Any return would mean joining the Schengen area and ditching Sterling and joining the €uro zone. That's why most Europeans think that we are bonkers. We have a way better deal than any other EU member and we are threatening to throw it all away.

Then it’s accept May’s deal or stay


There are no other options 


No deal is in reality going to be May’s deal minus a few bits and pieces, once we have had to immediately sign up (on an emergency basis) for several hundred agreements that underpin the basic functioning of our country

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12 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

There is no halfway house.


Once we leave the EU we can never return on the favourable terms we have now. Any return would mean joining the Schengen area and ditching Sterling and joining the €uro zone. That's why most Europeans think that we are bonkers. We have a way better deal than any other EU member and we are threatening to throw it all away.

And for what? 

Edited by blackydog
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3 hours ago, hobinfoot said:

Can we stay in a CU and make our own trade deals? And  can we stay in a CU and not be bound by EU rules ? If the answer is yes then it could work if not then it's a non starter.

I'd guess - and only guess - that we could set up trade deals with other countries. China has one with Norway which appears to be independent from any EU deal. But if we, or Norway or China, want to deal with the EU we'd have to abide by certain standards. If we leave the EU we have no say on those standards.

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14 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

I'd guess - and only guess - that we could set up trade deals with other countries. China has one with Norway which appears to be independent from any EU deal. But if we, or Norway or China, want to deal with the EU we'd have to abide by certain standards. If we leave the EU we have no say on those standards.

I'm not so sure we have had much say in those standards while we are a member anyway, but it probably depends on what standards you are talking about. 

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Just now, apelike said:

I'm not so sure we have had much say in those standards while we are a member anyway, but it probably depends on what standards you are talking about. 

Ladders. Let's say ladders. New EU standards out superseding existing ones. In reality, it doesnt look much more than rewording of our own standards. There are ladder manufacturers in the uk who will still have to produce and label those ladders to eu standards whether we are in or out if the ladder manufacturers want to sell to the EU. Obviously if we go out hard, those ladders will no doubt be subject to tariffs as well.


What makes you think we haven't had any say? What probably happened is that nobody gave a toss and just rubber stamped it. Can you imagine farage and his mates giving such regulations a careful study? I cant!

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1 minute ago, tinfoilhat said:

What makes you think we haven't had any say? What probably happened is that nobody gave a toss and just rubber stamped it. 

I said I doubt if we have had much say as EU standards are nothing to do with Governments and are set by CEN from members of the many different standards organisations in the member countries.  Our one for instance is the BSI and we cooperate to try and make the standards the same in each country, those standards are also not compulsory. If we do join the EFTA then we can also carry on with them.

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6 hours ago, Bargepole23 said:

I suspect the population of this country would be happy for Parliament to call for another referendum, in order to move on.


Are you suggesting there would national unrest, rioting etc? Maybe briefly, but the general population soon move on.


A new referendum would be entirely within the democratic process, so there should be no cause for complaint on either side. That's what democracies do.

Wrong on all three counts. 

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4 hours ago, ez8004 said:

Are you intellectually challenged? What was he supposed to do? Do nothing and let the economy tank and then sit back and say “I told you so”? He didn’t and did all he could to effectively prove himself wrong. Do you know why? Because that is what his job actually is for. To keep the U.K. economy in check and do everything they can to prevent serious shocks. 

Yes, right.  He should have been arrested for abuse of power in participating in project fear. 

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