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Another Grooming Gang Charged - This Time In Sheffield

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On 14/03/2019 at 14:02, woodview said:

When someone has used the word 'coloured' inappropriately, or said they disapprove of gay marriage, they are all over it, like it's the worst thing that has ever happened.

When children have been raped by the unspoken ones, it can be ignored. This is why the crimes were allowed to continue for so long. Same mentality as people running things.

The gang have been charged, will be convicted and will spend a very long time inside.
Do you particularly need to see people post to say that this is a good thing?  Or that it should never be allowed to happen or is horrific?

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You need to read  the book "Easy Meat" to see the real extent of this problem and why the establishment, including the police, the media, polititians both local and national, social services, and even schools were  desperate for the horrific truth to come out. How they sacrificed hundreds of thousands of children on the alter of social cohesion. They saw their lives as a price worth paying.


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It's critical in all these cases to understand how the crime can stay hidden 

In closed communities, like the catholic church and care homes, they had methods. These asian gangs are a more random group. Understanding how they find each other and bring up the topic and continue with the crimes, without the whole thing being exposed is unbelievable. That needs to be tackled, as well as the individual crime.

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55 minutes ago, woodview said:

It's critical in all these cases to understand how the crime can stay hidden 

In closed communities, like the catholic church and care homes, they had methods. These asian gangs are a more random group. Understanding how they find each other and bring up the topic and continue with the crimes, without the whole thing being exposed is unbelievable. That needs to be tackled, as well as the individual crime.

Saying Asian  gangs is grossly unfair to an entire continent. Its predominantly Pakistani males.

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1 hour ago, K1Machine said:

Saying Asian  gangs is grossly unfair to an entire continent. Its predominantly Pakistani males.

Either way, it isn't a reflection on asians as a whole or on pakistani males as a whole, so it's not unfair on anybody. The fact remains, these predominantly pakistani male gangs were able to form and operate. Understanding how that could happen is vital to Police and social services.

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2 hours ago, woodview said:

Either way, it isn't a reflection on asians as a whole or on pakistani males as a whole, so it's not unfair on anybody. The fact remains, these predominantly pakistani male gangs were able to form and operate. Understanding how that could happen is vital to Police and social services.

Tell that to the Chinese, Japanese,,, etc who get tarred with the grooming brush.


It happened and continued to happen because people did not want to be labelled racist for calling out this disgusting behaviour. Political correctness contributed to damaging 1000's and 1000's of young girls lives.

Edited by K1Machine
PC playing silly buggers.
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55 minutes ago, K1Machine said:

Tell that to the Chinese, Japanese,,, etc who get tarred with the grooming brush.


It happened and continued to happen because people did not want to be labelled racist for calling out this disgusting behaviour. Political correctness contributed to damaging 1000's and 1000's of young girls lives.

I don't get what point you're making. I know that pc behaviour and fear of talking about the elephant in the room was one of the major contributor s to the disgraces that have happened in Rotherham and elsewhere.

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3 hours ago, woodview said:

Either way, it isn't a reflection on asians as a whole or on pakistani males as a whole, so it's not unfair on anybody. The fact remains, these predominantly pakistani male gangs were able to form and operate. Understanding how that could happen is vital to Police and social services.

The gangs are likely still forming and operating - there is ample opportunity to do so and little chances initially of getting caught. Social services can't restrict children from broken homes or in fact broken and dysfunctional homes and unfortunately they are the vulnerable in society. The ones society reports for hanging on street corners, being a public nuisance 'cos they have nowhere to go and when someone gives them the slightest recognition and positivity they fall easily into the trap. That misses out all the nuances of how it happens - but society is just as much to blame for them being vulnerable.

But is it worse than the 5 year old who doesn't want to visit her estranged father any more because of what he asks her to do for him or the step daughter getting molested by an older step brother with no where to turn.(These are live cases within your police force btw)

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35 minutes ago, woodview said:

I don't get what point you're making. I know that pc behaviour and fear of talking about the elephant in the room was one of the major contributor s to the disgraces that have happened in Rotherham and elsewhere.

I was making two points really. One of them you hit on the head with the post I quoted but the other point I was making is that the word "Asian" is bandied around when we talk about these creatures. To say "Asian" does a disservices to the many millions who live in Asia as we all know the vast majority of the perpetrators were Pakistani Muslims. For some reason the PC brigade just dont like people being specific.


Oh and before anyone starts, Am I saying all muslim men rape little girls?


Am I saying all Pakistani men rape little girls?


But facts are facts, the majority of these perverts are Pakistani Muslim men.

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2 hours ago, K1Machine said:

Tell that to the Chinese, Japanese,,, etc who get tarred with the grooming brush.


It happened and continued to happen because people did not want to be labelled racist for calling out this disgusting behaviour. Political correctness contributed to damaging 1000's and 1000's of young girls lives.

Yet you were prepared to malign all Pakistani males, not just the guilty ones.

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