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Bloody Sunday. This Might Be A Lively Topic.

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2 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Arguably there is no "new evidence" in the case of the Bloody Sunday soldiers, but their is evidence that some soldiers lied while under oath and their "evidence" needs to be tested in Court.

I don't know if if this formed part of the investigation but there is certainly a case to be answered for Attempting to Pervert the Course of Justice, not just by operational officers on the ground but press and PR officers for the police and army and maybe even some members of the press who at the time who knowingly colluded in presenting an alternative narrative to protect the guilty.

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20 hours ago, Halibut said:

Again, utter nonsense, and utterly without foundation.

So we have a poster who states "hundreds of rounds were fired" and there were "thousands of people".


I reiterate, it is impossible to fire hundreds of rounds into thousands of people and the result is only 14 dead. Had it happened like that, there would have been hundeds killed. More than likely a couple of dozen shots were fired, resulting in the 14 fatalities.



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2 minutes ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

So we have a poster who states "hundreds of rounds were fired" and there were "thousands of people".


I reiterate, it is impossible to fire hundreds of rounds into thousands of people and the result is only 14 dead. Had it happened like that, there would have been hundeds killed. More than likely a couple of dozen shots were fired, resulting in the 14 fatalities.



So, you dont know how far away they were, but you know it's impossible.


Case closed, angel has it sorted.

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I'm surprised no-one has posted a link to the primary conclusions of the Bloody Sunday Enquiry. It makes for damning reading.




'We have concluded that the explanation for such firing by Support Company soldiers after they had gone into the Bogside was in most cases probably the mistaken belief among them that republican paramilitaries were responding in force to their arrival in the Bogside. This belief was initiated by the first shots fired by Lieutenant N and reinforced by the further shots that followed soon after. In this belief soldiers reacted by losing their self-control and firing themselves, forgetting or ignoring their instructions and training and failing to satisfy themselves that they had identified targets posing a threat of causing death or serious injury. In the case of those soldiers who fired in either the knowledge or belief that no-one in the areas into which they fired was posing a threat of causing death or serious injury, or not caring whether or not anyone there was posing such a threat, it is at least possible that they did so in the indefensible belief that all the civilians they fired at were probably either members of the Provisional or Official IRA or were supporters of one or other of these paramilitary organisations; and so deserved to be shot notwithstanding that they were not armed or posing any threat of causing death or serious injury. Our overall conclusion is that there was a serious and widespread loss of fire discipline among the soldiers of Support Company.

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This is an absolute disgrace. The soldiers were only there originally to keep the peace within the communities. Obviously panic set in and civilians were killed.

A lot of water has gone under the bridge since then, culminating with the good Friday agreement.

You either agree to move on or this will drag on forever.


What about the terrorists who are responsible for Enniskillan, Manchester, Birmingham, Warrenpoint.? Lord Mountbatten? These people are now walking the streets without fear of prosecution.


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21 hours ago, PRESLEY said:

 It would make sense  about 5.56  but From the footage I have seen in the past they  looked like they were carrying Wooden Stock SLR' s which  changed gradually to black plastic stocks,  It was the  standard infantry weapon after the Le-enfield 303.  Eventually some 303' s were converted to 7.62  for Sniper purpose. They were deemed more accurate at a  greater distance. 

I bow to your knowledge of the weapon used, sounds right.



Edited by ANGELFIRE1
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Portellos comments on this week resonated with me, he said this was all known at the time, for political reasons it was buried, now for political reasons soldier f is looking at being prosecuted.  After living with this for 47 years is it natural justice. Remember they were very immature young lads


I was in N Irland during the now called troubles and could site a lot of experiences. I was in my 20,s ,  was a lot less mature than I was when I was in my thirties.


 Sgt Michael Willets GC of 3rd Battalion the Parachute regiment whos sacrifice inspired this song.  by Havey Andrews, which was banned in the UK



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17 hours ago, phil752 said:

Portellos comments on this week resonated with me, he said this was all known at the time, for political reasons it was buried, now for political reasons soldier f is looking at being prosecuted.  After living with this for 47 years is it natural justice. Remember they were very immature young lads


I was in N Irland during the now called troubles and could site a lot of experiences. I was in my 20,s ,  was a lot less mature than I was when I was in my thirties.


 Sgt Michael Willets GC of 3rd Battalion the Parachute regiment whos sacrifice inspired this song.  by Havey Andrews, which was banned in the UK



What can you say, he was the kind of man you would not meet every day. A true Hero. I hope his God has been good to him, where ever he is.


As for the song, very good. As a folkie I am surprised I have never heard it before now.



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