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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

Message added by mort

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16 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

I thought that posting links without comment, was against forum rules. It is also pretty intellectually bankrupt.


Allow me to comment for you:


What total hogwash. The true betrayal of democracy will take place if BoJo railroads a no deal Brexit through against the wishes of our parliament.


If that happens, you leavers will deserve all you get. 

Comment,- Consequence of remoaners?


And I think this chap, Lord James of Blackheath CBE may be a bit more in the know than a couple of non entities on this forum.

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5 minutes ago, retep said:

Comment,- Consequence of remoaners?


And I think this chap, Lord James of Blackheath CBE may be a bit more in the know than a couple of non entities on this forum.

He’s got his own coat of arms, I grant you. But he’s an octogenarian, gammony, Tory buffoon.


He clearly knows very little about our democracy. Not atypical for a member of the upper house.

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1 hour ago, retep said:

Comment,- Consequence of remoaners?


And I think this chap, Lord James of Blackheath CBE may be a bit more in the know than a couple of non entities on this forum.

The Queen abdicating!!!


Come on dude, you’ve been done up like a kipper swallowing that nonsense



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3 hours ago, I1L2T3 said:

What’s the endgame? Sooner or later people will realise. Extremist politics always fails


It does eventually. But here, and in the states there are two - let’s call them unconventional- leaders who are in power with willing right wing acolytes and media at their disposal. Both countries weren’t in deep recession or at war - situations which are normally required for extremism to thrive. Trump and brexit have been carefully manufactured (and I don’t really know by whom) and they won’t go away quietly.


Trump will win again and if it’s managed well enough by Johnson’s friends in the media he might just sneak in at the next election. 

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14 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

It does eventually. But here, and in the states there are two - let’s call them unconventional- leaders who are in power with willing right wing acolytes and media at their disposal. Both countries weren’t in deep recession or at war - situations which are normally required for extremism to thrive. Trump and brexit have been carefully manufactured (and I don’t really know by whom) and they won’t go away quietly.


Trump will win again and if it’s managed well enough by Johnson’s friends in the media he might just sneak in at the next election. 

The conditions were certainly there in the U.K.: a financial crash and years of austerity

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13 hours ago, I1L2T3 said:

What’s the endgame? Sooner or later people will realise. Extremist politics always fails

Yes they are easy to influence but they are also quick to blame. The key is directing the blame at the people who deserve it

I think the only way the wind can be taken out of the sails of the maniacs in governement and Parliament, and their deluded followers, is for them all to have a hard Brexit with the WA deal, or the hardest of Brexits with no deal (either/or is fine). Once they stand in the ruins, they will know they were wrong. 

Because otherwise, should they feel 'cheated' out of it, we'll never hear the end of this excrement.

This doesn't mean that those of right mind should bow down to Brexiters, or give over to them, but I don't believe that there is enough determined, concerted resistance to avoid what looks inevitable now, never mind within a useful timescale before Halloween.


People are just worn down and fed up with it, they'll take anything to make it 'end' (of course, we all know that this will only be the beginning: there's an FTA to negotiate, and once the UK is a 3rd party country,  it'll take years). And that goes for the EU27 just as much as for the UK (though it's far less in headlines, and far less frequent in news here).

A referendum at this stage is a non runner I think, not before a GE anyway. A GE might be the only alternative to a crashout Brexit.

It is literally unbelievable how the UK government are behaving right now, they are every bit as bad as Trump, and in some ways worse. Trump is a bit 'off', but people like Gove are clever. Sneaky and deceitful, but clever. 

The UK has gone full on  withthe Cummings method now: manipulating people with populist 'us against them', nationalist rhetoric. It was very disturbing to see when Johnson, Raab, Javid and Gove all kept repeating the new mantra: 'the undemocratic backstop'. They will keep repeating it untill it is the first thing anyone (particularly Brexiteers) think when they hear the word 'backstop' (undemocratic). It's Goebbels-level propaganda techniques. 

Gove also trying to frame the UK bluff, as the EU refusing to negotiate, is utterly contemptible, but that seems to be official UK policy now: play the biggest game of chicken there ever was, look how big our massive British balls are.


Well, they are risking the livelihoods and welfare of millions of UK and EU citizens, and for what? Nonsense. Very few adults in the room, and no saving them from themselves.


The longer this goes on, and the worse the rhetoric gets, the less we EU27 actually want to save Brits from themselves. As things stand, I'd expect a very cutting "I told you so" from Macron to his fellow EU26 heads of state, when he categorically refuses another extension. 


Just go.

Edited by L00b
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4 minutes ago, retep said:

So come on what's her alternative if she doesn't keep her oath?

LOL, the full on 110% project fear, from an advisory referendum to the destruction of the monarchy and crown in 2 easy steps LOL

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  • Brexit is essentially a coup pulled off at the behest of tax-dodging corporations and misanthropic investors.
  • Their only concern for ‘taking back control’ is to rid their own businesses of EU tax laws, financial regulations and employee rights.
  • They have been systematically misleading the British public to hate the EU through a constant supply of anti-EU propaganda and lies.
  • They are sponsoring their friends and collaborators in the Conservative Party to bring about a no-deal Brexit.
  • They are on course to instigate social and economic changes that will turn the UK (or what’s left of it) into an enormous cash cow for their own self-interest.
  • They are abusing democracy to create a plutocracy.
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