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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

Message added by mort

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Just now, ads36 said:

It seems we've more-or-less completely moved onto the 'who can we blame?' phase...


And of course, the answer is : all those people who said it was a bad idea in the first place.

And don't forget johnny foreigner.

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30 minutes ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

He he, you remoaners lack the brain power to wind up a clockwork toy, never mind the17.5 million leavers. Just stick to your anti-British stance, so we leavers can have a good laugh at you insane ramblings. God I love this forum and its resident clowns.



If we get a no deal brexit, Scotland will leave, northern Ireland will join Ireland. Britain will cease to exist.


It's you that's being anti- British by continuing support a no deal brexit. And, again, you can't see that either.

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22 minutes ago, Longcol said:

The leave campaign never thought they'd win so they made all sorts of crazy promises they were unable to keep. Why should people have "united" behind a decision to potentially make themselves much worse off?


And how many deals have you negotiated? We're walking away from a deal that is better than no deal -May's deal was at least realistic unlike the cake and eat it deals with added unicorns sold to Brexit voters.

The leave campaign were in no position to offer any promises. The leave campaign only  provided a vision statement.


I 've been self employment for most of my adult life and have negotiated too many deals to remember and walked away from deals which I didn't think were good.  Theresa May's deal was rejected because  nearly all of the Labour Party did so  for mainly political reasons, it was rejected by both the Liberal Dems  and SNP because both of these parties want to remain in the EU and rejected by other individual MPs because they also don't want our country to leave the EU.  

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6 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

The leave campaign were in no position to offer any promises. The leave campaign only  provided a vision statement.

At least something we can agree on.


I’m fed up with farmers and fishermen whining on about what new subsidies and agreements they were promised during the referendum campaign, to replace EU subsidies. Those promises were made by ad men, focus groups, Russian facebook trolls and politicians like Farage who had no authority to promise anything.

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14 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

The leave campaign were in no position to offer any promises. The leave campaign only  provided a vision statement.


hahahaha jesus its like living in an altered reality


there was NEVER a vision, there still ISNT a vision, just nonsense

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15 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

I don’t know about Angelfire himself but if he’s anything like the reactionary old Brexit supporting blokes I know, it’s because he has watched the world move on over his lifetime and it has left him and all his certainties behind.


He has watched ‘poofs’ being made legal and if that wasn’t enough, they want to be able to hold hands in the street and get married.

I have a gay nephew who I love most dearly.




They have watched ‘darkies’ become integrated into our society with children and grandchildren who see themselves as every bit British as the white folk.

We also have a "darkie",  your insulting term, not mine, in our family.


They have seen women take on a greater and greater role in our society. They are no longer content to stay at home, look after the kids and make themselves available for a drunken and unpleasant ‘bunk-up’ when their man gets home on a Friday night. Women no longer know their place and it was much better when all it took was a good slap to keep them there.     

When my wife was Union rep at her workplace, I actively backed her 150% in all she did to make the workplace better for all, that means men and WOMEN. I see you refer to "slapping women", probably how you get your rocks off I suspect.


They have watched mosques popping up, which they fear and resent despite never going to church themselves.

My reply to this is very simple, I certainly have NO FEAR of any mosque any where - FACT.  As a  confirmed Atheist its all mubo jumbo to me, the Dandy and Beano make more sense than some sky dwelling deity.


They have felt emasculated by a modern society which is constantly telling them that they can no longer behave as they did when they were in their twenties when it was  “so what if you put your hand up a workmate’s skirt and had a quick grope. They liked it. They must have done because they never complained.”

I have to admit in my younger days I eagerly chased many young ladies of my age group. Those I caught were treated with the upmost respect, as I was taught from a very early age to RESPECT  yes  RESPECT what many called in those days , the weaker sex.  As a male, you put ladies first, you opened doors for them, you let them through first, if you took a lady out you looked out for them, always walked on the outside of them, if you ordered a drink for them  the lady was asked what she wanted to drink and always received it first. I have my doubts you recognise any of these things.  I forgot to add, if you were "lucky" enough to get a bit of "slap and tickle" as it was called in those days, it was ALWAYS with the ladies consent PERIOD.


So to them Brexit is not about the EU. To be fair, most of them have no idea what the EU is or does. No, Brexit to them is about a fightback against progress. Against modernity. Against political correctness. Against the challenge to the hegemony of the white male. They absolutely believe that the white, middle aged male is an oppressed minority despite every single metric showing that is still by far the most privileged group in society.

" So to them Brexit is not about the EU. " Have you been out in the sun, the mind boggles. Of course it is about the corrupt institution of the EU which Brexit opposes. I am against some political correctness which at times simply is above my comprehension. As for the "white middle aged male" at 70 I am well past that era and cannot really speak for them.



This anger and resentment runs deep, which is why they are prepared to see our society burn to achieve something which they thought had been lost forever. The problem is, it really has been lost for ever. Trump, Farage and Bolsonaro are rich men who are trying to make themselves richer. They aren’t going to give you back your ‘all-white’ Britain with beer 2/6d a pint.

I suspect Trump and Farage  have enough brass to live on without having to "burn society" to gain more. As for the Bolsonaro charachter, I know little of his personal wealth. As for  ‘all-white’ Britain with beer 2/6d a pint."  I remember a couple of drinks in the pub, a couple of gallons of petrol for the bike and a bag of chips and change from a quid.



You can’t turn back time.

Wow, that's a bit philosophical to come from your pen.




So you see your whole post is a complete diatribe of complete and utter rubbish when applied to me.  No doubt lauded by your remoaning acolytes though.





Edited by ANGELFIRE1
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1 hour ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

I have a gay nephew who I love most dearly.

We also have a "darkie",  your insulting term, not mine, in our family.

When my wife was Union rep at her workplace, I actively backed her 150% in all she did to make the workplace better for all, that means men and WOMEN. I see you refer to "slapping women", probably how you get your rocks off I suspect.

My reply to this is very simple, I certainly have NO FEAR of any mosque any where - FACT.  As a  confirmed Atheist its all mubo jumbo to me, the Dandy and Beano make more sense than some sky dwelling deity.

I have to admit in my younger days I eagerly chased many young ladies of my age group. Those I caught were treated with the upmost respect, as I was taught from a very early age to RESPECT  yes  RESPECT what many called in those days , the weaker sex.  As a male, you put ladies first, you opened doors for them, you let them through first, if you took a lady out you looked out for them, always walked on the outside of them, if you ordered a drink for them  the lady was asked what she wanted to drink and always received it first. I have my doubts you recognise any of these things.  I forgot to add, if you were "lucky" enough to get a bit of "slap and tickle" as it was called in those days, it was ALWAYS with the ladies consent PERIOD.

" So to them Brexit is not about the EU. " Have you been out in the sun, the mind boggles. Of course it is about the corrupt institution of the EU which Brexit opposes. I am against some political correctness which at times simply is above my comprehension. As for the "white middle aged male" at 70 I am well past that era and cannot really speak for them.

I suspect Trump and Farage  have enough brass to live on without having to "burn society" to gain more. As for the Bolsonaro charachter, I know little of his personal wealth. As for  ‘all-white’ Britain with beer 2/6d a pint."  I remember a couple of drinks in the pub, a couple of gallons of petrol for the bike and a bag of chips and change from a quid.

Wow, that's a bit philosophical to come from your pen.




So you see your whole post is a complete diatribe of complete and utter rubbish when applied to me.  No doubt lauded by your remoaning acolytes though.





Angel1 you are one of the few genuine honest posters who have contributed to the Brexit threads.  You have my up most respect.

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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

At least something we can agree on.


I’m fed up with farmers and fishermen whining on about what new subsidies and agreements they were promised during the referendum campaign, to replace EU subsidies. Those promises were made by ad men, focus groups, Russian facebook trolls and politicians like Farage who had no authority to promise anything.

If the Fyre Festival did politics.....

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4 hours ago, melthebell said:

hahahaha jesus its like living in an altered reality


there was NEVER a vision, there still ISNT a vision, just nonsense

I know some MPs have said that we will still support farmers etc. but what about the UK moving to be a free trading nation?

If we do become a free trading nation, the exchequer will no longer receive the £3 billion due to EU tariffs.

Will we increase taxes to make up for that lost £3 billion or cut the NHS or other public services?

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