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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

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1 minute ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

Not at all, just an honest appraisal of how the EU dish out money. Which part of my post was gibberish do you think. I am not a Brextremist  either, just a voter who chose to leave the EU rather than stay in its clutches, paying large amounts in and receiving little out. We have schools who need more money, we have a health service that needs more money, we pay our pensioners who have worked for 50 years a pittance of a pension. There are 3.5 million children allegedly growing up in poverty who could do with more money. Cold weather kills 20000 a year, many of them have to pick either heating or eating, they could do with more money. 

Charity should begin at home, not sponsoring the EU to spend our BILLIONS on their pet schemes.



all that admirable stuff and yet you want to make our economy worse, well done :rolleyes:

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2 minutes ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

Not at all, just an honest appraisal of how the EU dish out money. Which part of my post was gibberish do you think. I am not a Brextremist  either, just a voter who chose to leave the EU rather than stay in its clutches, paying large amounts in and receiving little out. We have schools who need more money, we have a health service that needs more money, we pay our pensioners who have worked for 50 years a pittance of a pension. There are 3.5 million children allegedly growing up in poverty who could do with more money. Cold weather kills 20000 a year, many of them have to pick either heating or eating, they could do with more money. 

Charity should begin at home, not sponsoring the EU to spend our BILLIONS on their pet schemes.



Sounds a little like the £350m per week to be spent on the NHS.

I don’t think that the right wing Tories are thinking along the same lines as you are.

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12 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Sounds a little like the £350m per week to be spent on the NHS.

I don’t think that the right wing Tories are thinking along the same lines as you are.

I can understand a Tory supporting right winger who is diametrically opposed to any sort of socialism (which the EU has at its core) voting to leave the EU. I think they have made a poor choice by voting for brexit, but I can understand their decision.


However I just cannot understand the mindset of a more left leaning voter who thinks that leaving the EU will result in any improvement to the lot of the poorer in society. Pressures will come to bear on workers’ rights, safety in the workplace, environmental pollution standards, etc, as attempts are made to reel in and abolish those European Directives which are demonised as being anti competitive.

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41 minutes ago, Eater Sundae said:

I can understand a Tory supporting right winger who is diametrically opposed to any sort of socialism (which the EU has at its core) voting to leave the EU. I think they have made a poor choice by voting for brexit, but I can understand their decision.


However I just cannot understand the mindset of a more left leaning voter who thinks that leaving the EU will result in any improvement to the lot of the poorer in society. Pressures will come to bear on workers’ rights, safety in the workplace, environmental pollution standards, etc, as attempts are made to reel in and abolish those European Directives which are demonised as being anti competitive.

Can I ask all Remainers on here if they believe that the Tories are going to be in power forever? Because that is the only way that workers rights might come under attack.


Why do so many Remainers believe that the Tories will not be destroyed by Brexit but strengthened?

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12 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

Can I ask all Remainers on here if they believe that the Tories are going to be in power forever? Because that is the only way that workers rights might come under attack.


Why do so many Remainers believe that the Tories will not be destroyed by Brexit but strengthened?

Problem is a Tory Brexit would destroy the Tories but it will also destroy Labour (for being complicit in the process) and tank the economy.


The price for the prize is way too high.

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2 hours ago, Car Boot said:

Can I ask all Remainers on here if they believe that the Tories are going to be in power forever? Because that is the only way that workers rights might come under attack.


Why do so many Remainers believe that the Tories will not be destroyed by Brexit but strengthened?

The Tories have been in charge since 1979.


There was a brief pause in the late 90’s and noughties  when we had a lurch to the right under St Anthony. 


So, yes, pretty much. The evidence does point towards Tories or pseudo-Tories staying in charge forever.


Unless, of course, you and Wolfie Smith have a rabbit to pull out of your collective hat.

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5 hours ago, Car Boot said:

Can I ask all Remainers on here if they believe that the Tories are going to be in power forever? Because that is the only way that workers rights might come under attack.


Why do so many Remainers believe that the Tories will not be destroyed by Brexit but strengthened?

If you get your brexit it will be because the tories made it so, with the referendum and the erg.  Obviously it will be milk, honey and zero contracts for all - but the tories will quite probably win the next election.

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3 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

If you get your brexit it will be because the tories made it so, with the referendum and the erg.  Obviously it will be milk, honey and zero contracts for all - but the tories will quite probably win the next election.

Maybe, maybe not.  


However, if we don't get Brexit, then I can tell you who will win the next election, and it won't be pretty. 

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If the anti-EU vote in the EU parliamentary elections comes top of the poll will Remainers declare that the votes are not valid and should be ignored again as they are from supposedly old, stupid and racist poor people?

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