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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

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Peston was saying that conditions the EU may impose on us to extend Article 50 could be either a second referendum or the government is forced to consult the opposition to come up with a 'Brexit of national unity' ie a customs union.


Does anyone else see the irony that the vote to 'take back control' may end up with our immediate destiny being wholly decided by the EU?

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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Absolutely right!


The 17.5 million people who voted to leave the EU have done the most to hinder progress in Brussels.

The only progress Brussels cares about is for ever closer political and economic union. 


If the 17.5 million have somehow hindered this then they are heroes in my book.

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5 hours ago, FinBak said:

I voted LEAVE 2 years ago.  I'm sick and tired of hearing about the whole fiasco.


We should leave. We don't need ANY Deals. This is BRITAIN....It's us that call the shots.

Unfortunately the EU has bought and paid for the majority of our establishment elite and they are desperate to keep us in - at any cost. This establishment elite has been prepared from the beginning to put on a public show of utter shambolic incompetence in order to ensure we Remain in their beloved bosses club.


It's all been carefully planned and calculated from the moment that they knew they were going to lose the vote. Nothing has happened by chance. They were never going to allow us to Leave.


Edited by Car Boot
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10 hours ago, L00b said:

You've proven nothing more than your bias, disavowing any relevance of Brexit howsoever so long as there is at least one non-Brexit factor involved. What I stated above, is plainly clear: articles about job losses without Brexit as a direct or indirect factor aren't included (else the list would cover every last job loss in the UK since the referendum, and that runs significantly higher than 217,000 :rolleyes:)

But they are included as I have shown as many of those I have cited are plainly not brexit related as you well can see. The only bias is coming from the person who compiled that data and set his own rules as to how it is brexit related.



Feel free to continue taking issue with the dataset: it doesn't invalidate the fundamental point that Brexit has already cost thousands upon thousands of jobs (75,000 if you only look at articles giving EU moving/relocation as a factor).

I was not trying to invalidate any point about job losses because of brexit, that is something you are doing, I was disclaiming what the article and data seemed to imply that the data shown is all brexit related when its very clear that it is not.



Well, do you support Brexit or not?


Have you not consistently argued and opined in favour of it on here, for the last 2+ years?


You can try and shift the blame on the government and Parliament...but they're only trying to do as you instructed, argued and opined: so you get to wear the outcome just the same...

Yes I support brexit and yes I have argued in favour of it. What you fail to understand that the brexit I and others wanted is so far not being delivered by parliament and that is not because of me but because of parliament so yes, I can shift the blame but I will be happy to wear it if when we do leave.





9 hours ago, tzijlstra said:

You mean it is like the advisory referendum that landed us in the current situation?

No because its parliament that set the rules and with the referendum they endorsed the outcome. Once that was done my role in it finished.

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2 hours ago, Litotes said:

Has any harm been done to the UK in this period since June 2016?

Depends on what you call harm but basically no, we are still here and functioning.



Or is that the good time when brexit is put to another referendum and forcefully rejected by the UK electorate? Or won't the brexit camp allow democracy prevail?

IT is extremely unlikely that brexit will be put to another referendum anytime soon but maybe democracy will prevail and another one called sometime in the future after we have left.

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11 hours ago, woodview said:

The over-egging of project fear, and no-deal Armageddon stories, pushed out by government, made it clear to the eu how much it was feared. That isn't how to conduct a negotiation.

If you've ever done any of any significance you'll know, surely.

No deal would cause serious damage to our country. That is not in dispute, and even the government’s own assessments paint a bleak picture.


But forget our government’s assessments for a minute and look at those from the IMF, OECD etc...


They are grim. Universally grim.

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8 hours ago, woodview said:

No deal is the worse option, ive said that already. Its the same , though, what is not fine? Things being not as favourable as the other option doesn't mean not fine.

My post referred to Ardent remainers, who have made the negotiating position worse.

As can be seen in the last few posts here, some are like jackals waiting to lash at anybody with a differing view to themselves. That doesn't hold for most remain voters.

Her other cat, Remain has told it the birds and mice will eat it if it goes outside.

By saying remainers are not allowed to oppose and challenge you are saying they should forego their democratic rights to opposition. And just stay quiet.


Seriously, you have some nerve saying these things.


The way to counter it was to produce a credible vision of what Brexit would be like, to deal with issues and concerns in a rational way. What actually happened was very different and you have been a big part of that in recent months on this forum. 

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2 hours ago, I1L2T3 said:

By saying remainers are not allowed to oppose and challenge you are saying they should forego their democratic rights to opposition. And just stay quiet.


Seriously, you have some nerve saying these things.


The way to counter it was to produce a credible vision of what Brexit would be like, to deal with issues and concerns in a rational way. What actually happened was very different and you have been a big part of that in recent months on this forum. 

I have got lot's of nerve, that's very true. Our leaders should be able to show even higher levels of belief, vision and true leadership.


The exit process hasn't been shaped by any of us. I doubt our prime Minister or our President read this forum, least of all are guided by it.

I'm talking principally about Parliamentarians and Civil servants. Debate and discussion is always good in my book. However the rigid, my-way-or-the-highway approach taken by too many in positions to guide the process has failed us. That includes ardent remainers in the House, as well as their ERG and DUP equivalents.

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2 minutes ago, woodview said:

I have got lot's of nerve, that's very true. Our leaders should be able to show even higher levels of belief, vision and true leadership.


The exit process hasn't been shaped by any of us. I doubt our prime Minister or our President read this forum, least of all are guided by it.

I'm talking principally about Parliamentarians and Civil servants. Debate and discussion is always good in my book. However the rigid, my-way-or-the-highway approach taken by too many in positions to guide the process has failed us. That includes ardent remainers in the House, as well as their ERG and DUP equivalents.

I’m not saying this forum is influencing the PM


What I’m saying is there are groups of irresponsible individuals in the electorate, in media, in politics etc.... consuming messaging that includes lies and myths, and then propagating those myths and lies.


You are doing that. So you are part of the problem.

11 minutes ago, woodview said:

Is that what you think we should all do?


If so it makes no deal look like a wretched idea.

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