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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

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2 hours ago, hobinfoot said:

If the EU has to do border checks on the republics side then let them.

It's not just the EU that has to do checks, so does the UK (for the reasons already explained).


That transition to WTO isn't going to go very well for the UK if we start in a position that breaches the rules at the WTO :?


2 hours ago, hobinfoot said:

But it’s like a stuck record putting the blame of a potential hard border on the UK.

The UK has rejected a deal that would have avoided a hard border.. .who else is there to blame?

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2 hours ago, Lockdoctor said:

There are  technological solutions to make it not necessary to do border checks. 



Then why is it that anyone involved in the development of these technologies is saying that they are 10-15 years away from being implemented?


The ONLY people saying that there are technological solutions are crackpot Brexit supporters who have never shown a shred of evidence that they exist.

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2 hours ago, Lockdoctor said:

There are  technological solutions to make it not necessary to do border checks.

Nope, there aren't.



Reputable haulage companies will obey all new legislation regarding  any future custom payments just like reputable companies don't fiddle the VAT system which is open to abuse.

The problem isn't reputable companies.



The criminal gangs will continue to make money from smuggling counterfeit cigarettes made in Eastern Europe like they do today across the Irish border.  Fuel and alcohol will also continue to  be traded by the criminal gangs when there is profit to made due to different excise duties in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Smuggling will happen regardless, but they're not smuggled across the Irish Border atm, there isn't one!


If you don't even bother to check you're in breach of WTO MFN rules.



As you say, using the Irish border as an excuse to continue to block the implementation of the democratic 2016 EU referendum result is like a stuck record.

Nope, it's a real issue that Boris can't bluff his way around.

1 hour ago, dvp82 said:

I keep hearing lots about there been technological solutions to the Irish border problem, but what are they and is this technology available now. 

No, it's not available... it doesn't exist, anywhere in the world.

Edited by Magilla
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15 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Which is why I didn’t claim that.


Not dodging at all. Do your own research!

Have you find the link or reference to the study that showed typical leave voters have achieved very little in life yet?


Sorry for not letting it go, but I think claiming such a thing and then saying 'do you own research' isn't really good enough. I know that you know that's not how the burden of proof works. Claims like that are not helpful, particularly when there is no evidence to back it up. 

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3 hours ago, Lockdoctor said:

There are  technological solutions to make it not necessary to do border checks. 

Alright, put up or shut up time: link to these technological solutions, please.

3 hours ago, Lockdoctor said:

As you say, using the Irish border as an excuse to continue to block the implementation of the democratic 2016 EU referendum result is like a stuck record.

The Irish border conundrum (created by the UK's wish to exit the Single Market and the jurisdiction of the CJEU, not just 'exiting he EU' as such) was brought up plenty of times by both trade and legal experts


before the 2016 referendum,

after the 2016 referendum and before Art.50 was triggered,

after Art.50 was triggered,

after the UK government agreed on the basic 3 points of negotiations (divorce bill, citizens' rights, Irish border)

whilever the withdrawal agreement was negotiated

after the UK requested the 1st version of the backstop (border in Irish sea)

after the UK requested the 2nd version of the backstop (whole UK, as Theresa caved in to Arlene)

ever since the UK welched on the withdrawal agreement in Parliament.


It's hardly the EU's fault that the UK has had enough of experts and prefers a theocratic approach to them for solving real-life complex issues.


You can acknowledge that the reestablishment of borders in Ireland is the unavoidable result of your sovereign choice to exit the EU without agreement, and show at least a little statesmanship,


Or you can continue blaming all others for the consequences of your choices and policies, and continue losing relevance and influence on the geopolitical stage.


Either makes no difference to the EU27. We're all out of <stuff> to give at this stage, and not restocking.

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US politicians - We'll block trade deal if Brexit imperils open Irish border:


"Pete King, the Republican co-chair of the Friends of Ireland group, said the threat to abandon the backstop and endanger the open border was a “needless provocation”, adding that his party would have no compunction about defying Trump over the issue.

“I would think anyone who has a strong belief in Northern Ireland and the Good Friday agreement the open border would certainly be willing to go against the president,” King said."


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37 minutes ago, L00b said:

Project Fear




Why would the EU kick one of their own after Brexit, pray tell? 

Also seems to have missed the point of the article - the Irish economy would suffer because of falling demand from the UK. i.e. The UK economy would tank.

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