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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

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23 minutes ago, retep said:

The one that it will be expected to pay when they don't have the UK to depend on,  all EU subs will be going up.

Ah, a speculative future cost to Ireland.


What do you think of the fact that here in the UK we are all over 10% poorer already?


And that’s before the brown stuff and the air conditioning collide.

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6 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Nobody has ever claimed that any had especially as no two ‘Leave’ voters are the same but they certainly do have many things in common.

A bargaining tool by who, for what?

Albert Tatlock, gardening.

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On 30/07/2019 at 19:54, Top Cats Hat said:

the typical leave voter, if such a thing exists, is someone who has achieved very little in life

Nobody has ever claimed that 'the 'typical leave voter has achieved very little in life'. Really? Hmm 🙄


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13 minutes ago, Robin-H said:

Nobody has ever claimed that 'the 'typical leave voter has achieved very little in life'. Really? Hmm 🙄


I notice that you missed out the caveat, if such a thing exists’.


As I said earlier, there are no two Leave voters who are exactly the same but they do share similarities.

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33 minutes ago, retep said:

They will be no longer needed as a bargaining tool, but will be  expected to pay a bigger share, the penny will drop eventually to them.

The  UK (well the no dealers) are the ones using the Irish border (and by default the Good Friday agreement) as a bargaining tool . Yet to hear a coherent argument from no dealers why they want greater control of the UK frontiers but are happy to see no border in Ireland (by default that means an open border between the EU and the UK for smuggling, asylum seekers, illegal immigration etc).

Edited by Longcol
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25 minutes ago, retep said:

They will be no longer needed as a bargaining tool, but will be  expected to pay a bigger share, the penny will drop eventually to them.

Ireland isn't a bargaining tool. It's an EU member state. It's not in its geopolitical interest to see a border with Northern Ireland, nor is it in the interest of the EU's Single Market to allow a third country (what the UK will be after Brexit) to have an open border with it. So the EU defends both Ireland's interest and its collective own.


The EU27 have long expected to cut their cloth after the UK leaves, including in case the UK welches on its divorcing tab. As a fervent Eurosceptic, I trust that you are sufficiently familiar with the EU budget and members' contributions, to realise how manageable those national contributions increases will be for the EU27?


You might like to take a look at Ireland's economy and Brexit preparations of the last 2 years, by the way. They'll take a hit, sure. Nowhere near like what you seem to think, however. And orders of magnitude less, at a national scale, relative to the UK.


We are of course talking about the Republic, here. Not the UK region that is Northern Ireland, for which you will be paying. Having seen their Brexit forecasts and preparations...don't fancy yours much :lol:


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5 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

I notice that you missed out the caveat, if such a thing exists’.


As I said earlier, there are no two Leave voters who are exactly the same but they do share similarities.

I already addressed that in my comment #4351. 


As I said originally in that comment, it's quite a bizarre thing to say. In the same breath, you claim that something may or may not exist, but then immediately go on to assert the characteristics of that thing (that they've achieved very little in life).


How can you make such a claim? How on earth can you claim to know the characteristics of someone when you yourself admit that they may not even exist! 

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32 minutes ago, Robin-H said:

Nobody has ever claimed that 'the 'typical leave voter has achieved very little in life'. Really? Hmm 🙄


What do you reckon the impact of a no deal will have on environmental legislation - more "red tape" to be torn up?

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5 minutes ago, Robin-H said:

How can you make such a claim? How on earth can you claim to know the characteristics of someone when you yourself admit that they may not even exist! 

There is no ‘someone’.


As I have said a number of times, there is no such archetypal person who has all the characteristics however the group does share some of these characteristics.


Although not precisely the same, you may find it easier to understand put like this.


If you are a racist you were more likely to have voted to leave.


If you are poorly educated, you were more likely to have voted leave.


If you are unemployed, you were more likely to have voted leave.


If you have underachieved, you were more likely to have voted leave.


Get the picture?


29 minutes ago, Longcol said:

Yet to hear a coherent argument from no dealers why they want greater control of the UK frontiers but are happy to see no border in Ireland 


That in itself, shows how poor the whole Brexit argument is.


The majority of Leave voters did so because they were unhappy about the number of ‘foreigners’ allowed into the UK but seem to have no problem with a completely open 310 mile long border into the UK. 🙄

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