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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

Message added by mort

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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

The fact that you had to dig up an opinion piece by a group of free market economists as evidence shows how marginalised those who believe in a no-deal exit from the EU are.


Yes, we know the benefits of Brexit to multinational corporations and very wealthy individuals. What are the benefits to ordinary people?

Not being taxed to the max to support French farmers?

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11 minutes ago, retep said:

Not being taxed to the max to support French farmers?

But France has consistently paid more into the EU budget than the UK.

I think tax breaks for the fortunate few are more probable than any benefits to us lesser mortals under any right wing government.


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44 minutes ago, retep said:

Not being taxed to the max to support French farmers?

We had a rebate for not having an equivalent farming industry as the French for example. So we weren’t actually contributing to French farmers specifically. 


Another other pieces of misinformation you want you want to lay out while you are at it?

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30 minutes ago, RJRB said:

But France has consistently paid more into the EU budget than the UK.

I think tax breaks for the fortunate few are more probable than any benefits to us lesser mortals under any right wing government.


Their farmers have received more.



France receives 2.5 times as much as UK from EU Agricultural budget


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10 hours ago, Ontarian1981 said:

It is all far from doom and gloom old chap. There are many economists and folks way smarter than you or I who think much differently to the shark tank on SF.


If the only article you can find is two years old and pretty vague I think that might be telling you something.


We've been told serveral times and trade deal with the states will see us taking the short end of that stick, just recently they pretty much mocked us saying we're clearly desperate and will get hammered in any trade talks.


You'd be foolish to think any other country would act differently, they will all know we have a weak hand, any deal would be heavily in their favour.

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34 minutes ago, retep said:

Their farmers have received more.



France receives 2.5 times as much as UK from EU Agricultural budget


So if their farmers are paid more some sectors must be paid less.

In time,some countries will pay more and some less according to their economic performance.

By being participants we have been at the table to fight our corner,but you obviously believe that we are better going it alone in a global economy.

I never have,and my concerns strengthen on a daily basis as I listen to the Brexit camp.

Where are the benefits to come from?

Vague talk about opportunities and sovereignty are meaningless.

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9 minutes ago, RJRB said:

So if their farmers are paid more some sectors must be paid less.

In time,some countries will pay more and some less according to their economic performance.

By being participants we have been at the table to fight our corner,but you obviously believe that we are better going it alone in a global economy.

I never have,and my concerns strengthen on a daily basis as I listen to the Brexit camp.

Where are the benefits to come from?

Vague talk about opportunities and sovereignty are meaningless.

If you like being ruled by the EU why are you still here?

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4 minutes ago, retep said:

If you like being ruled by the EU why are you still here?

Could be because I was born here,worked here,brought children up here,have a house here and like living here.


What kind of stupid response is that?

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22 hours ago, altus said:

It was just on the BBC lunchtime news that bacon shortages are probable.

That's because the majority of British pork gets exported to China.  They can't get enough of it.  Meanwhile we seem to prefer, (or is it just down to marketing?),  Danish bacon. 


Maybe if we started to eat our own produce it would help our farmers? 


On the subject of Danish bacon.  I saw the report yesterday on BBC Business news with a Danish farmer who runs a very large pig facility & processing unit.  She was worried about a no deal Brexit & tariffs being imposed by the EU as her business relies heavily on selling her products to the UK.   


This is the second time I've seen concerns raised by European producers.  The  other was BBC report about a Dutch tomoto producer.  Apparently we in the UK get most of our toms from Holland. 


Well these producers know what to do?  Get out & complain to their own intransigent MEP's reluctant to enter into any common sense negotiations with the UK. 

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