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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

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4 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

Well these producers know what to do?  Get out & complain to their own intransigent MEP's reluctant to enter into any common sense negotiations with the UK. 

They did. They finished last November.


What you Brexiteers can’t seem to get your head round is that it is the UK that has created this mess. Why on earth do you expect others to sort it out?

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1 hour ago, Baron99 said:

That's because the majority of British pork gets exported to China.  They can't get enough of it.  Meanwhile we seem to prefer, (or is it just down to marketing?),  Danish bacon. 


Maybe if we started to eat our own produce it would help our farmers? 


On the subject of Danish bacon.  I saw the report yesterday on BBC Business news with a Danish farmer who runs a very large pig facility & processing unit.  She was worried about a no deal Brexit & tariffs being imposed by the EU as her business relies heavily on selling her products to the UK.   


This is the second time I've seen concerns raised by European producers.  The  other was BBC report about a Dutch tomoto producer.  Apparently we in the UK get most of our toms from Holland. 


Well these producers know what to do?  Get out & complain to their own intransigent MEP's reluctant to enter into any common sense negotiations with the UK. 

Doesn't matter. The principles of the EU are more import to Europeans than individual businesses. Just as the principle of leaving is more important than individual businesses and entire industries to brexiteers.  Both sides are willing to see businesses go under.

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1 hour ago, Baron99 said:



And another unattributed scare story from the BBC. 


They aught to be ashamed of themselves.  If such rubbish was attributed to Facebook the BBC would be falling over themselves to investigate and condemn. 


Although the UFU president makes absolutely no attempt to answer the pressing question of what he intends to do with 800 million litres of milk and fully acknowledges that a no deal Brexit would be disastrous for farmers.


In fact he's unintentionally blunt about the prospects.



"If milk had to face a tariff, the only way that milk would go across the border would be if the government stepped up and paid a tariff, and that's assuming the Republic of Ireland would accept the milk.


If the government start paying tariffs for dairy farmers they're going to have to pay tariffs for everyone, which I can't see happening.

Edited by geared
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6 hours ago, Baron99 said:



And another unattributed scare story from the BBC. 


They aught to be ashamed of themselves.  If such rubbish was attributed to Facebook the BBC would be falling over themselves to investigate and condemn. 

Euhmmm the story is slanted pro-Brexit, debunking the idea that 45,000 cattle will be culled and you still think it is anti-Brexit? 


Is this where ‘remoaners’ can genuinely say - learn to read?

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4 hours ago, geared said:

If the government start paying tariffs for dairy farmers they're going to have to pay tariffs for everyone, which I can't see happening.

This is the problem.


The government is finally ‘fessing up to the fact that Brexit is going to be an unholy mess (there are good reasons why we have been a leading member of the EU for decades), and are throwing out very expensive sticking plasters to all the Vote Leave special interest groups.


Not only is this extremely expensive, but the big lie is that these are short term measures until meaningful trade deals are done. Any deals are going to take years to sort out and our political and economic weakness means that every one of these deals will be much worse than what we already have through the EU.


We will be paying this compensation to farmers, fishermen etc. for years, until the money runs out.


What do we do then?

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so the high clown Bojo says

"We're going to turn the UK into a kind of supercharged magnet, drawing scientists like iron filings from around the world coming to help push forward projects like this (fusion research in Culham) in which we can not only take a scientific lead but a commercial lead as well," 




apart from his holy brexit will / could destroy us as this supercharged magnet when we are no longer part or get funded by the current EU based scientific groups, schemes and researches Oo


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Another Brexit supporter jailed for death threats and intimidation.


When we discussed the increasing gnarliness of UK politics recently, a number of right wing posters on here said that the left were just as bad as the right. Maybe they could point us in the direction of any Remain supporters jailed for threatening Brexit MPs, because I’m struggling to find any.


“Pro-Brexit war veteran jailed for Heidi Allen posts”



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So now Jeremy Corbyn is urging the UK`s most senior civil servant, Cabinet Sec., Sir Mark Sedwill to intervene in order to prevent a no-deal Brexit during an election campaign, caliing such a move an "Anti democratic abuse of power." 


Hypocrisy of the highest order.  What's anti democratic is the likes of Corbyn totally ignoring the result & the wishes of the people in the largest DEMOCRATIC vote the UK has ever seen. 


If Brexit fails to take place, I never want to hear any politician bragging that the UK Parliament is the "Mother of all Parliaments", a shining example of democracy to the rest of the world & its MP's are the humble servants of the UK electorate. 

Edited by Baron99
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