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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

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1 hour ago, geared said:

Are Brexiteers entirely stupid or just wilfully ignorant?

They won't shut up about 'respecting democracy' but if they can find some loophole to pass Brexit without a democratic vote in the house of commons they're all for it.


Lets not forget Parliament has voted several times against a no deal, but since they were not legally binding votes they don't count.

However the non-legally binding referendum vote, that definitely counts.

Depends which Brexiteers you're asking about.


Those in charge are neither stupid nor wilfully ignorant: they're self-interested and, in some cases that we known of, like Farage and Rees-Mogg, also self-invested.


For the rest of the Brexiteers, it doesn't matter what they are. Only their number and vocality count, for neutralising the remain side/efforts and cowing the undecideds.


Your political system has shown itself gravely unfit for purpose, out of this crisis. The Brexiteers' capacity to continue exploiting it for their own ends, notwithstanding their minority count in the HoC, simply proves it. I'll grant you that Corbyn's leadership and de facto uselesness as political opposition has been material to some extent, but that is still more a symptom of systemic failure, than a cause: a cohesive political opposition to the Tories would have minced them long ago.


So talks of votes in Parliament, binding or not, are pretty much redundant at this 11th hour stage of Brexit proceedings. Talks of "democratic mandate" for Brexit (and any particular flavour of it) and propagandists variants like "will of the people" always were populist expedients fed to the easily-led...


...which, in the UK, is a lot of people indeed. You can blame media and educational deficit (at least as much in a "world knowledge" sense, than in a "book knowledge" sense).

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Starting to see more and more of this sort of thing on various forums I visit:


"I voted Leave in 2016 but bitterly regret doing so. I too want to apologise to Remain voters. I had no idea our votes would be hijacked by right wing loonies to spout racist bile and to a path of a catastrophic no deal Brexit. This isn’t what we voted for. We expected to leave but stay in a close relationship with the EU through a beneficial deal"


At least some leavers aren't complete cowards.

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5 minutes ago, gomgeg said:

You've got to laugh at the unemployed remoaners, having a go at somebody who doesn't spend all day on forums.

Perhaps he's got family, friends and a job, and hasn't got too much time on his hands for making up fairy tales.

Some of us have jobs that allow us a bit of freedom.


Dear Old Penny spends his days chatting up the lads at Deepcar  tip. Plenty of time for him to give us his considered opinion.


PS. You spelt “remainer” incorrectly.  Unless you were using that childish, made up word on purpose.

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1 hour ago, Magilla said:

Starting to see more and more of this sort of thing on various forums I visit:


"I voted Leave in 2016 but bitterly regret doing so. I too want to apologise to Remain voters. I had no idea our votes would be hijacked by right wing loonies to spout racist bile and to a path of a catastrophic no deal Brexit. This isn’t what we voted for. We expected to leave but stay in a close relationship with the EU through a beneficial deal"


At least some leavers aren't complete cowards.

Unattributed fake news. 


Where did you find it?  Facebook? 

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1 hour ago, Baron99 said:

Unattributed fake news. 


Where did you find it?  Facebook? 

There used to be a bloke on here who said one of his relatives had voted for brexit then regretted it. Then a few weeks later told us the same story but then it was a different relative.

When  it was pointed out to him that he'd already used that anecdote he said he was always getting his cousin mixed up with his nephew.

Easy mistake to make I suppose, I'm always getting my cousin and nephew mixed up.

Mind you I've no excuse, her moustache is a lot bigger than his.

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Just now, gomgeg said:

There used to be a bloke on here who said one of his relatives had voted for brexit then regretted it. Then a few weeks later told us the same story but then it was a different relative.

When  it was pointed out to him that he'd already used that anecdote he said he was always getting his cousin mixed up with his nephew.

Easy mistake to make I suppose, I'm always getting my cousin and nephew mixed up.

Mind you I've no excuse, her moustache is a lot bigger than his.

Unattributed fake news.


Did you make that up yourself, or get it off Facebook?

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Just now, Pettytom said:

Unattributed fake news.


Did you make that up yourself, or get it off Facebook?

If you look back through my previous posts you'll find it was me who pointed it out to him.

So no , not unattributed.

I'm sure you'll find it, you seem to have plenty of time on your hands, 

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1 minute ago, gomgeg said:

If you look back through my previous posts you'll find it was me who pointed it out to him.

So no , not unattributed.

I'm sure you'll find it, you seem to have plenty of time on your hands, 

To be honest, I’ve got some carrots to weed.


And my hair to wash


So, I’ll pass on furtling through your old posts, as entertaining as I’m sure they are.

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2 hours ago, gomgeg said:

You've got to laugh at the unemployed remoaners, having a go at somebody who doesn't spend all day on forums.

Perhaps he's got family, friends and a job, and hasn't got too much time on his hands for making up fairy tales.

Nah, I'll leave the fairy tales to the leading Brexiteers, who promise "sunlit uplands". Here's a few:


"There will be no downsides to Brexit, only considerable upsides." David Davies.

"The free trade agreement we will do with the European Union should be one of the easiest in human history." Liam Fox.

"There will be no change to the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic". Michael Gove, Boris Johnson and Priti Patel.

"Not a single job will be lostbecause of Brexit." Iain Duncan Smith.

Leaving would be "quick and easy" because "the UK holds most of the cards in any negotiation." John Redwood.

"The day after we vote to leave, we hold all the cards and we can choose the path we want." Michael Gove.


By the way I do have a job. For the moment - who knows in a years time....If I do lose it, it won't be because of any laziness on my part , but  a tanking economy thanks to Brexit.


There will be no downside to Brexit, only a considerable upside

David Davis, 14 July 2016 T0016
Edited by Mister M
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