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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

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Just now, L00b said:

Than 6 years, rather than a decade. Your link is official stats, which are always released much later after consolidating all data.


Plenty of economists and financial journalists have been keeping real-time tabs, which are all very well documented online.


In particular, automotive FDI in the UK is so far past on its ar*e, it's through the floor (from billions to double-digit millions: two orders of magnitude down). Brexit or not irrespective.

I'd be interested in seeing some. I searched for more up to date data, but those official stats were the most recent ones I could find. 


I'm am sure that Brexit has caused investment into the UK to drop, but I was questioning the claim that foreign investment in the UK is down to the lowest levels in more than a decade, which even the FT article doesn't suggest is true. 

2 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

I read it somewhere, I'll have a look. I also read the pound has dropped https://www.express.co.uk/finance/city/1164678/pound-to-euro-exchange-rate-pound-sterling-uk-recession-GBP-sterling-GDP-figures


And here's the economy contracting https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/aug/09/uk-economy-contracts-on-back-of-brexit-uncertainty


Maybe sunlit uplands look different to you.


I didn't query the other statistics. I'm a remainer, so not sure what your comment about sunny uplands is about! Just like quoted statistics to be accurate is all! 


I did find an article that said foreign investment into the UK is down to lowest level in a decade, but that was from 2015. 


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2 minutes ago, Robin-H said:

I'm am sure that Brexit has caused investment into the UK to drop, but I was questioning the claim that foreign investment in the UK is down to the lowest levels in more than a decade, which even the FT article doesn't suggest is true. 

One thing that Brexit apologists can’t argue with is the fact (not opinion, not Project Fear’) that every time Brexit looks more likely the value of Sterling falls and every time Brexit looks less likely, Sterling recovers.


A fundamental economic metric such as the value of a country’s currency responding in such a way, shows beyond doubt that both Brexit and the fear of Brexit are bad for our economy.

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2 hours ago, L00b said:

Never as big a chuckle, as good old Nigel can produce:

(for anyone wondering, this is likely the start of the Bannon playbook's chapter, about how to handle the UK Monarchy's pivotal role in the upcoming UK constitutional crisis - can't call Lizzie and Charles traitors, without massaging public opinion about it a little bit beforehand)

After reading reading your post, it is evident you have not read the article, you have taken snippets totally out of context and posted them as fact. Get a grip, read the WHOLE article, then post it - if you dare, as it shows your post as mere diatribe.



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22 minutes ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

After reading reading your post, it is evident you have not read the article, you have taken snippets totally out of context and posted them as fact. Get a grip, read the WHOLE article, then post it - if you dare, as it shows your post as mere diatribe.



I have read the article, thanks. I always do so, before commenting and linking. Not much point otherwise, is there? 


And I don't need to post it: it's freely available and I linked it, so any thread reader can click the link, read the whole article and make up their own mind.


But by all means, feel free to explain to me how I have "taken snippets totally out of context" and how that shows my post as "mere diatribe". Go on.


I'm guessing you're very proud of your Royal Family, but that you're a little sore (and/or embarassed) at finding out that you have paid £25 to support someone, who is quite happy to bad-mouth your Royal Family when he's a long way away and there's no journalist in the audience?


Can you guess how much sympathy I have for you, there? 

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15 hours ago, Pettytom said:

On other forums I use, there is a facility to rate posts. 


It it is a shame that I can’t give this post the five gold stars that it deserves on here.


 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 

I do agree on that, it was a very good well rounded post, even if it is a direct opposite  response to my post.I fully expected a bit of a backlash to my post, but that was the best one.


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On 07/08/2019 at 08:04, L00b said:

I think the only way the wind can be taken out of the sails of the maniacs in governement and Parliament, and their deluded followers, is for them all to have a hard Brexit with the WA deal, or the hardest of Brexits with no deal (either/or is fine). Once they stand in the ruins, they will know they were wrong. 

Because otherwise, should they feel 'cheated' out of it, we'll never hear the end of this excrement.

This doesn't mean that those of right mind should bow down to Brexiters, or give over to them, but I don't believe that there is enough determined, concerted resistance to avoid what looks inevitable now, never mind within a useful timescale before Halloween.


People are just worn down and fed up with it, they'll take anything to make it 'end' (of course, we all know that this will only be the beginning: there's an FTA to negotiate, and once the UK is a 3rd party country,  it'll take years). And that goes for the EU27 just as much as for the UK (though it's far less in headlines, and far less frequent in news here).

A referendum at this stage is a non runner I think, not before a GE anyway. A GE might be the only alternative to a crashout Brexit.

It is literally unbelievable how the UK government are behaving right now, they are every bit as bad as Trump, and in some ways worse. Trump is a bit 'off', but people like Gove are clever. Sneaky and deceitful, but clever. 

The UK has gone full on  withthe Cummings method now: manipulating people with populist 'us against them', nationalist rhetoric. It was very disturbing to see when Johnson, Raab, Javid and Gove all kept repeating the new mantra: 'the undemocratic backstop'. They will keep repeating it untill it is the first thing anyone (particularly Brexiteers) think when they hear the word 'backstop' (undemocratic). It's Goebbels-level propaganda techniques. 

Gove also trying to frame the UK bluff, as the EU refusing to negotiate, is utterly contemptible, but that seems to be official UK policy now: play the biggest game of chicken there ever was, look how big our massive British balls are.


Well, they are risking the livelihoods and welfare of millions of UK and EU citizens, and for what? Nonsense. Very few adults in the room, and no saving them from themselves.


The longer this goes on, and the worse the rhetoric gets, the less we EU27 actually want to save Brits from themselves. As things stand, I'd expect a very cutting "I told you so" from Macron to his fellow EU26 heads of state, when he categorically refuses another extension. 


Just go.

I agree that Cummings is trying to whip up divisions with his 'us [the people] against them [politicians]'.

Unfortunately for Cummings, it was disclosed by the Guardian that he received €235,000 in EU handouts, because he is part owner of a farm.

https://mobile.twitter.com/search?q="€235,000 in EU"&src=trend_click

Undermines the image he is trying portray of 'man of the people against the Euro elite'

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40 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I agree that Cummings is trying to whip up divisions with his 'us [the people] against them [politicians]'.

Unfortunately for Cummings, it was disclosed by the Guardian that he received €235,000 in EU handouts, because he is part owner of a farm.

https://mobile.twitter.com/search?q="€235,000 in EU"&src=trend_click

Undermines the image he is trying portray of 'man of the people against the Euro elite'

Unfortunately for you (remainers), that disclosure is going to be as much use for curbing Cummings' influence and the current government's trajectory, as all the other disclosures of the past 3 years, each of which bad enough (in any sane political circumstances and system) that it should haved holed Brexiters below the waterline: it's not even going to register as so much of a blip with the public.


Brexit is an extreme form of politics and, 3 years on, Brexiters demonstrate the full potency of the Dunning Kruger effect.

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26 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Did I read somewhere the other day that the Queen was heard saying that she wasn’t greatly impressed by politicians at the time of the EU referendum.


Lord alone knows what she must think of them now! 😵

I doubt whether she is impressed with Farage, especially as he called her mother an overweight chain smoking gin lush, and said that her grand daughter law, Meghan Markle, has made Prince Harry less popular because they now advocate for environmental campaigns. 


What he means is that he doesn't like the colour of Meghan Markle's skin, but like most closet racists hasn't the balls to say it.



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39 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I doubt whether she is impressed with Farage, especially as he called her mother an overweight chain smoking gin lush, and said that her grand daughter law, Meghan Markle, has made Prince Harry less popular because they now advocate for environmental campaigns. 


What he means is that he doesn't like the colour of Meghan Markle's skin, but like most closet racists hasn't the balls to say it.



Another who posts untrouth in the hope of damaging Nigel. Here is what he said of the queen mum.


" “When it comes to her son, when it comes to Charlie Boy and climate change, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Her mother, Her Royal Highness the Queen’s mother was a slightly overweight, chain-smoking gin drinker who lived to 101 years old. All I can say is Charlie Boy is now in his 70s … may the Queen live a very, very long time.”


Very different to the top post, don't you think. 


Even the Harry/Meghan quote is twaddle. Sunday paper Jurno, praised the pre wed Harry as a good all round chap and the most popular of  the Royals. Since his recent wedding his ratings have seemingly plummeted, not helped by the christening fiasco ,the debacle of the 118 jet climate change meeting and the Royal couples announcement of their "only two children" to help save the planet. I don't see any thing there even slightly racist, unless like Mr M you are looking for it.



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