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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

Message added by mort

 Let me make this perfectly clear - any personal attacks will get you a suspension. The moderating team is not going to continually issue warnings. If you cannot remain civil and post within forum rules then do not bother to contribute. 

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16 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

Why would his ratings fall because of a christening or his views on the planet, but rise - in farages view (who does these ratings by the way) dressing up as a nazi won’t make his ratings go down. Do you find that odd?

No, in a word. The "Nazi" was fancy dress if I remember correctly. Poor taste, maybe. Offensive, only if you want it to be.


Back to  Harry and Meghan,  in to-days paper a different jurno says, Nigel was actually praising the queen mum in his after dinner speech.

Regarding H&M,  the jurno says " Every one I meet of all ages and backgrounds tell me they are going off them  -  Harry was the most popular Royal a year ago, now he is losing that title rapidly -  they need to cut out the preaching about climate change and racism ".



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16 minutes ago, Delayed said:

It's not a lack of understanding. Ask yourself if News Broadcasters would use that word to describe possible trade negotiations. 

LMAO, last time I looked I wasn't a news broadcaster, purely somebody who tells things as I see them, and tries to be honest.

play semantics all you like in trying to hide the truth


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1 hour ago, Delayed said:

You all disgust me. I think you need to have a look at yourselves and ask if that is really the appropriate language just because of your stance on Brexit



You support something which will do immense damage to the UK and her citizens. You support a campaign by very rich men to de-skill the country and sell off the only things left to the highest bidder. You support undermining democracy to force something through Parliament which does not have the support of the people of the country. You are prepared to see the sick and the old dying because they can’t get the medication they need to to see your bonkers project come to fruition. You risk the stability of the Union and seriously threaten peace in Ireland to get your way. You stand by and watch investment plummet and Sterling fall without a word. You align yourself with people who think that it is appropriate to send rape and death threats to our elected representatives or anyone else who points out or tries to stop this madness. You support a populist movement which has led to a big rise in hate crimes and racist attacks.


And you complain about our language?


You really do need to get a grip. 🙄

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6 minutes ago, melthebell said:

LMAO, last time I looked I wasn't a news broadcaster, purely somebody who tells things as I see them, and tries to be honest.

play semantics all you like in trying to hide the truth


What truth am I trying to hide? 


If you read my posts im making the point that trade negotiations aren't comparable to sexual assault. 

1 minute ago, Top Cats Hat said:



You support something which will do immense damage to the UK and her citizens. You support a campaign by very rich men to de-skill the country and sell off the only things left to the highest bidder. You support undermining democracy to force something through Parliament which does not have the support of the people of the country. You are prepared to see the sick and the old dying because they can’t get the medication they need to to see your bonkers project come to fruition. You risk the stability of the Union and seriously threaten peace in Ireland to get your way. You stand by and watch investment plummet and Sterling fall without a word. You align yourself with people who think that it is appropriate to send rape and death threats to our elected representatives or anyone else who points out or tries to stop this madness. You support a populist movement which has led to a big rise in hate crimes and racist attacks.


And you complain about our language?


You really do need to get a grip. 🙄

I've not mentioned my stance on Brexit. You are making assumptions about whether I voted leave or remain just because I don't agree with the word rape for trade negotiations. 


This is the common problem with this thread. If anyone disagrees with anything that comes from a remain voter that means they are a Brexit voter..

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2 hours ago, Delayed said:

You all disgust me. I think you need to have a look at yourselves and ask if that is really the appropriate language just because of your stance on Brexit

You alright hun?




Here, have some some Brexit consequences, it should help calm you down.

Newly analysed recruitment figures from British Russell Group universities show a slowing of recruitment of European academics and increasing departures.

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The former US ambassador has just been on the news at one to say that Trump’s ‘trade negotiations’ are very likely to come with political and strategic conditions such as the UK having to side with the US over Iran.


Yes, that really looks like a ‘friend’ doing us a favour. More like taking advantage of our weakened position.


Despite all the ‘Project Fear’ nonsense, the US administration is very well aware what damage Brexit will do to the UK economy, and rather than warning us about it they are encouraging it and waiting to pounce.

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I fully support your stance Delayed, this thread is now dominated by a handful of pseudo authoritative posters.  It's not a debate, others are not allowed the civility to express an alternative point of view.

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43 minutes ago, Delayed said:

You are aware that I've not stated anywhere that I voted Brexit? So you're childish attempt at provocation is wasted on me 

I'm well aware. Have I claimed to know your stance about Brexit anywhere? No.


You are aware that I didn't opine one way or the other about mel's use of "rape" earlier on? But apparently that was still enough to disgust you?


Don't dish what you can't take :rolleyes:

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20 minutes ago, DeDe Hi said:

...this thread is now ... not a debate, others are not allowed the civility to express an alternative point of view.

please, join in. - alternative points of view are surely always welcome?


here's a couple of questions i'm keen to hear an alternative view on


1) got any tangible benefits of leaving? - Are we still trying to pretend that we'll be better off? or is it now just a matter of principle?


2) all of the leave campaigners told us we'd be leaving with a deal, and that obviously leaving with no deal would be a terrible idea - if they're allowed to change their minds, why aren't we?

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