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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

Message added by mort

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16 minutes ago, DeDe Hi said:

I fully support your stance Delayed, this thread is now dominated by a handful of pseudo authoritative posters.  It's not a debate, others are not allowed the civility to express an alternative point of view.

The problem with this thread is that despite countless calls for Brexit supporters to put their case for the UK leaving the EU, all we seem to get is the same old ‘it will be better’ and as the evidence mounts that it will actually get much worse, all we get is either ‘we don’t know ‘cos it hasn’t happened yet’ or ‘well we have no choice as it’s what the people voted for’.


I have not yet seen an even half convincing argument for leaving despite thousands of posts over two plus years. The only Remainer I have any respect for is Penny who is at least honest about his dislike for foreigners, hatred of the EU and the fact that h’s not really bothered about the outcome because he has his pension and his knock-off fags and never intends to go abroad.

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2 hours ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

No, in a word. The "Nazi" was fancy dress if I remember correctly. Poor taste, maybe. Offensive, only if you want it to be.


Back to  Harry and Meghan,  in to-days paper a different jurno says, Nigel was actually praising the queen mum in his after dinner speech.

Regarding H&M,  the jurno says " Every one I meet of all ages and backgrounds tell me they are going off them  -  Harry was the most popular Royal a year ago, now he is losing that title rapidly -  they need to cut out the preaching about climate change and racism ".



Who are they asking? Fellow right wingers or normal people. There’s a steady hatchet job being done on them across the right wing media and your mate Nigel is more than complicit.

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3 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

Who are they asking? Fellow right wingers or normal people. There’s a steady hatchet job being done on them across the right wing media and your mate Nigel is more than complicit.

There has been an interesting shift on the monarchy in right wing and far-right circles in recent years.


At one time it was a given that if you were a right-wing Conservative or a neo-Nazi you would lay your life down for her majesty but now that seems to have changed. Even on here, many posters who have quite obvious far-right sympathies are the first to wade in on a thread to criticise the monarchy.

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1 hour ago, DeDe Hi said:

I fully support your stance Delayed, this thread is now dominated by a handful of pseudo authoritative posters.  It's not a debate, others are not allowed the civility to express an alternative point of view.

Correct, there is a hard core set of Remainers on the forum who will post any kind of rhetoric that opposes the democratic vote taken to leave the EU. Nevertheless I ENJOY the spats, if only to prove them wrong. My next post will do just that, the poster I will reply to must gnash his teeth every time I reply to him, it's just so easy to blow his ramblings out of the water, so to speak. Although his dentist will be pleased with the extra work.🤣


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Just now, ANGELFIRE1 said:

Correct, there is a hard core set of Remainers on the forum who will post any kind of rhetoric that opposes the democratic vote taken to leave the EU. Nevertheless I ENJOY the spats, if only to prove them wrong. My next post will do just that, the poster I will reply to must gnash his teeth every time I reply to him, it's just so easy to blow his ramblings out of the water, so to speak. Although his dentist will be pleased with the extra work.🤣


FACTS angel, the word you’re lookiing for is facts. You’ve never proved anything.

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Well it looks like (according to a recent poll), that 54% of people (who expressed an opinion other than 'don't know') support the suspension of Parliament, to get Brexit over and done with.




Page 87 for those interested.

Edited by convert
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2 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:



You support something which will do immense damage to the UK and her citizens. You support a campaign by very rich men to de-skill the country and sell off the only things left to the highest bidder. You support undermining democracy to force something through Parliament which does not have the support of the people of the country. You are prepared to see the sick and the old dying because they can’t get the medication they need to to see your bonkers project come to fruition. You risk the stability of the Union and seriously threaten peace in Ireland to get your way. You stand by and watch investment plummet and Sterling fall without a word. You align yourself with people who think that it is appropriate to send rape and death threats to our elected representatives or anyone else who points out or tries to stop this madness. You support a populist movement which has led to a big rise in hate crimes and racist attacks.


And you complain about our language?


You really do need to get a grip. 🙄



Where is your proof beyond any doubt that leaving the EU will do immense damage to the UK and its citizens.

Rich men want to deskill the Country and sell off "things left" to the highest bidder, do they indeed, you have proof of this.

You support undermining democracy by forcing something through Parliament with no support of the people, odd one that though, 52% leave 48% remain.

Sick and the old  passing away because they can't get medication, you have irrefutable proof of this happening because of Brexit.

Risk stability of the Union and peace in Ireland. Another odd one, created by the EU to undermine Brexit. David Trimble "no need for a hard border".

Watch investment plumit and stirling fall.  Understandable because of the anti Brexit drivel spoken by its detractors.

You align yourself with people who think that it is appropriate to send rape and death threats to our elected representatives or anyone else who points out or tries to stop this madness.  You have hard evidence that Brexiteers are doing this, and not just some nut jobs let out on licence for the day.

You support a populist movement which has led to a big rise in hate crimes and racist attacks, you have proof of this populist movement (which one) that has done this.


You really do need to get a grip, must try harder. 🤣


All the above is subjective, as no one can predict with any clarity the outcome of Brexit. NO ONE can see and predict the future with ANY accuracy.



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1 hour ago, DeDe Hi said:

I fully support your stance Delayed, this thread is now dominated by a handful of pseudo authoritative posters.  It's not a debate, others are not allowed the civility to express an alternative point of view.

It's dominated by a handful of unemployed remoaners with too much time on their hands.

They  will all tell you they work for a living but it's fairly obvious with the time they spend on here that they don't.

Its ironic that most of the ones with time on their hands are also usually bleating on about austerity, food banks and universal credit etc, as usual with the losers they always want somebody else to pay for their lifestyle instead of getting out there and working for a living.


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6 minutes ago, convert said:

Well it looks like (according to a recent poll), that 54% of people (who expressed an opinion other than 'don't know') support the suspension of Parliament, to get Brexit over and done with.



I take it that you are already familiar with how severely distorted and misrepresentative that reporting by the Telegraph is, and that you posted it out of facetiousness?


If not, might I suggest some reflection about what this body of people are really asking for, and could I trouble you for a debating position on the topic?

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7 minutes ago, convert said:

Well it looks like (according to a recent poll), that 54% of people (who expressed an opinion other than 'don't know') support the suspension of Parliament, to get Brexit over and done with.

Or more accurately, ‘44% of those polled’, which means that when the Daily Telegraph reports “The ComRes survey for The Telegraph found that 54 per cent of British adults think Parliament should be prorogued to prevent MPs stopping a no-deal Brexit.” they are not telling the truth.


Digging about in these things, as I like to do, we find that the ‘weighted sample’ is 5% points in favour of Brexit, higher than most polls over the last three years


And the questions are also very leading such as this nice example. “On Brexit, most MPs seem to ignore the wishes of voters and push their own agendas.” No credible polling organisation would ever frame a question like that.


So a more truthful headline based on the actual poll results would be


”In a small poll of people generally biased towards Brexit, only 44% of them said that Parliament should be suspended to allow Brexit.


A bit different, don’t you think? 😉


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