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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

Message added by mort

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48 minutes ago, DnAuK said:

While I personbally think that any alternative is better than crashing out with no deal, I can't help thinking that installing Corbyn as a 'caretaker PM' is somewhat akin to installing Senator Palpatine as Supreme Chancellor. He won't give up the power without a fight and we will be all dragged down the dark side...

What’s the point in having a caretaker government to stop a no deal brexit if the EU won’t talk about any deal except the one already negotiated and a parliament who have rejected the said deal on three occasions. 

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3 minutes ago, hobinfoot said:

What’s the point in having a caretaker government to stop a no deal brexit if the EU won’t talk about any deal except the one already negotiated and a parliament who have rejected the said deal on three occasions. 

To secure an extension to Article 50, remove the threat of no-deal then allow a general election which will be effectively a second referendum with the Tories, Farage and UKIP standing for Leave and pretty much everyone else standing for Remain. 

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22 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

To secure an extension to Article 50, remove the threat of no-deal then allow a general election which will be effectively a second referendum with the Tories, Farage and UKIP standing for Leave and pretty much everyone else standing for Remain. 

Personally I don’t think the EU will grant us a further extension. Why would they the UK could and would have taken a no deal scenario of the table by voting for the deal which was negotiated but rejected three times by parliament. The EU have said time and time again they believe it is a good one and the only one on the table.


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7 minutes ago, hobinfoot said:

The EU have said time and time again they believe it is a good one and the only one on the table.

No, the EU have said time and time again that the best deal is the one we already have.


It is now simply a case of no-deal or remain, so of course they’ll give us an extension.

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16 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

No, the EU have said time and time again that the best deal is the one we already have.


It is now simply a case of no-deal or remain, so of course they’ll give us an extension.

We are not talking about what we had before the referendum. We are talking about the deal negotiated between the EU and UK which they have said was a good one. Our parliament rejected this three times. Our parliament has thrown this back in their faces and now can’t really complain about a no deal outcome. The EU are fed up and if we do ask for a extension I can see them saying you’ve had your chance but no thanks let’s get on with it now.


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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

No, the EU have said time and time again that the best deal is the one we already have.


It is now simply a case of no-deal or remain, so of course they’ll give us an extension.

It is a deal that is on the 'right', more harder than soft. It does not allow free movement.

Boris is pro-immigration, one of his views that we know about, so once this no deal and 31st Oct is binned, he might get a different deal, which means free movement, in all but name.

That is, if Boris is still in charge.

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56 minutes ago, hobinfoot said:

The EU are fed up and if we do ask for a extension I can see them saying you’ve had your chance but no thanks let’s get on with it now.

Yes but unlike our current government, the EU isn’t a five year old child who throws the toys out of the pram in frustration. They no that the best future for both the UK and the EU is for Britain to remain in the EU.


 Extending Article 50 will be for the purpose of allowing the UK to sack off Article 50, not to facilitate endless renegotiations.

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58 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Yes but unlike our current government, the EU isn’t a five year old child who throws the toys out of the pram in frustration. They no that the best future for both the UK and the EU is for Britain to remain in the EU.


 Extending Article 50 will be for the purpose of allowing the UK to sack off Article 50, not to facilitate endless renegotiations.

There isn’t going to be renegotiations they have made that clear. And who the UK chooses to govern them should be free from European interference.

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2 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

No, the EU have said time and time again that the best deal is the one we already have.


The best deal for them maybe, but not for fhe UK.


Try reading europa.eu where the EU publishes what it plans for the future.


I'm not going to spoon feed you with quotes, read it all for yourself.


Still want to stay in?


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