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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

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3 hours ago, Gormenghast said:

The best deal for them maybe, but not for fhe UK.


Try reading europa.eu where the EU publishes what it plans for the future.


I'm not going to spoon feed you with quotes, read it all for yourself.


Still want to stay in?


I understand that you don’t want to spoon feed me with quotes, but just do one please. 


Spoon feed me with a business reason for leaving. One that will make us all richer. One that points out how we are going to trade with our biggest partner, or how we will replace them.


Go on. Get that spoon out.

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18 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

To secure an extension to Article 50, remove the threat of no-deal then allow a general election which will be effectively a second referendum with the Tories, Farage and UKIP standing for Leave and pretty much everyone else standing for Remain. 

Do a little more research, apparently there are Labour MP's who will vote against " an election which is effectively a second referendum. " as some Labour MP's actually believe in democracy.



5 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Try to keep up.


Even Leave supporters are now saying that any alternative to our existing position would be a complete mess, but we have to continue as we voted for it in 2016. 😂

Evidence of this please which is irrefutable and not subjective.



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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Try to keep up.


Even Leave supporters are now saying that any alternative to our existing position would be a complete mess, but we have to continue as we voted for it in 2016. 😂

If that was the case why are remain MP's trying to gang up ?

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9 hours ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

Do a little more research, apparently there are Labour MP's who will vote against " an election which is effectively a second referendum. " as some Labour MP's actually believe in democracy.



Evidence of this please which is irrefutable and not subjective.



Yes, we know about the Kate Hoeys, John Manns etc. but they are more than offset by the number of Tory MPs who have already publicly stated that they are prepared to support a motion of no confidence. Dominic Grieve has also said that he knows 50-70 Tory MPs who will support a vote of no confidence when it come to the crunch and we are faced with no-deal.


As far as Leave supporters saying no deal will be damaging, I refer you to three Brexit extremists, Steve (shotgun) Baker,, Mark François and Jacob Rees-Mogg who have all said that a no-deal Brexit will do damage, but that we have to put up with it to get to the ‘sunny uplands’.

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It's been reported that Owen Jones who campaigns against a no deal Brexit amongst other things was the subject of a vicious street assault by a gang of "right wing thugs", who kicked him in the head repeatedly:



Only today Dominic Grieve was speaking about the death threats he's been receiving....

Edited by Mister M
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Sunday Times have a huge scoop. 

Operation Yellowhammer, which is the Government's 'no deal' (or absence of a deal) has been leaked and revealed:


‘This is not Project Fear — it’s what we face after no-deal Brexit’. Codenamed Yellowhammer, it is the clandestine operation intended to prepare the UK for a no-deal Brexit. In one of his first acts as prime minister, Boris Johnson declared that he would “turbocharge” the UK’s preparation for no-deal on October 31, appointing Michael Gove to lead the cross- government efforts.

Which, amongst other impacts will, involve shortages of fuel, a 3 month meltdown at the UK's ports, a hard border in Ireland


I read earlier in the Independent that over 100 MPs have now written to Johnson to recall parliament early, because of the looming 'national emergency':


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7 hours ago, Mister M said:

Sunday Times have a huge scoop. 

Operation Yellowhammer, which is the Government's 'no deal' (or absence of a deal) has been leaked and revealed:


‘This is not Project Fear — it’s what we face after no-deal Brexit’. Codenamed Yellowhammer, it is the clandestine operation intended to prepare the UK for a no-deal Brexit. In one of his first acts as prime minister, Boris Johnson declared that he would “turbocharge” the UK’s preparation for no-deal on October 31, appointing Michael Gove to lead the cross- government efforts.

Which, amongst other impacts will, involve shortages of fuel, a 3 month meltdown at the UK's ports, a hard border in Ireland


I read earlier in the Independent that over 100 MPs have now written to Johnson to recall parliament early, because of the looming 'national emergency':


If there is a hard border with Ireland, you can kiss any trade deal with the US goodbye. Even if Trump says he wants one, he won’t get to sign one because the Democrats won’t let it through Congress.


Someone said that Labour MPs would would vote against a no confidence vote because it would lead to a general election are bonkers. No Labour MP would do that because they would be going against the possibility of being in government. No opposition MP would turn down the chance of being the governing party. If they did they would be deselected, in no time.  

Edited by Albert the Cat
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