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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

Message added by mort

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Anyway for those concerned about chlorinated chicken flooding the UK after Brexit, fear not. Ben Bradley, the gormless MP for Mansfield pointed out:


" Errmmm... We have chlorinated TAP WATER in this country. Worth thinking about before kicking off about chlorinated chicken."



The dozy dobber makes Chris Grayling look like mastermind :hihi:


Edited by Mister M
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8 hours ago, Mister M said:

Sunday Times have a huge scoop. 

Operation Yellowhammer, which is the Government's 'no deal' (or absence of a deal) has been leaked and revealed:

Pretty much destroys the idea that the UK won't install a hard border in NI too.... didn't see that coming :?


Worth noting that this isn't Operation Black Swan, which was about the possible worst case scenarios...


Operation Yellowhammer is what government thinks *will* happen!


Edited by Magilla
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1 hour ago, retep said:

If this is another leaked document what are we paying our security services for.


I'd be looking at the remoaners.

The term you were looking for is “Reminders”, there to constantly remind the brexiteers of the damage their Brexit vote is doing to the country.

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11 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

This will be the same Telegraph that lied to its readers last week, about support for Johnson prorouging Parliament?

Sky, Express, Inews, Politics home,   it'll leak down to the Guardian eventually.

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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

This will be the same Telegraph that lied to its readers last week, about support for Johnson prorouging Parliament?

The government have told Gina MIller that shutting down parliament to force through a no deal brexit would be illegal. Details at the bottom of this Beeb article.

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8 hours ago, retep said:

Why do you ( and some posh blokes) want to destroy our economy.


I know that you rarely make sense, but the notion of no deal is so clearly self harming that I’ve no idea why anybody would support it.


Still. Stupid is as stupid does, I suppose 

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