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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

Message added by mort

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1 hour ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

Get over it, 31 October goodbye EU, delivered by a PM with the balls to do it.



I've been listening to LBC yesterday & today & there have been some heart rending stories of people with terrible illnesses, parents of very sick children with life limiting illnesses that are now having the extra worry of not knowing of their medicines (which are manufactured in Europe) will be available when they need them. 

I think people who are now gloating about the supposed superiority of the British, their 'bulldog spirit' and 'we won the war' crap, 'we have the balls to do it' should listen to the people in the front line - the most vulnerable, who are going to be affected.

When you parrot the Mark Francois, the Jacob Rees Moggs of this world, they're doing just fine. They'll be gorging themselves in one of the many HoC tax payer subsidised restaurants, while vulnerable people die.

No deal Brexiters are either very rich and can isolate themselves from the worst of a no deal Brexit, or very stupid people who just don't care about others.

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31 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

So are you saying that Parliament shouldn’t have been given a vote on the deal?

Parliament have rightly voted on the withdrawal agreement. What I’m saying is parliament voted 3 times against this. But it’s those who were against the deal saying we shouldn’t leave without one. They can’t have it both ways the EU has constantly said the deal negotiated is the only one on the table. It’s no use those who voted against it now saying we must have one now. They  had their chance and blew it.

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17 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I've been listening to LBC yesterday & today & there have been some heart rending stories of people with terrible illnesses, parents of very sick children with life limiting illnesses that are now having the extra worry of not knowing of their medicines (which are manufactured in Europe) will be available when they need them. 

I think people who are now gloating about the supposed superiority of the British, their 'bulldog spirit' and 'we won the war' crap, 'we have the balls to do it' should listen to the people in the front line - the most vulnerable, who are going to be affected.

When you parrot the Mark Francois, the Jacob Rees Moggs of this world, they're doing just fine. They'll be gorging themselves in one of the many HoC tax payer subsidised restaurants, while vulnerable people die.

No deal Brexiters are either very rich and can isolate themselves from the worst of a no deal Brexit, or very stupid people who just don't care about others.

Angel and certainly Francois won’t give a **** about any of that. They really really don’t care.

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48 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

So are you saying that Parliament shouldn’t have been given a vote on the deal?

Remember, the leave vote was bring back sovereignty to the UK Parliament, now it appears they don't like that either.


16 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I've been listening to LBC yesterday & today & there have been some heart rending stories of people with terrible illnesses, parents of very sick children with life limiting illnesses that are now having the extra worry of not knowing of their medicines (which are manufactured in Europe) will be available when they need them. 

I think people who are now gloating about the supposed superiority of the British, their 'bulldog spirit' and 'we won the war' crap, 'we have the balls to do it' should listen to the people in the front line - the most vulnerable, who are going to be affected.

When you parrot the Mark Francois, the Jacob Rees Moggs of this world, they're doing just fine. They'll be gorging themselves in one of the many HoC tax payer subsidised restaurants, while vulnerable people die.

No deal Brexiters are either very rich and can isolate themselves from the worst of a no deal Brexit, or very stupid people who just don't care about others.

I forget who said it but there was a quote that said (might be paraphrasing slightly) - "If you're in favour of a no deal Brexit, you're either very rich or very stupid. If you're not sure which one you are, check your wallet."

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14 minutes ago, hobinfoot said:

Parliament have rightly voted on the withdrawal agreement. What I’m saying is parliament voted 3 times against this. But it’s those who were against the deal saying we shouldn’t leave without one. They can’t have it both ways the EU has constantly said the deal negotiated is the only one on the table. It’s no use those who voted against it now saying we must have one now. They  had their chance and blew it.

OK, Parliament should be given a vote but only as long as they vote for the deal presented to them?


So Parliament is just a rubber stamp for the Government, like the Central Committee of the Chinese state or a Soviet politburo?


Not really ‘taking back control’, is it?

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3 hours ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

Get over it, 31 October goodbye EU, delivered by a PM with the balls to do it.



Serious question..


My other half is dependant on drugs which have a limited shelf life. She has a months supply at a time and cannot get any more.


Interrupt that supply for more than a few days and she dies.


What do you suppose we do when the expected disruption to drug supplies come at Brexit day. You voted for this shambles. Whats your solution? Suck it up and die?

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2 hours ago, Mister M said:

I've been listening to LBC yesterday & today & there have been some heart rending stories of people with terrible illnesses, parents of very sick children with life limiting illnesses that are now having the extra worry of not knowing of their medicines (which are manufactured in Europe) will be available when they need them. 

I think people who are now gloating about the supposed superiority of the British, their 'bulldog spirit' and 'we won the war' crap, 'we have the balls to do it' should listen to the people in the front line - the most vulnerable, who are going to be affected.

When you parrot the Mark Francois, the Jacob Rees Moggs of this world, they're doing just fine. They'll be gorging themselves in one of the many HoC tax payer subsidised restaurants, while vulnerable people die.

No deal Brexiters are either very rich and can isolate themselves from the worst of a no deal Brexit, or very stupid people who just don't care about others.

Worry not,

"No deal project fear dismantled as pharmaceutical boss reveals UK is ready - NO shortages"



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12 minutes ago, retep said:

Worry not,

"No deal project fear dismantled as pharmaceutical boss reveals UK is ready - NO shortages"



Cobblers. What about the drugs that are not made in the UK? Which is a significant number of them.


What about the lack of capacity for those that are made outside the UK to supplement our internal production.



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18 minutes ago, retep said:

Worry not,

"No deal project fear dismantled as pharmaceutical boss reveals UK is ready - NO shortages"



Ash Soni only a year ago.



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