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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

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52 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

Totally agree. If they’re  lying, they’re lying. Let’s not tip toe round it anymore. They can’t keep taking the **** and getting away with it.

I agree. 

I think many a rotten apple have escaped full censure from journalists because somehow the rule that Ministers cannot be called liars by their peers in Parliament has made its way into the TV studios.

I think Channel 4 News is excellent at holding ministers to account on a number of issues. For a number of years I've thought the BBC toadying and toothless, and their reporters might as well be CCHQ staff for all the good they are. If I didn't know better, I'd say the BBC are frightened of the Government.:suspect:

Edited by Mister M
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Interesting possible consequence of voting for and wanting a no deal by "northern" brextremists i never thought of



Meanwhile, the UK waste industry's trade body has warned a disruptive no-deal Brexit could mean rubbish from the more densely-populated South East being sent to landfill in northern England


southern waste being dumped in the north

Edited by melthebell
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4 hours ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

Tell me again EU lovers, how much is Greece in debt to your beloved corrupt EU.  Come on fess up.

You have definitely been spending far too much time at your computer on bonkers right wing facebook groups or forums.


The language you use gives you away.

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4 hours ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

Tell me again EU lovers, how much is Greece in debt to your beloved corrupt EU.  Come on fess up.



Is it 1.8 trillion Euro?


Sorry, that’s our national debt in pounds ( Or euro, or dollars)


Greece’s national debt is  about 350 billion euro.


What was the point that you were making?

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4 hours ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

See post 4937.



Thought I had answered that several posts ago, maybe your eyes were full of tears at the thought of your beloved EU sinking like a stone, and you missed my reply's.



No you never answered it. You just mouthed meaningless lies and platitudes.


What are you supposing we do when the expected drugs shortage arrives?

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5 minutes ago, Obelix said:

No you never answered it. You just mouthed meaningless lies and platitudes.


What are you supposing we do when the expected drugs shortage arrives?

If you need paracetamol, ibrupofen, hay fever stuff, or decent cognac, you are welcome round here to share my stockpile.


I don’t have antibiotics, or anticoagulants, or insulin or any important stuff though.


You could pop round to Angel’s for that. He’ll just make a wish, click his heels and nobody will die.

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5 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

You could pop round to Angel’s for that. He’ll just make a wish, click his heels and nobody will die.


I’m assuming that he will also magically provide the radio-isotopes needed for scanning, X-rays and radiotherapy which all have such short half lives that they cannot be stockpiled like drugs can.


When people start to get ill and die, (which they will), posters like Angelfire will start to regret cheerleading this madness on so publicly which I’m pretty sure he does in real life and not just on the internet.

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3 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

I’m assuming that he will also magically provide the radio-isotopes needed for scanning, X-rays and radiotherapy which all have such short half lives that they cannot be stockpiled like drugs can.


When people start to get ill and die, (which they will), posters like Angelfire will start to regret cheerleading this madness on so publicly which I’m pretty sure he does in real life and not just on the internet.

No he won’t, he’ll blame somebody else, the telegraph and express will help him. In fact they already are.

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