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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

Message added by mort

 Let me make this perfectly clear - any personal attacks will get you a suspension. The moderating team is not going to continually issue warnings. If you cannot remain civil and post within forum rules then do not bother to contribute. 

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2 hours ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

So how much does Greece owe the EU, the lack of a response means one thing, you dare not answer it for fear of looking silly to your fellow EU worshipers. 


As you cannot or will not answer the question, I will help you along a little, very kind of me I know.


In eight years of bailout programs, Greece has received 241.6 billion euros ($281.92 billion). This has caused Greek debt to rise and it needs to be repaid at some stage. Greece's public debt stands currently at about 180 percent of debt-to-GDP, as of the 25June 2018. "


And you have the temerity to call me a liar when I say your beloved EU is corrupt. A fully functioning, correctly audited entity would never have been allowed to "loan" another entity such an amount that it cannot ever pay back.  Greece is bust, bankrupt skint, and our money 12 billion per year paid to the corrupt EU is helping prop Greece up. We can spend that brass at home on better things. 





And I’ll keep calling you a liar billy liar if you keep lying.  I’ve shown you link after link after link - different sources too - and you keep trotting out the same lies. It’s not ignorance any more. Others have pointed this out as well.


But, if the EU hadn’t bailed Greece out (and the UK gave non- eu related money as well if memory serves) what do you think would have happened?


How do think Boris will spend the money when he isn’t spending £100m of tax payers money on leaflets telling us that food shortages in the event of a no deal brexit is a price worth paying? If you think it’s the NHS you’re dafter than I thought. Farage and trump are already lining up the vultures to pick that apart.


EDIT - L00b inadvertently corrected me, it wasn’t Greece it was Ireland.

Edited by tinfoilhat
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1 hour ago, melthebell said:

As usual blame, deflection and personal attack, no facts, no argument...perfect brextremist attitude

No personal attack just this fact supplied by yourself,             ...i've NEVERvoted .

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8 minutes ago, retep said:

No personal attack just this fact supplied by yourself,             ...i've NEVERvoted .

And in the real world have you got any 'facts' in regards to your precious brexit turning the north into a southern dumping ground?

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21 minutes ago, melthebell said:

And in the real world have you got any 'facts' in regards to your precious brexit turning the north into a southern dumping ground?

Have you? seeing as it's you who put the link up, apart from the bit from the Bull....Broadcasting Company.

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11 minutes ago, retep said:

So come on, lets see your proof that Brexit will turn the North into a Southern dumping ground.

Rather than just trading links, lets bring it back to the political argument.


If one of the results of a no-deal Brexit would be a waste management crisis leading to the rich South offloading its refuse onto the poor North, would you still think that it was worth it?

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4 hours ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

So how much does Greece owe the EU, the lack of a response means one thing, you dare not answer it for fear of looking silly to your fellow EU worshipers. 


As you cannot or will not answer the question, I will help you along a little, very kind of me I know.


Hi Angel


No need for you to help out. I’d already answered you, almost straight after you asked your question . 


Maybe you could acknowledge your mistake and apologise for being misleading.


Then, perhaps you could do some fact checking before you post any more steaming piles of nonsense.





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“Boris Johnson has said it will not be "a cinch" to persuade the EU to change its Brexit deal with the UK and that people "shouldn't hold their breath".


So Boris Johnson stood for election on the promise that he would renegotiate the withdrawal agreement. The EU said at the time that this wasn’t going to happen because the negotiations had already been concluded.


Boris Johnson is elected, becomes Prime Minister and goes to Brussels to ‘renegotiate’ the agreement where he is told, “The negotiations finished last November!”


Am I the only one to feel embarrassed that we are being represented on the world stage by this completely incompetent clown? 😕

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37 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

“Boris Johnson has said it will not be "a cinch" to persuade the EU to change its Brexit deal with the UK and that people "shouldn't hold their breath".


So Boris Johnson stood for election on the promise that he would renegotiate the withdrawal agreement. The EU said at the time that this wasn’t going to happen because the negotiations had already been concluded.


Boris Johnson is elected, becomes Prime Minister and goes to Brussels to ‘renegotiate’ the agreement where he is told, “The negotiations finished last November!”


Am I the only one to feel embarrassed that we are being represented on the world stage by this completely incompetent clown? 😕

Who's acting like a hard nut but will twist and turn at every opportunity and will blame all and sundry, sigh

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