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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

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1 hour ago, retep said:

So come on, lets see your proof that Brexit will turn the North into a Southern dumping ground.

I have no proof, apart from an 'expert'in waste management, which I presume is more than you have.


I also put 'possible' consequence rather than will. So it 'could' happen it may not.


But, why would northern turkeys vote for something that 'could' make their Christmas possibly a lot lot horriblier?


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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Rather than just trading links, lets bring it back to the political argument.


If one of the results of a no-deal Brexit would be a waste management crisis leading to the rich South offloading its refuse onto the poor North, would you still think that it was worth it?

Can't you use your crystal ball, I would think cost would come into it, one thing to send small amounts and another to send the whole of the South's refuse.

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11 minutes ago, retep said:

Can't you use your crystal ball, I would think cost would come into it, one thing to send small amounts and another to send the whole of the South's refuse.

We don't have the recycling centres, or even waste to power ones, to deal with it in this country and the South doesn't have enough landfill sites. Something has to be done with it regardless of cost and keep in mind they currently pay to ship it to mainland Europe, transport costs won't be the issue.

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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

“Boris Johnson has said it will not be "a cinch" to persuade the EU to change its Brexit deal with the UK and that people "shouldn't hold their breath".


So Boris Johnson stood for election on the promise that he would renegotiate the withdrawal agreement. The EU said at the time that this wasn’t going to happen because the negotiations had already been concluded.


Boris Johnson is elected, becomes Prime Minister and goes to Brussels to ‘renegotiate’ the agreement where he is told, “The negotiations finished last November!”


Am I the only one to feel embarrassed that we are being represented on the world stage by this completely incompetent clown? 😕

Boris Johnson stood for leadership of the Tory Party with a pledge that the UK  will leave the EU on 31st October come what may.  Boris Johnson only ever stated he will try to negotiate a deal with the EU before our country leave on 31st October.


I am embarrassed by the amount of people in our country who still don't respect the 2016 democratic  EU referendum result who  hope Boris Johnson fails to negotiate an improved deal.

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7 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

I am embarrassed by the amount of people in our country who still don't respect the 2016 democratic  EU referendum result who  hope Boris Johnson fails to negotiate an improved deal.

The referendum ‘result’ was at best, inconclusive. 37% vs 36% is hardly an overwhelming message to the powers that be. 


Boris Johnson told us that we couldn’t take no-deal off the table as it would force the EU into renegotiating. How has that worked out? The EU will do one of two things. It will either provide an extension to Article 50 if asked for, to allow a general election/second referendum, or it will sit back and watch the UK commit political and economic suicide.


What it won’t do is re-open negotiations. Can you give me a single reason why it should?

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22 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

Boris Johnson stood for leadership of the Tory Party with a pledge that the UK  will leave the EU on 31st October come what may.  Boris Johnson only ever stated he will try to negotiate a deal with the EU before our country leave on 31st October.


I am embarrassed by the amount of people in our country who still don't respect the 2016 democratic  EU referendum result who  hope Boris Johnson fails to negotiate an improved deal.

because its idiocy of the highest order and is not good for the country or its inhabitants...get over it

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51 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

Boris Johnson stood for leadership of the Tory Party with a pledge that the UK  will leave the EU on 31st October come what may.  Boris Johnson only ever stated he will try to negotiate a deal with the EU before our country leave on 31st October.


I am embarrassed by the amount of people in our country who still don't respect the 2016 democratic  EU referendum result who  hope Boris Johnson fails to negotiate an improved deal.

Johnson was never going to renegotiate anything, and never less so than when he set dumping the backstop from the WA as a condition to even start talking.


Now I'm old enough to remember when Johnson stated that he wouldn't be going to the EU for that renegotiating come what may, he'd wait for the EU to come to him: so, err, how's that been working for him this week? :lol:


Know your place. Or starve. Same difference on this side of the Channel by now: deal or no deal, we're happy with you going out with or without by now.


Arguably, no deal is a bit more troublesome to start with - but then it offers much better business opportunities for us longer term. It's business, not personal. You'll make it personal and blame us til you're blue in the face, sure. We know that and have long known that.  But that won't make any difference whatsoever to investors, and so it won't put bread on your table all the same.


You heard the economic counter-arguments before the referendum, you dismissed them as "Project Fear", you've been spending 3 years telling us that you knew what you were voting for, and you're still broadly dismissing them as "Project Fear" or ignoring them outright 'because democracy' (which you clearly don't understand the first thing about), all the while hurling jingoistic abuse at the EU27 for domestic consumption: look, it's your sovereign decision, the EU27 have nothing but respect it to date, and you're not owed a living.


So get over it, take the deal that's on offer and which respects your government's red lines, or don't take the deal and take your chances on WTO.


But in any case: GTFO already. Enough.

Edited by L00b
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45 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

Boris Johnson stood for leadership of the Tory Party with a pledge that the UK  will leave the EU on 31st October come what may.  Boris Johnson only ever stated he will try to negotiate a deal with the EU before our country leave on 31st October.


I am embarrassed by the amount of people in our country who still don't respect the 2016 democratic  EU referendum result who  hope Boris Johnson fails to negotiate an improved deal.

Get used to it on this forum, it's full of EU loving, anti democratic, anti British hope we fail, remoan at any cost types. Sad but true.



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47 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

The referendum ‘result’ was at best, inconclusive. 37% vs 36% is hardly an overwhelming message to the powers that be. 


Boris Johnson told us that we couldn’t take no-deal off the table as it would force the EU into renegotiating. How has that worked out? The EU will do one of two things. It will either provide an extension to Article 50 if asked for, to allow a general election/second referendum, or it will sit back and watch the UK commit political and economic suicide.


What it won’t do is re-open negotiations. Can you give me a single reason why it should?

Don't pontificate nonsense,  the referendum result was decisive with leave winning 52% support from the democratic people who turned out to vote. The EU is not going to change their stance until they are certain that Parliament can't block a no-deal exit.


 A no-deal exit for the UK is not good for the EU and that is one single reason why the EU should re-open negotiations or agree to a last-minute manage exit for the UK.


38 minutes ago, melthebell said:

because its idiocy of the highest order and is not good for the country or its inhabitants...get over it

That is just your own biased opinion that it is not good for our country to leave the EU. You're telling the wrong man to get over it because I voted to remain in the EU on 23rd June 2016 and supported our country leaving the EU on 24th June when the democratic referendum result was announced. 

Edited by Lockdoctor
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