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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

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38 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

Absolutely not.


You can only govern with the permission of the people. 


Just as as the Queen only remains as monarch with the permission of the people.


If you doubt me, nip over to Paris and ask the French Queen.

Boris has no permission of the people - he has transferred permission.

A tiny %age of the electorate was allowed to choose him as leader of the country.


And now he is removing the democratic choice from the people.

As David Davis said Democracy is about having the ability to change your mind.,


Boris and his fascist state has removed that ability.


As undemocratic governments go, Boris and the CONservative party must rank in the top 2 or 3.

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28 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

Did you ask the French Queen about that?

In the UK we have a constitutional monarchy whereby the PM and Government exercise their powers under the Royal Prerogative for and on behalf of the Queen through the powers she still has. That is the same prerogative that Johnson must ask the Queen to exercise to enable him to shut down parliament if/when needed. Nowt to do with the people.

Edited by Dromedary
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3 minutes ago, retep said:

You can ask all you like it doesn't mean I should answer.


Don't you have one of those crystal balls that some of the remoaners on here have, perhaps you could ask around to borrow one.

Indeed not.


But surely being a contributor to a discussion forum, involves you contributing ideas.


I’m fully aware that there are no credible ideas that justify no deal Brexit, but I thought it might be fun to see whether you agreed.


It appears that you do.

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3 hours ago, Mister Gee said:

Why are you so bitter and twisted?

I don’t know about Angelfire himself but if he’s anything like the reactionary old Brexit supporting blokes I know, it’s because he has watched the world move on over his lifetime and it has left him and all his certainties behind.


He has watched ‘poofs’ being made legal and if that wasn’t enough, they want to be able to hold hands in the street and get married. They have watched ‘darkies’ become integrated into our society with children and grandchildren who see themselves as every bit British as the white folk. They have seen women take on a greater and greater role in our society. They are no longer content to stay at home, look after the kids and make themselves available for a drunken and unpleasant ‘bunk-up’ when their man gets home on a Friday night. Women no longer know their place and it was much better when all it took was a good slap to keep them there. They have watched mosques popping up, which they fear and resent despite never going to church themselves. They have felt emasculated by a modern society which is constantly telling them that they can no longer behave as they did when they were in their twenties when it was  “so what if you put your hand up a workmate’s skirt and had a quick grope. They liked it. They must have done because they never complained.”


So to them Brexit is not about the EU. To be fair, most of them have no idea what the EU is or does. No, Brexit to them is about a fightback against progress. Against modernity. Against political correctness. Against the challenge to the hegemony of the white male. They absolutely believe that the white, middle aged male is an oppressed minority despite every single metric showing that is still by far the most privileged group in society.


This anger and resentment runs deep, which is why they are prepared to see our society burn to achieve something which they thought had been lost forever. The problem is, it really has been lost for ever. Trump, Farage and Bolsonaro are rich men who are trying to make themselves richer. They aren’t going to give you back your ‘all-white’ Britain with beer 2/6d a pint.


You can’t turn back time.



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2 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

In the UK we have a constitutional monarchy whereby the PM and Government exercise their powers under the Royal Prerogative for and on behalf of the Queen through the powers she still has. That is the same prerogative that Johnson must ask the Queen to exercise to enable him to shut down parliament if/when needed. Nowt to do with the people.

You are correct.


Until the people reject that idea.


Then you are dangerously wrong.


Go and ask the French Queen about how dangerously wrong you might be

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1 hour ago, Lockdoctor said:

Angel1  wrote the truth.  It's those who still don't respect the democratic referendum result and want Boris Johnson to fail to get a deal who are bitter and twisted.

Democracy is about having the ability to change your mind.

Boris is being totalitarian and dictatorial in not giving the electorate the chance to either confirm the leave mandate or change their minds.


And you are supporting this mindset - and we all know where that ended up previously.

Are you aligning yourself with those in history that took a similar undemocratic stance?


Yes or no?  (Or once again do we not get a clear answer?)

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13 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

I don’t know about Angelfire himself but if he’s anything like the reactionary old Brexit supporting blokes I know, it’s because he has watched the world move on over his lifetime and it has left him and all his certainties behind.


He has watched ‘poofs’ being made legal and if that wasn’t enough, they want to be able to hold hands in the street and get married. They have watched ‘darkies’ become integrated into our society with children and grandchildren who see themselves as every bit British as the white folk. They have seen women take on a greater and greater role in our society. They are no longer content to stay at home, look after the kids and make themselves available for a drunken and unpleasant ‘bunk-up’ when their man gets home on a Friday night. Women no longer know their place and it was much better when all it took was a good slap to keep them there. They have watched mosques popping up, which they fear and resent despite never going to church themselves. They have felt emasculated by a modern society which is constantly telling them that they can no longer behave as they did when they were in their twenties when it was  “so what if you put your hand up a workmate’s skirt and had a quick grope. They liked it. They must have done because they never complained.”


So to them Brexit is not about the EU. To be fair, most of them have no idea what the EU is or does. No, Brexit to them is about a fightback against progress. Against modernity. Against political correctness. Against the challenge to the hegemony of the white male. They absolutely believe that the white, middle aged male is an oppressed minority despite every single metric showing that is still by far the most privileged group in society.


This anger and resentment runs deep, which is why they are prepared to see our society burn to achieve something which they thought had been lost forever. The problem is, it really has been lost for ever. Trump, Farage and Bolsonaro are rich men who are trying to make themselves richer. They aren’t going to give you back your ‘all-white’ Britain with beer 2/6d a pint.


You can’t turn back time.



That’s a damn fine post. I saw two guys holding hands walking down Hanover Way today and as a heterosexual married man it made me feel happy.

Edited by Mister Gee
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10 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

But that is an "until" and a highly unlikely scenario given that the majority of people prefer to keep her in place.  

But it is still the case that the queen and the Government are there by permission of the people.


That permission might wear thin if either of them participate in undemocratic acts.

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