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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

Message added by mort

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13 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

That happened before Boris became our country's Prime Minister.  Top Cats Hat  was obviously referring to what Boris is doing now on the World stage after he became Prime Minister.  In any case Boris is not to blame for Iran treating Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe badly.  

The fact that Boris was the foreign secretary and our chief international diplomat at the time is not of any consequence?


Your rhetoric of calling people anti British is pathetic. What makes you more British than any other British citizen?


Even the Speaker of the Commons said that people like you who make such statements are wrong. There is absolutely nothing wrong in following the political and legal processes enshrined in law to make a valid argument. Your responses are that of a typical schoolboy bully who has no valid argument and all you do is just shout the same mantra repeatedly. 

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49 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

So far Boris hasn't put a foot wrong on the World stage.  You're not pro-British otherwise you would support Boris in his efforts to implement Brexit  in order for our country to move on and give other issues what seriously affect our country the full attention they deserve.

It's not pro-British to support the leader of the day regardless of what they do. To suggest that it is is the sort of thing dictatorships do and is fundamentally unBritish.

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23 minutes ago, Albert the Cat said:

The fact that Boris was the foreign secretary and our chief international diplomat at the time is not of any consequence?


Your rhetoric of calling people anti British is pathetic. What makes you more British than any other British citizen?


Even the Speaker of the Commons said that people like you who make such statements are wrong. There is absolutely nothing wrong in following the political and legal processes enshrined in law to make a valid argument. Your responses are that of a typical schoolboy bully who has no valid argument and all you do is just shout the same mantra repeatedly. 

What Boris did or say when he was foreign secretary has no consequences of what he is doing and saying now that he is our country's Prime Minister.  Fair minded people will judge Boris on what he has done since becoming Prime Minister.  A few months ago I wouldn't have supported Boris becoming Prime Minister, but now he is our country's Prime Minister, I support him especially in his efforts to implement the democratic 2016 EU referendum result.


You need to read my responses more carefully because I haven't stated I am more British than anyone and haven't called anyone anti-British.  You're the one behaving like a schoolboy because you have made a schoolboy error by no reading comments correctly and understanding the context in which they are made.

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40 minutes ago, altus said:

It's not pro-British to support the leader of the day regardless of what they do. To suggest that it is is the sort of thing dictatorships do and is fundamentally unBritish.

I think when our Prime Minister is overseas meeting  other World  leaders it is Pro-British to support our own Prime Minister rather than foreign leaders.  I haven't suggested a Prime Minister should be supported regardless of what they do

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34 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

I think when our Prime Minister is overseas meeting  other World  leaders it is Pro-British to support our own Prime Minister rather than foreign leaders.

Arguing for what you think is best for the country even when it is at odds with the prime minister's position isn't supporting foreign leaders. You'd complain quickly enough if someone said those arguing for a no deal brexit where supporting Donald Trump rather than our PM.


I haven't suggested a Prime Minister should be supported regardless of what they do

It's obvious what my intention was but if you are insist on being picky replace "regardless of what they do" with "even if you think they are wrong".


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2 hours ago, Lockdoctor said:

So far Boris hasn't put a foot wrong on the World stage.  You're not pro-British otherwise you would support Boris in his efforts to implement Brexit  in order for our country to move on and give other issues what seriously affect our country the full attention they deserve.

Unforunately those issues will all be exacerbated by Brexit... it simply makes those issues more accute!


Anyone who supports Brexit under those circumstances is not pro-British... it would be a nonsense to suggest otherwise.

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2 hours ago, Lockdoctor said:

You're not pro-British otherwise you would support Boris in his efforts to implement Brexit  

You may not agree, but it is a fact that every credible economic forecaster worldwide predicts great damage to the UK and its economy by leaving the EU. So given that situation, clearly the only genuinely pro-British thing a citizen can do is to oppose Brexit in any way they can.


Your bizarre logic is the equivalent of saying that if the Conservative party wins an election the whole country should get behind Conservative policy. If Labour wins they should do the same. Your denial of the right to any kind of opposition is troubling.


I’m not a racist, I’m not a xenophobe, I like people of different cultures with different outlooks on life and I work as many days a year in EU countries as I do in the UK so why on earth should I back Johnson’s stupid plan to leave the EU? 🙄

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1 hour ago, altus said:

Arguing for what you think is best for the country even when it is at odds with the prime minister's position isn't supporting foreign leaders. You'd complain quickly enough if someone said those arguing for a no deal brexit where supporting Donald Trump rather than our PM.



It's obvious what my intention was but if you are insist on being picky replace "regardless of what they do" with "even if you think they are wrong".


At the moment Britain is in a battle with the EU. In my opinion, someone isn't pro-British if they side with the EU rather than Britain. When Margaret Thatcher had battles with the EU she was overwhelmingly supported by the British people including those who didn't vote for her or support her domestic policies.



44 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

You may not agree, but it is a fact that every credible economic forecaster worldwide predicts great damage to the UK and its economy by leaving the EU. So given that situation, clearly the only genuinely pro-British thing a citizen can do is to oppose Brexit in any way they can.


Your bizarre logic is the equivalent of saying that if the Conservative party wins an election the whole country should get behind Conservative policy. If Labour wins they should do the same. Your denial of the right to any kind of opposition is troubling.


I’m not a racist, I’m not a xenophobe, I like people of different cultures with different outlooks on life and I work as many days a year in EU countries as I do in the UK so why on earth should I back Johnson’s stupid plan to leave the EU? 🙄

Your own prejudices towards the democratic EU referendum result mean you are not capable of making a rational judgement about a Prime Minister doing his best to implement that result.


A General Election is not the same as a referendum about one single issue and it is ludicrous to compare them.  If you had any respect for democracy then you would support Boris Johnson's plan to leave the EU. 

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9 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

If you had any respect for democracy then you would support Boris Johnson's plan to leave the EU. 

What, because 36% of the electorate voted for it and 44% didn’t?


No, I think I will stick with the majority of my fellow citizens on this one. 😉

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