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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

Message added by mort

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3 hours ago, Lockdoctor said:

So far Boris hasn't put a foot wrong on the World stage.  You're not pro-British otherwise you would support Boris in his efforts to implement Brexit  in order for our country to move on and give other issues what seriously affect our country the full attention they deserve.

I've no desire to implement something that will be deeply damaging to our country. IF you really are working to divide people into us and them then really you need to have a good looka t yourself. You've have three years to build consensus and you've spent three years driving division.

3 hours ago, Lockdoctor said:

That happened before Boris became our country's Prime Minister.  Top Cats Hat  was obviously referring to what Boris is doing now on the World stage after he became Prime Minister.  In any case Boris is not to blame for Iran treating Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe badly.  

Yes he is.

2 hours ago, Lockdoctor said:

 implement the democratic 2016 EU referendum result.


It's been ruled as unsafe and not democratic for ages. Why do you persist in this fiction?

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36 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

At the moment Britain is in a battle with the EU. In my opinion, someone isn't pro-British if they side with the EU rather than Britain. When Margaret Thatcher had battles with the EU she was overwhelmingly supported by the British people including those who didn't vote for her or support her domestic policies.

Mentioning Margaret Thatcher again. You should have realised from previous posts that invoking Thatcher's name to try and support brexit is a losing wicket. Margaret Thatcher was a huge fan of the EU and the single market. Whilst she talked tough with the EU in order to get the best for the UK within the EU she always made pragmatic compromises in the end and she would never have supported leaving.


It's not very surprising that the majority of people supported a PM trying to get the best for the country within an organisation it is beneficial for the UK to be a member of. That's a whole different proposition from expecting people to support a PM who is heading for something that most realise will be deeply damaging to the UK.

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11 minutes ago, altus said:

Margaret Thatcher was a huge fan of the EU and the single market. Whilst she talked tough with the EU in order to get the best for the UK within the EU she always made pragmatic compromises in the end and she would never have supported leaving.

Even most of the crackpot far-right and crypto-fascist parties in Europe are not advocating leaving the EU, as they know that visiting economic hardship on their own people is not a great way to get support.

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1 hour ago, Lockdoctor said:

At the moment Britain is in a battle with the EU. In my opinion, someone isn't pro-British if they side with the EU rather than Britain. When Margaret Thatcher had battles with the EU she was overwhelmingly supported by the British people including those who didn't vote for her or support her domestic policies.


I’m pleased that you’ve raised the subject of St Hilda of Grantham.


She famously denounced referenda as “ a device of dictators and demagogues”


She also said that they would be dangerous to minorities and threaten parliamentary sovereignty.


How right she was.

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49 minutes ago, Obelix said:

I've no desire to implement something that will be deeply damaging to our country. IF you really are working to divide people into us and them then really you need to have a good looka t yourself. You've have three years to build consensus and you've spent three years driving division.

Yes he is.

It's been ruled as unsafe and not democratic for ages. Why do you persist in this fiction?

There is no danger I will accuse you of being  pro-British when you would rather blame a British politician for the continued imprisonment of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe than the rogue foreign country that placed her in prison. 


The  2016 EU  referendum was safe and fair and to suggest otherwise are the actions of someone who doesn't respect British democracy.



35 minutes ago, altus said:

Mentioning Margaret Thatcher again. You should have realised from previous posts that invoking Thatcher's name to try and support brexit is a losing wicket. Margaret Thatcher was a huge fan of the EU and the single market. Whilst she talked tough with the EU in order to get the best for the UK within the EU she always made pragmatic compromises in the end and she would never have supported leaving.


It's not very surprising that the majority of people supported a PM trying to get the best for the country within an organisation it is beneficial for the UK to be a member of. That's a whole different proposition from expecting people to support a PM who is heading for something that most realise will be deeply damaging to the UK.

The EU is not the same organisation today  Margaret Thatcher supported remaining part of in 1975 or the same one was when she was Prime Minister.  While Margaret Thatcher was still Prime Minister she made a speech in Bruges which indicate she wouldn't have supported what the EU had turned into in 2016 when the democratic EU referendum took place.



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46 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

There is no danger I will accuse you of being  pro-British when you would rather blame a British politician for the continued imprisonment of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe than the rogue foreign country that placed her in prison.

Of course that's not what I said. I note the standard tired old reoutine of making a strawman to avoid actually debating the point though. Your tactics never change and are so predictable.

Are we going to have answers to...


" It's been ruled as unsafe and not democratic for ages. Why do you persist in this fiction? "


" It is? Wheres this battle? "

Or are you hoping that slinging mud will make these go away?

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1 hour ago, Lockdoctor said:

While Margaret Thatcher was still Prime Minister she made a speech in Bruges which indicate she wouldn't have supported what the EU had turned into in 2016 

Dude, you know that you’ve run out of arguments when you have to twist the words of a dead Prime Minister who was reviled by millions to make your case. 😂🤣😂

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1 hour ago, Lockdoctor said:

There is no danger I will accuse you of being  pro-British when you would rather blame a British politician for the continued imprisonment of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe than the rogue foreign country that placed her in prison. 


The  2016 EU  referendum was safe and fair and to suggest otherwise are the actions of someone who doesn't respect British democracy.



The EU is not the same organisation today  Margaret Thatcher supported remaining part of in 1975 or the same one was when she was Prime Minister.  While Margaret Thatcher was still Prime Minister she made a speech in Bruges which indicate she wouldn't have supported what the EU had turned into in 2016 when the democratic EU referendum took place.



What about the peril that Boris increased for Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe - not the act of a very good politician. And since he's been in power as the unelected PM of the UK what progress has he made on her behalf - diddly squat!


The 2016 referendum was not safe and fair, both sides told lies, one side was illegally funded and what was promised is not what is now being forced on the UK electorate by the dictatorial blonde misogynistic, liar and cheat Boris Johnson.


The only democratic thing to do would be to have a third referendum once the 'deal' has been finalised, or if one isn't forthcoming, then before we crash into third world status with the no-deal brexit that we didn't vote for.


Democracy is about being able to change your mind.

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1 hour ago, Obelix said:

Of course that's not what I said. I note the standard tired old reoutine of making a strawman to avoid actually debating the point though. Your tactics never change and are so predictable.

Are we going to have answers to...


" It's been ruled as unsafe and not democratic for ages. Why do you persist in this fiction? "


" It is? Wheres this battle? "

Or are you hoping that slinging mud will make these go away?

I don't make strawman. You disagreed me when when I stated Boris is not to blame for Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe still being in prison. Anyone blaming Boris for Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe's plight, do so for political reasons because nobody can say Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe wouldn't still be in an Iranian prison, if Boris had never made any comments about her while being Foreign Secretary.


My answer is the democratic EU referendum result was safe and fair and I say so as a Remain voter. There are observers at British elections and Leave won by over one million votes.



41 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Dude, you know that you’ve run out of arguments when you have to twist the words of a dead Prime Minister who was reviled by millions to make your case. 😂🤣😂

That  allegation is comedy gold  coming from the poster, who has to twist the democratic EU referendum result figures and counts votes from people who never voted for whatever reasons to argue that Leave didn't win.

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