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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

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47 minutes ago, melthebell said:

As for democracy, it now seems Downing street are trying to silence those that oppose Brexit, sounds more like a dictaorship than democracy







silencing opponants is NOT democracy

It sounds like Downing Street are trying to stop the Brexit blockers in Parliament from undermining the negotiations in trying to get a deal or managed exit from the EU. While the EU still believe there is a chance Brexit can be stopped they are less likely to reopen the Withdrawal Agreement or ditch the Backstop and agree to an alternative.


13 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Nobody won.


One side got 36%, the other got 35%. The day before, it was dead level and too close to call and the day after, it went in Remain’s favour.


Trying to claim some kind of democratic mandate for this mess makes you just look desperate and lacking in any credible argument. 😯



You're just having a laugh. I am beginning to think you are really a Leave voter and are only here to make Remain voters who don't respect democracy look worse than they really  are

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3 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

It sounds like Downing Street are trying to stop the Brexit blockers in Parliament from undermining the negotiations in trying to get a deal or managed exit from the EU. While the EU still believe there is a chance Brexit can be stopped they are less likely to reopen the Withdrawal Agreement or ditch the Backstop and agree to an alternative.




they are turning it into a dictatorship and doing everything to keep the faint hope of a no deal alive. That includes still refusing to rule out closing parlaiment in the run up to october 31st....its NOT democracy at work its a dictator.

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3 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

While the EU still believe there is a chance Brexit can be stopped they are less likely to reopen the Withdrawal Agreement or ditch the Backstop and agree to an alternative.

Do you any evidence for that at all?


From where me and most people are looking the EU has said that the negotiations ended last November and aren’t going to be reopened.

14 minutes ago, melthebell said:

hes telling people not to listen to them, ie:- silence people by getting people to ignore them, and calling them wrong.

The difficulty he has with that is that they think he is a complete idiot and a political lightweight.

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51 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Nobody won.


One side got 36%, the other got 35%. The day before, it was dead level and too close to call and the day after, it went in Remain’s favour.


Trying to claim some kind of democratic mandate for this mess makes you just look desperate and lacking in any credible argument. 😯



Even taking your nonsense lies about the result share 36 is MORE than 35.    Leave therefore won.

400+ pages on this thread and you still are failing basic primary school maths.


No matter how many times you desprately try to argue it -  Non voters / dont knows and spolit ballots does not equal a vote to remain.   

Edited by ECCOnoob
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23 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

What nonsense!


If someone wants to complain about anything, it it entirely up to them. It nothing to do with you, me or anyone else.

It’s you who has said in many posts that only a minority voted to leave I’ve said if you want to complain about a vote then take part not moan about it after saying I wish I’d taken part now because the result is not the one I wanted.

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16 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

OK, you are clearly struggling with the maths, so let’s make this really simple.


Do a majority of adults in the UK wish to leave the EU?

Yes based on the valid results of the referendum following the accepted rules of voting as has been applied to every election and referendum prior.


Now, unless you can categorically speak for and on behalf of the 29% electorate who failed to attend to vote and have full and comprehensive evidence as to their intentions you are in absolutely no position to say otherwise.


Edited by ECCOnoob
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47 minutes ago, melthebell said:



they are turning it into a dictatorship and doing everything to keep the faint hope of a no deal alive. That includes still refusing to rule out closing parlaiment in the run up to october 31st....its NOT democracy at work its a dictator.

Absolutely correct. He's got two options, push through his unicorn deal in 6 weeks and see if it gets through (it wont) or have a general election and secure a nice big majority and push through what he likes.


Suspend parliament and there will be riots.

Edited by tinfoilhat
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11 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Yes based on the valid results of the referendum following the accepted rules of voting as has been applied to every election and referendum prior.

So that’s a no then?


So now we are agreed then that there is no evidence that the majority of adult, UK citizens wish to leave the EU why do you think that it should be forced through Parliament?

14 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Now, unless you can categorically speak for and on behalf of the 29% electorate who failed to attend to vote and have full and comprehensive evidence as to their intentions you are in absolutely no position to say otherwise.

This was a leaver’s referendum, as evidenced by many polls that show that 60-70% of those who didn’t vote, support remaining in the EU.

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1 hour ago, Lockdoctor said:

It sounds like Downing Street are trying to stop the Brexit blockers in Parliament from undermining the negotiations in trying to get a deal or managed exit from the EU. While the EU still believe there is a chance Brexit can be stopped they are less likely to reopen the Withdrawal Agreement or ditch the Backstop and agree to an alternative.


You're just having a laugh. I am beginning to think you are really a Leave voter and are only here to make Remain voters who don't respect democracy look worse than they really  are

You really are clutching at straws here aren't you?


When the majority of the UK doesn't want to leave, when the majority of MPs don't want to back a 'deal' which will harm the UK, and when the PM is an unelected lair and cheat (all of which he has admitted), you still claim that the Leave campaign has a mandate?


If you are so sure, put it to the test - have a third referendum - one with clear rules and winning lines, not just the less than 40% of the UK electorate that voted for financial crisis last time.

After all, the second referendum betrayed the democratic choice of the first - after all, democracy is about having the ability to change your mind. (Remind me who said that...?)

33 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Yes based on the valid results of the referendum following the accepted rules of voting as has been applied to every election and referendum prior.


Now, unless you can categorically speak for and on behalf of the 29% electorate who failed to attend to vote and have full and comprehensive evidence as to their intentions you are in absolutely no position to say otherwise.


That was 3 years ago - how about asking them now that we know what leaving really means, not the lies that were told last time...

Or are you scared that now the truth is out, you might get the real answer that people want to REMAIN?

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