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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

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1 minute ago, Obelix said:

Like I said I've no interest in talking to apologists any more.


This will be settled elsewhere. You are more or less irrevant now to me.

Then why comment? Last word syndrome eh!

Just now, melthebell said:

One word, obsession, fairness and truth doesn't matter anymore. Too many decades of media lies and mistruths have driven people into an obsession

This is the making of parliament as they have had over 3 years to sort it out and have failed so the blame lies squarely with them, and I hope they all suffer the wrath of the voter.

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15 minutes ago, convert said:

Have you ever considered that the EU consider our Parliament to be more than split on Brexit. Previous HOC votes have shown that there is no appetite for leaving, with or without a deal amongst the majority of our MPs.


Boris has strengthened the UK negotiating postion by making this move, which in my opinion, will make the EU more willing to come to the table and strike a deal of equal benefit / detriment to both side. It lessens the chance of no deal.

So, again, have a general election. If brexit is so awesome, and Boris this wonderful unifying figure he'll stroll to a big majority and he can push through what he likes.


This isn't Boris being the brilliant negoiator. This is Boris doing what Boris wants. 


And if we leave with a no deal or a deal - that's just the start. Mays deal was a withdrawal agreement, we had years of negotiations after that, just with the EU. No deal is just going to make the process more painful. And, let's be honest the union is gone if that happens. Scotland gone by 2021, northern Ireland I don't know.



5 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

Then why comment? Last word syndrome eh!

This is the making of parliament as they have had over 3 years to sort it out and have failed so the blame lies squarely with them, and I hope they all suffer the wrath of the voter.



Is this thing on?

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3 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

And how do you propose that would happen? as it is very unlikely that any vote of no confidence will pass and that seems to be the only way.

After what Boris has just done??


He's offended alot of MP's, even in his own party, a vote of no confidence will pass with ease.

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8 minutes ago, Obelix said:

It doens't care Tinfoil. There's literally no point in talking to Brexiters now because their little godhead has shown he won't listen.

On the contrary, I am happy to debate and listen but its hard when all the other debaters are screaming and chucking their toys out of the pram and not answering questions.


Its strange that Abbott is stating that Boris is organising a coup against parliament when at the same time members of parliament including Corbyn are trying to organise a coup against the government.

3 minutes ago, geared said:

After what Boris has just done??


He's offended alot of MP's, even in his own party, a vote of no confidence will pass with ease.

I think you should read his letter to MP's which seems to take the sting out of any no confidence vote. Most political analysts also agree that it unlikely to pass.

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8 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

Its strange that Abbott is stating that Boris is organising a coup against parliament when at the same time members of parliament including Corbyn are trying to organise a coup against the government.

You mean a vote of no confidence??


That doesn't meet the definition of a coup

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31 minutes ago, Obelix said:

It doens't care Tinfoil. There's literally no point in talking to Brexiters now because their little godhead has shown he won't listen.


It's really time to start making the point known in more apparant and direct ways.

It’s not really Brexiters, just the extremist ones. There are a select band of nutters out there, but I doubt that they represent the mainstream view.


Bypassing parliament will be the end for Johnson. If he does this, he breaks the Union and the Tory party.


I’m sure that he knows that, so in the words of a 1970s tv show.... BLUFF.

3 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

Nor does what Abbott is trying to make out, and yes I mean a vote of no confidence.

You really don’t like democracy, do you.

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