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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

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3 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

Nor does what Abbott is trying to make out, and yes I mean a vote of no confidence.

Well you can't moan that other people are not debating correctly when you then go and oversensationalise in your own comments.


Coup:  sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.


Should Corbyn, Abbot and that lot take up arms and force Boris out then I will agree it's become a coup.

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11 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

You really don’t like democracy, do you.

Considering I actually voted in the referendum, unlike many vocal anti brexiters on here, and wish for the democratic process to be followed through after the democratic referendum result then I would say you are way out with that one. 

3 minutes ago, geared said:

Well you can't moan that other people are not debating correctly when you then go and oversensationalise in your own comments.


Coup:  sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.

And here is the other part of that definition you left out:


Coup:  an instance of successfully achieving something difficult. 


Makes more sense now doesn't it!



Edited by Dromedary
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I don’t like the prorogation of parliament. On saying that parliament has had over3 years to sort brexit out and have failed miserably. Parliament has had the chance for a deal but 3 times rejected this which is their right. The LD SNP and others have said from the beginning that they were against brexit and would do all they could to stop it. The LP is different they voted against the withdrawal bill purely in the hope by doing this would lead to power. So if we do leave without a deal I personally blame the ones who voted against it for cynical reasons.

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9 minutes ago, Penistone999 said:

Government to suspend Parliament




Brexit MUST be delivered on October 31st ,and if this is how we have to do it, thats fine with me. 



The MP`s trying to stop Brexit must not be allowed to succeed.  



And there we have it. The mind of a brEXTREMIST, democracy and sovereignty when it suits

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