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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

Message added by mort

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3 minutes ago, Litotes said:

The referendum is discredited not by the remainers, but by the brexiteers who, having realised the lies they fell for, are afriad to let the electorate actually have a vote to express their opinions now the truth is exposed. The lastest polls suggest the vote would go the other way but won't let democracy have its say.

Their lies are getting exposed daily, but in a Trump-like manner they ignore them or shout "Project Fear".


Mrs May isn't helping with her stance - "I can have 3 votes, but you can only have one"!


2 minutes ago, Dardandec said:

labour destroyed themselves years ago. Working class people, the very  people who Labour supposedly support got used to the fact they were actually the cash cows for labour's tax and spend policies. Do you not ever pick up on the impossible pledges Labour have in their manifestos during general election times? Dead in the water mate, if they did blag their way in, trust me, it would be the working class who would be worse off. But i guess this is all another thread. ;)

I agree there that the political class have shot them selfs in the foot

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2 minutes ago, Litotes said:

The referendum is discredited not by the remainers, but by the brexiteers who, having realised the lies they fell for, are afriad to let the electorate actually have a vote to express their opinions now the truth is exposed.

Just how many referendums do you want to get your own way? Its not the people that are afraid but parliament as if they give into the wishes of the populace without actually going through with brexit first, especially as it was basically promised that they would, then its is a dangerous unprecedented thing for them to do as they are the ones in power. The remainers have been apathetic in the extreme and done nothing positive in the 3 years since the referendum only criticise and try to slur those that voted to leave.  We should leave and then if another referendum is called after that then fine.

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10 minutes ago, apelike said:

This referendum is only discredited by the remoaners 

The remoaners dont listen to and dont believe fake news, funnily enough also, they don't want to be worse off. I'm no expert on these matters but i'm pretty sure if you Brexiteers start posting some positive reasons why it is a really good idea to leave the EU and we will be all better off, then without speaking for others, i'm pretty sure you will get at least some of them on board.


Seven consequence threads later, and i have seen nothing.


Over to you mate, the floor is yours, start posting the positives. There is plenty of posting space per post, if you run out of space, just move onto the next post.


Knock yourself out, I eagerly await. :) 

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24 minutes ago, apelike said:

This referendum is only discredited by the remoaners who want to stay in 

No, the referendum is discredited by the Electoral Commission and the number of revelations of facebook and twitter being used to spread fake news to help the Leave campaign.


Funny how the Brexiteers bang on about taking back control but don't seem a bit bothered about interference by the Russian Government and far-right and alt-right US groups in our affairs. 🙄

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2 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

No, the referendum is discredited by the Electoral Commission and the number of revelations of facebook and twitter being used to spread fake news to help the Leave campaign.


Funny how the Brexiteers bang on about taking back control but don't seem a bit bothered about interference by the Russian Government and far-right and alt-right US groups in our affairs. 🙄

at this stage all that is just crap,,,, and mod I was not being disrespectful to top cat

Edited by phil752
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6 hours ago, phil752 said:

at this stage all that is just crap,,,, and mod I was not being disrespectful to top cat

Not crap though is it. It’s all true.


If the referendum had been legally binding it would have been declared void because of the levels of criminality.

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7 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Funny how the Brexiteers bang on about taking back control but don't seem a bit bothered about interference by the Russian Government and far-right and alt-right US groups in our affairs. 🙄

What's "funnier" still, is Brexiter MPs and figureheads like Aaron Banks running to foreign fascists in charge of EU Member states and doing deals to secure their veto to the extension which Parliament voted for, before the vote even took place.


Beyond meddling by Russia and other assorted profiteers in the referendum campaign, and so far from 'taking back control' it's actually handing still more control to foreign interference than the UK ever did as an EU member, if that is not 'treason', as some on here like to call it, I don't know what is.


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8 hours ago, apelike said:

Well.. unless something drastic happens then we will and the EU know that as well. 


That is not a probable at all as I'm sure the EU want this all put to bed, the quicker the better for all. This referendum is only discredited by the remoaners who want to stay in and that is still around the same level as when it took place. They have achieved nothing by constantly moaning and trying to discredit the democratic action that took place and yet still hope that it will all be cancelled in their favour. It is really amusing to watch the MP's in parliament squirm from their own incompetence. They have caused this mess and will suffer the consequences of not pulling it off whether it be a hard brexit or a deal and the only reason they may want an extension is so that they dont have to take the blame just yet.

It’s not Remoaners. The correct term is Reminders. Constantly reminding the Brexiteers what a mess they created by voting to leave. A poorer country with even less control. 

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A lot of Brexiteers do seem to be suffering from a form cognitive dissonance when it comes to Brexit.


When I question them on how Brexit could effect our economy, and point out to them that even the most positive people leading the Brexit campaign say it could take 50 years until we see the benefits of Brexit. They say that the financial hit would be worth it so they 'can take back control'. So when I point out that that the financial hit that they're talking about would include a cut in funding to the NHS, less police, weaker armed forces, bigger class sizes in schools and smaller investment in the country's infrastructure, they seem to switch off.


They refuse to accept that it could be a possibility, and fall back onto the tired rhetoric of 'we survived for hundreds of years prior to the EU and we'll survive afterwards'. Or my favourite, 'we stood alone for part of WW2 we can stand alone again'. Which is pretty ironic when you consider that we ended up having rationing for almost ten years after the end of WW2.


Imagine if this was a general election, and a party was arguing for higher taxes and less public spending! They'd not get close to winning a seat. Somehow though, it seems that giving  Jonny Foreigner a bloody nose has now become higher priority than the welfare of our country.





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9 hours ago, Litotes said:

The referendum is discredited not by the remainers, but by the brexiteers who, having realised the lies they fell for, are afriad to let the electorate actually have a vote to express their opinions now the truth is exposed. The lastest polls suggest the vote would go the other way but won't let democracy have its say.

Their lies are getting exposed daily, but in a Trump-like manner they ignore them or shout "Project Fear".


Mrs May isn't helping with her stance - "I can have 3 votes, but you can only have one"!

Ah yes, those trustworthy polls again. 

1 hour ago, I1L2T3 said:

Not crap though is it. It’s all true.


If the referendum had been legally binding it would have been declared void because of the levels of criminality.

On BOTH sides but at least only Cameron abused his office and spent public money on his. 

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