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Consequences of Brexit [part 7] Read first post before posting

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50 minutes ago, melthebell said:

just seen something mentioned on the news about another possible bung to the DUP to back her vote...this time??


corrupt doesnt even cover it

I tend to agree, but isn't that what most politicians do, bribe the voters to vote for them?

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5 hours ago, Lex Luthor said:

On BOTH sides but at least only Cameron abused his office and spent public money on his. 

If it was both sides it makes it even worse doesnt it. 


Didnt think about that did ya?


The argument about government spend during the campaign: not even relevant.


Leavers arguments are tired, crap and riddled with fallacies.

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3 hours ago, willman said:

If the idle ones got off their arses to vote perhaps we would be remaining.

Why should they?


It was a referendum for leavers, not remainers and as it wasn't binding many didn't bother. If I put a poll on here calling for Formula 1 to return to terrestrial television I suspect that only motor racing fans would partake. The referendum was of much more interest to leavers than remainers which means any result would always be skewed in favour of Leave.


That is why the result has very little meaning democratically. I know that this is an unpopular view among both Leavers and Remainers, but as time goes on there will be much greater examination of what the referendum actually was and the 'It's the will of the People!' bleating will start to look very silly.

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7 hours ago, I1L2T3 said:

If the referendum had been legally binding it would have been declared void because of the levels of criminality.

No it wouldn't as the criminality was about spending limitations which may not have caused much proven damage as as opposed to vote rigging etc. The High Court has already ruled on a High Court challenge seeking to annul the result of the Brexit referendum because of “corrupt and illegal practices” by the Vote Leave campaign,




"Mr Justice Ouseley said he was refusing permission for a full hearing of the claim because of the long delay in bringing it forward and because of “the want of merit”.


Not forgetting that remain also had £M's in bungs from wealthy industrialists before spending limitations actually came into play. Cameron also spent £9M on a pro remain leaflet that was sent to every household that also stated that any decision would be for the electorate to decide and will be honoured which parliament then did.


35 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Why should they?

It didnt stop them in 1975 did it!



It was a referendum for leavers, not remainers and as it wasn't binding many didn't bother.

With respect that is just a load of bull.

Edited by apelike
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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Why should they?


It was a referendum for leavers, not remainers and as it wasn't binding many didn't bother. If I put a poll on here calling for Formula 1 to return to terrestrial television I suspect that only motor racing fans would partake. The referendum was of much more interest to leavers than remainers which means any result would always be skewed in favour of Leave.


That is why the result has very little meaning democratically. I know that this is an unpopular view among both Leavers and Remainers, but as time goes on there will be much greater examination of what the referendum actually was and the 'It's the will of the People!' bleating will start to look very silly.

A legally binding vote was in place, the decision stands. If you had and have a view you should have voted. If you wanted to remain and didn't vote you may as well have voted leave. Its no different to an election.

The remainers who didn't vote have been caught with their pants down and don't like it.


Don't forget a political party was voted into power with this referendum as part of their manifesto.

Edited by willman
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2 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Why should they?


It was a referendum for leavers, not remainers and as it wasn't binding many didn't bother. If I put a poll on here calling for Formula 1 to return to terrestrial television I suspect that only motor racing fans would partake. The referendum was of much more interest to leavers than remainers which means any result would always be skewed in favour of Leave.


That is why the result has very little meaning democratically. I know that this is an unpopular view among both Leavers and Remainers, but as time goes on there will be much greater examination of what the referendum actually was and the 'It's the will of the People!' bleating will start to look very silly.

If Remoaners were so arrogant they couldnt be bothered to vote because they thought no one would want to leave the corrupt dictatorship in Brussels , then it come back and bit them on the backside didnt it. 

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Can I just ask this: When voting to Remain in the EU, did any Remainers believe that their vote would be ignored and the exact opposite of what they democratically decided would be enacted?


This is happening right now to every Leave voter!


We are being disenfranchised by a powerful, wealthy elite. The losing side in the referendum has stolen the votes of the winning side!

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2 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Not true.


In 2010 and 2015 The Conservative Party stood on an austerity manifesto. Many people still voted for them.

2010; they lied through their teeth saying the banking crash was all the fault of Labour - " This mess that Labour got us into," was the mantra that preceded just about every utterance that they mad. 

2015 different message but same method- 'That Idiot Corbyn who couldn't run a whelk stall, never mind a country.' Constantly rubbishing the opposition leader with ridicule, false representation and  lies, every time they open their mouths.

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