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Solution to social discord. what is it?

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45 minutes ago, Mister M said:

Apparently overall crime is down, but sexual offences and violent crime are up.


Serious violent crime - murder - has been going down for years and is at historic lows, on a per capita basis.  Petty violence - punch ups in pubs etc - is on the rise but this hardly an indicator of society spirally downwards, or - as danot and dispirdan would like us to believe - multiculturalism, despite their best efforts.


The fact is more people than ever before are decent, law- abiding citizens irrespective of where they come from.

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1 hour ago, bendix said:

Serious violent crime - murder - has been going down for years and is at historic lows, on a per capita basis.  Petty violence - punch ups in pubs etc - is on the rise but this hardly an indicator of society spirally downwards, or - as danot and dispirdan would like us to believe - multiculturalism, despite their best efforts.


The fact is more people than ever before are decent, law- abiding citizens irrespective of where they come from.

I never specifically blamed multiculturalism for society spiralling downwards, I merely included it amongst other examples of social conflicts that are taking place more and more frequently.  But my all means correct me by providing  the evidence to corroborate your assertion if you have it. Even apologise to me should you find it necessary.

Edited by danot
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14 hours ago, makapaka said:

70 years ago the world was at war and a nutcase European leader was gassing Jewish people in sheds.


the war ended when America dropped nuclear bombs.


people got murdered and gangs existed.


society isn’t spiralling into chaos - ‘‘twas ever thus.

What Maka said.


'our' generation (ie- post world war) in UK society have lived in blissful times and still do. 


Keep calm and carry on everybody!

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5 minutes ago, lil-minx92 said:

What Maka said.


'our' generation (ie- post world war) in UK society have lived in blissful times and still do. 


Keep calm and carry on everybody!

Now hold on there.  According to the far right and . . ummnm . . the far left, these are the worst of times to be living and it's never been so bad.  Yet more evidence of the Horseshoe Theory that they are two sides of the same bigoted coin.


While this sort of thing happens - an elderly guy standing outside a mosque with a heartwarming message - I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that the haters in modern society are the outliers, and that there remains more good than bad.





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On 17/03/2019 at 22:27, danot said:

I've often said to those who blame religion for extremism   - with or without religion, we'll never escape our true nature.  so, yeah, I know where you're coming from. 

But surely the whole point of civilization is to rise above our 'true natures.'


We are supposed to be thinking, reasoning, intelligent creatures, able to recognise right and wrong, and capable of great things.

Is it too much to ask that we use these gifts to be the best version of ourselves we can be?

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21 minutes ago, Anna B said:

But surely the whole point of civilization is to rise above our 'true natures.'


We are supposed to be thinking, reasoning, intelligent creatures, able to recognise right and wrong, and capable of great things.

is it too much to ask that we use these gifts to be the best version of ourselves that we can be?

If human history is anything to go by it may well be.

Edited by danot
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