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Petition for Independent inquiry into deaths linked to the DWP

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Can I draw forummers attention to a petition calling for an independent inquiry into deaths of people linked to the DWP. 


The petition is backed by six families whose relatives died due DWP failures.


  • Jodey Whiting who died after the DWP made five substantial failures to follow DWP safeguarding procedures.
  • Stephen Carré who died after the DWP failed to obtain further information about his health, the coroner wrote to the DWP calling for the DWP to act to prevent further deaths.
  • Paul Donnachie who died after being sanctioned. The DWP is believed to have failed to obtain further information about his health, and to have failed to follow safeguarding procedures.
  • Mark Gant who starved to death after his disability benefits were stopped. It is believed the DWP failed to obtain further information about his health before stopping his disability benefits.
  • David Barr who died after his benefits were stopped. It is believed the DWP failed to obtain further information about his health before stopping his disability benefits.
  • David Clapson who died after being left destitute due to benefit sanctions despite having type I diabetes.


There is more information about this on the Disability News Service. https://www.disabilitynewsservice.com/six-families-back-petition-to-mps-calling-for-inquiry-into-dwp-benefit-deaths/


Thanks in advance

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