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New coal mine approved

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This coking coal will not be used in power stations!


Nimby environmentalists muddy the water again. I wonder if they are just thick or deliberately misinform the public.

There are global shortages of certain types of coal.

High quality coking coal used in steel making is one.

The coal will go by train to Redcar which will handle the 80,000 t bulk carrier  ships.



The coalfield is below the sea bed and the surface operation will be on a former chemical works site.




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10 minutes ago, Hots on said:

Post Brexit this country should mine coal on a grand scale again. Give the currently stagnating working class masses their noble purpose back and boost the economy.

I'd love to see tubby Francois, Bojo the clown, and the truly repulsive Gove on their hands and knees digging for coal. That'd give me a great deal of joy post Brexit.

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Spot on and not only that this coal will be very expensive to mine as well.


Here is what it was like when I worked down one: full of dirt, shale and coal dust, dark, damp, no facilities such as places to eat or toilets, no females, dangerous equipment, lethal and explosive gasses and at that time not even the minimum wage was paid.



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4 hours ago, Hots on said:

Post Brexit this country should mine coal on a grand scale again. Give the currently stagnating working class masses their noble purpose back and boost the economy.

Have you worked down a mine?


No, me neither, but I'm guessing there's nothing noble about it.


Are you suggesting that their is something more noble about working yourself into an early grave?

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