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May local elections

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There hasn't been a general election called, as yet. The May elections are not very far away, which are very much influenced by what is happening nationally.  I am thinking about standing in my local parish council elections. Will anyone else in here stand up and be counted? Leave and remain have nothing to do with the local elections. I believe the candidate nominations open on the 25th March.


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Good luck with that, just remember to hone the key skills in BS and the ability to take credit or align other people's achievements as your own whilst having little or no actual imput yourself whilst self promotion are prominent factors of a successful candidate.


maybe join or organise with local groups, and always remember to get the local rag to to take a pic!


Something like a litter pick are always an easy one, 


again good luck

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10 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

What issues would you be standing on?

As the major party are still likely to be in control, it's unlikely that I will be able to change anything. I would try to promote the council more and make it more transparent.

I hope to use my position as a parish councillor, to get elected as a city councillor, although getting elected as a Liberal Democrat is a difficult task.


I organised a litter pick last year, but only myself turned up; I am thinking about another one in a couple of weeks.

Edited by El Cid
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7 hours ago, Car Boot said:

Highlight the establishment elites betrayal of the working class over Brexit.



That will make people think that you are standing for the Monster Raving Loony Party. Besides, UKIP, the BNP and the new Brexit Party will hoover up all the Brexit Betrayal votes.


The best thing an Independant could do is promise access for their contituents to the council officers and departments that hide behind automated phone systems, answerphone messages and a tendency to lie to cover up laziness or incompetance.


That would get you a few votes!

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You need....

Ten people in the area who will sign your nomination forms.


You need to live, or work, or own substantive property in that local authority area you are standing in.


You dont need a deposit for local elections.


You don't need an agent - but it will help.


Read the EC guidelines about all the paperwork


You have to get nominations in on time etc - the commission has the relevant timelines up for you now. Writs will be issued within a week or so  I expect.


And good luck!

Edited by Obelix
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16 minutes ago, Obelix said:

You need to live, or work, or own substantive property in that local authority area you are standing in.

Unless you are standing for UKIP in which case you just need to leave your toothbrush and a change of shreddies in a mate's flat and pretend that you live in the ward! 😉

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