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May local elections

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On ‎23‎/‎03‎/‎2019 at 22:36, melthebell said:

so...lets look at this logically


2 customers, not quite OAPs, nicely dressed, come across ok

they mention getting a warship to mow down immigrants crossing the channel


where do they get their real life experience of immigrants crossing the channel?

is it right they should be allowed to advocate killing people?


where did they get their hatred of immigrants crossing the channel from...i think the rabid right wing rags


excuse it all you like, this happened, i had to really bite my tongue

I will take the bait here and suggest that your two customers are concerned about people entering the country illegally, melting into the black market and working cash in hand, whilst not contributing much back to fund the society that will help educate them or their family and keep them healthy etc.

I know people can contribute to society in ways other than financial, but to support the welfare state, cold, hard cash is required...


It is simple human nature for in-groups to be highly suspicious of and to refuse to support outsiders who are perceived as making no contribution, or who are from a very different cultural background (or one that is perceived as hostile), or enter via illegal means.


Welfare systems in modern open "democracies" (even the sham democracy we currently live under) lose public support when not contribution based...

This can be seen in the USA and is beginning to happen in the UK and also other European social democracies...


Due to the finite resources available to maintain such a welfare system, high levels of support for it from the people who fund it are conditional on recipients conforming to societal norms such as helping to pay for it, not jumping the queue and not abusing it.


Race does not matter in this. People who emigrated from former British colonies to the UK from the 1950s (and many decades earlier for some smaller communities) are fully integrated into UK society, were invited here (and didn't sneak in) and helped to build things like the NHS from scratch in the first place.

Amongst such communities, you will find just as much support for restricting services to those who have contributed as any other

community...because this is core human behaviour...probably evolutionary in origin.


Instead of looking at the world through the lens of left and right, try the lens of local and global or hosts and guests to see what I mean.

Imagine you were the mother of a 20 year old son and he came back to live at home, as he had nowhere to stay.

Despite being his mum I guarantee the relationship would eventually sour, unless you started to see some contribution back from him to help pay his way.


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35 minutes ago, crazyhorse said:

Instead of looking at the world through the lens of left and right, try the lens of local and global or hosts and guests to see what I mean.


I thought that this thread was about the local elections, not immigration.  ;)

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Apologies...drifted off on a tangent there responding to an earlier post.


Uncomfortable philosophical musings on the nature of the human condition?...lets not go there.

Silly nonsense from an age when people were taught to think, not taught to conform.

I will self censor my thoughts and keep us all safe and happy.


Yes - local elections...I say go out for a bike ride instead, nobody will listen to your vote anyway.

A bike ride will do wonders for your mental health and reconnect you to the important things in life...which isn't politics.


I'm going mountain biking.,,,:)



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My local Parish Council are a real example of busybodies, sad people with no friends, social lives and poor educational levels.  There's a group claiming to be independents who all have previous UKIP connections, either full membership or sympathys. This group has been disrupting meetings, name calling and stopping any sensible issues being discussed. Parish Councils aren't supposed to be partisan but these fruit loops break all traditions. They are openly racist, overtly Nationalistic and repulsive to ordinary decent people. They have Facebook pages that make VIZ magazine look serious.

Forget Parish politics, keep your sanity and enjoy your life. 

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