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Climate change protests

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I realise people will see this differently so my view only but I applaud them for making the effort.

Ask this of yourselves.

Does anyone think it's feasible to carry on using fossil fuels sat in traffic jams everyday? 

Does anyone think the environmental threat is a hoax? (I know there will be one at least.)

Do you not worry that we will pass the point of no return?

Do you not care for the well being of future generations?

Do you think "it'll be OK they'll come up with something"?

Do you think it's pointless doing anything because China and America will spoil anyone's efforts with their mass pollution?

Do you live on the coast? 

Do you think "bring it on, it's too cold in this country anyway"?


Sorry if I've gone on to far but I find it hard to believe that people are not taking this seriously and think their getting to work on time is more important, 



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9 minutes ago, Fougasse said:

They're all legitimate points imo.


So, what good has it done? For you probably none. For most of us probably none. For business probably none.


But it's a start. And because the authorities will do - and we all know this from experience - sod all, someone has to start somewhere with everything. Rosa Parks started something in the US back in 1955 and changed a lot. People have changed awareness of plastic pollution only recently. Campaigns raise awareness for people, because at the bottom of almost every issue are two problems: business and government (large and small) and neither will do anything unless forced to do so because 'it affects jobs and profits'.  As if.


So in the end, the only way campaigns can get any traction - because asking nicely will get only get a laugh if you're lucky - is more often by some form of disruption or direct action. Not always, but in the cases where businesses AND gov't are affected, mostly.


And this particular issue is actually killing people, and the environment. Is that a good reason to disrupt the daily routine of people's lives, especially people who might be penalised by the DWP? 


I dunno. You tell me.

A start at what??    You have said yourself that today's actions have done no good for indivuduals or the wider people or businesses.   So what was the bloody point then.  


Talk about a missed target.     Protest and cause disruption and the goverment organisations and companies who can actually do something about climate change.  Protest and cause disruption at the places where it its at its worst levels and is being totatlly ignored.   Protest and cause disruption in places and countries where it actually will have  a clear visible affect at change.


Angering, alienating and disrupting ordinary people trying to get to work is certainly NOT the way to achieve  that.   Whatever message was supposed to be delivered has now been lost and will now very likley be totally ignored by us ordinary people going forwards.


By doing such a stupid stunt, this protest group has lost all credibility with the masses and no matter how important their cause or how relevant their messages are. they will merely now be known as nothing more than those [....chose a swear word...] who blocked traffic and made us all late for work.


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50 minutes ago, TimmyR said:

if all the drivers were cycling the protest would have held no one up. 

Is that because all the cyclists would just have cycled through the crossing on red, or gone around them on the pavement?

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3 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

A start at what??    You have said yourself that today's actions have done no good for indivuduals or the wider people or businesses.   So what was the bloody point then.  


Talk about a missed target.     Protest and cause disruption and the goverment organisations and companies who can actually do something about climate change.  Protest and cause disruption at the places where it its at its worst levels and is being totatlly ignored.   Protest and cause disruption in places and countries where it actually will have  a clear visible affect at change.


Angering, alienating and disrupting ordinary people trying to get to work is certainly NOT the way to achieve  that.   Whatever message was supposed to be delivered has now been lost and will now very likley be totally ignored by us ordinary people going forwards.


By doing such a stupid stunt, this protest group has lost all credibility with the masses and no matter how important their cause or how relevant their messages are. they will merely now be known as nothing more than those [....chose a swear word...] who blocked traffic and made us all late for work.


or maybe some will start to think about their predicament more carefully.  A growing number of people are very concerned about climate breakdown and feel powerless against it. Maybe this protest will give people the kick they need to realise the stupidity of the situation we are in and inspire them to actually do something even if that is just to vote for the right people in the next election.  We need more people to get to the "oh s***" moment and then maybe just maybe the human race can do something about its impending demise.  Whatever happens we can't just go on like we are, we don't have time.


Extinction Rebellion didn't hold people up today, people in cars hold people up. Extinction Rebellion were just the catalyst.

Just now, the_bloke said:

Is that because all the cyclists would just have cycled through the crossing on red, or gone around them on the pavement?

no .  it is because bikes take up less room

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13 minutes ago, blackydog said:

I realise people will see this differently so my view only but I applaud them for making the effort.

Ask this of yourselves.

Does anyone think it's feasible to carry on using fossil fuels sat in traffic jams everyday?     

NO - that's why car manufacturs - particuarly in the developed world are developing new techonology including hydrid and electric vehicles.  Cities are introducing more and more schemes, mass transport and cycling infrastructure to reduce car use. 


Does anyone think the environmental threat is a hoax? (I know there will be one at least.)

NO.  Most people are aware of its existance and where the worst countries are for it. 


Do you not worry that we will pass the point of no return?     Yes - but what has a disruptive action in Sheffield got to do with that.


Do you not care for the well being of future generations?  Yes  - but like us now, they will also have a responsible for continuing technological and lifestyle evolution of to maintain the world they live in.   Nobody is handed anything on a plate.


Do you think "it'll be OK they'll come up with something"?    They already are.  Its getting the world, particuarly the poorer GDP areas to embrace it.


Do you think it's pointless doing anything because China and America will spoil anyone's efforts with their mass pollution?   Yes partially.  They are the biggest polluters - far earst particularly.     Piddling little actions we take will be massively wiped out if they are left to carry on as they are.   TARGETED protests and TARGETED action is needed as I say above.   


Do you live on the coast?   No - what's that go to do with anything anyway?.


Do you think "bring it on, it's too cold in this country anyway"?   No.  Only morons would. 


Sorry if I've gone on to far but I find it hard to believe that people are not taking this seriously and think their getting to work on time is more important,

YES - for me personally it is.   That's my job.  That's my income.  Its how I feed my family and how I pay for my hybrid vehicle which I choose to purchase (at a far higher cost than my usual choice of car).     Governments are in the position to tackle climate change.   Corporations are in a position to tackle climate change.  World leaders are in a position to tackle climate change.    That is the target for protest and action.   Raising awareness to Joe Public is perfectly acceptable, they can use it to make an informed choice of thier elected representives.   However, willfully disrupting an ordinary person going about their business is totally unacceptable.  


Edited by ECCOnoob
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3 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

A start at what??    You have said yourself that today's actions have done no good for indivuduals or the wider people or businesses.   So what was the bloody point then.  


Talk about a missed target.     Protest and cause disruption and the goverment organisations and companies who can actually do something about climate change.  Protest and cause disruption at the places where it its at its worst levels and is being totatlly ignored.   Protest and cause disruption in places and countries where it actually will have  a clear visible affect at change.


Angering, alienating and disrupting ordinary people trying to get to work is certainly NOT the way to achieve  that.   Whatever message was supposed to be delivered has now been lost and will now very likley be totally ignored by us ordinary people going forwards.


By doing such a stupid stunt, this protest group has lost all credibility with the masses and no matter how important their cause or how relevant their messages are. they will merely now be known as nothing more than those [....chose a swear word...] who blocked traffic and made us all late for work.


You mean like protesting against fracking at Eckington?  yeah that got us a long way.

People need to accept the need to change and those drivers sat in jams are near the top of the list. This warning  (global warming) has been going on for years and the same people are still sat in their cars in jams. I can just hear the complaints "but my car is low emissions so i shouldn't be targeted". Wrong! your car is only lower emissions, you are still  part of the problem. 

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3 minutes ago, TimmyR said:

or maybe some will start to think about their predicament more carefully.  A growing number of people are very concerned about climate breakdown and feel powerless against it. Maybe this protest will give people the kick they need to realise the stupidity of the situation we are in and inspire them to actually do something even if that is just to vote for the right people in the next election.  We need more people to get to the "oh s***" moment and then maybe just maybe the human race can do something about its impending demise.  Whatever happens we can't just go on like we are, we don't have time.


Extinction Rebellion didn't hold people up today, people in cars hold people up. Extinction Rebellion were just the catalyst.

no .  it is because bikes take up less room

I doubt it.   Besides, got even less time now they have been stuck in a hold up for two hours.


Said before and will say again.   Target was completely innapropriate.   Any awareness, any sympathy to the cause has been totally lost. 

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2 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

I doubt it.   Besides, got even less time now they have been stuck in a hold up for two hours.


Said before and will say again.   Target was completely innapropriate.   Any awareness, any sympathy to the cause has been totally lost. 

your opinion.  I doubt you've been out collecting the viewpoints of anyone else so your last statement is guesswork.

Edited by TimmyR
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Just now, ECCOnoob said:

I doubt it.   Besides, got even less time now they have been stuck in a hold up for two hours.


Said before and will say again.   Target was completely innapropriate.   Any awareness, any sympathy to the cause has been totally lost. 

You realise that spot outside the station is one of the worst for air pollution outside of London? Everyone driving past there is helping to create that. 

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3 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

I doubt it.   Besides, got even less time now they have been stuck in a hold up for two hours.


Said before and will say again.   Target was completely innapropriate.   Any awareness, any sympathy to the cause has been totally lost. 

Sympathy may have been lost, but awareness??  I doubt it, if anything THAT will have been increased because if nothing else, YOU are talking about it, even if it IS negatively, so you are more aware of it now than you were 24 hours ago.

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