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Climate change protests

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2 minutes ago, blackydog said:

You mean like protesting against fracking at Eckington?  yeah that got us a long way.

People need to accept the need to change and those drivers sat in jams are near the top of the list. This warning  (global warming) has been going on for years and the same people are still sat in their cars in jams. I can just hear the complaints "but my car is low emissions so i shouldn't be targeted". Wrong! your car is only lower emissions, you are still  part of the problem

Am I.   Well tell you what dear, invent me a vehicle which completely avoids the necessity of any sort of polluting power either in its running or its manufacturing, get that vehicle on the road for less than say £15k and less than £50 a month running costs which can travel at least 200-300 miles continuously without needing an overnight recharge and then I may stop. 


Until that point, I need to get around for my job.   My job doesn't accommodate cycling everywhere or using the public buses or trains without hours and hours of delays to my clients or great expense through repeated overnight accommodation. 


I think YOU are part of the problem for not coming up with some feesible vehicle alternative.   Come on.  Get on with it....



5 minutes ago, TimmyR said:

your opinion.  I doubt you've been out collecting the viewpoints of anyone else so your last statement is guesswork.

Yes of course is guess work.  That's why I choose the word  "doubt". 



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2 hours ago, WalkleyIan said:

I head out to the  AMP every morning  . An inbound tailback past ASDA is the norm  after 8.15 so didn't realise there was a protest in town. It  just the looked like the usual queue of single occupancy cars. Was it moving more slowly than usual?  What about the pollution that queue causes every day when there isn't a protest on? 

A  normal 25 min journey from Catcliffe to Derek Dooley way  took over an hour, multiply that by every car on the parkway and arterial roads leading into it as well as traffic the other side of the station getting held up and thats a lot of hours wasted. 

Agreed on the current pollution levels being unacceptable but doubling that level is even more of a negative effect is it not 

1 hour ago, makapaka said:

I'd direct your anger at your employer for giving you a warning for something which is clearly out of your control.



Tell that to people who work in call centres or factories who get zero leeway when it comes to times for clocking in and out. 

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If we wait and do nothing climate breakdown will cause huge disruption to everyone's lives.
We can't wait for that, so we need to cause disruption now so people start acting.
Its completely understandable that people get angry for being held up, as it is out of their control. I believe it necessary to do it to get people to wake up to the reality of the situation.  ER do not want people to sympathise with them they want people to be scared not hopeful so that they take action.  
This isn't something nice to have like, a 30 hour working week, its about our children being able to feed themselves.  An existential threat.

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1 minute ago, ECCOnoob said:

Am I.   Well tell you what dear, invent me a vehicle which completely avoids the necessity of any sort of polluting power either in its running or its manufacturing, get that vehicle on the road for less than say £15k and less than £50 a month running costs which can travel at least 200-300 miles continuously without needing an overnight recharge and then I may stop. 


Until that point, I need to get around for my job.   My job doesn't accommodate cycling everywhere or using the public buses or trains without hours and hours of delays to my clients or great expense through repeated overnight accommodation. 


I think YOU are part of the problem for not coming up with some feesible vehicle alternative.   Come on.  Get on with it....



Sorry I'm not that smart and I know it, all I can do is help to raise awareness, and those that are smart enough and have the resources might respond. I hadn't realised how important your job was that it's more important than the future health of the planet, but I suppose it's a case of your job and everyone else's too is more important, so we have to carry on as usual. Ah well sod the future, sod the kids growing up now who will be left to deal with the problem when it's too late.

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9 minutes ago, TimmyR said:

your opinion.  I doubt you've been out collecting the viewpoints of anyone else so your last statement is guesswork.

There are currently over 1100 comments on the Star (yes i know) FB post on it, you will be hard pushed to find more than 20 supporting the protest. The rest are all giving negative opinions on the people conducting it. Many of them were stood in the traffic. I think that's a pretty good source

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3 minutes ago, blackydog said:

You realise that spot outside the station is one of the worst for air pollution outside of London? Everyone driving past there is helping to create that. 

Well actually according to the real-time air pollution index updated 1 hour ago it was Barnsley Road.  But irrelevant of that, its still only at worst a "moderate" level as is the rest of the UK and most of Europe.     The results show Good air quality for nearly all of the UK and Europe with a few patches of Moderate.   




We ARE aware of the issue of climate.   We ARE doing things to tackle it already.  We ARE as a society in this country making changes but cars wont disappear overnight and there is no sufficient alternatives redilly available yet.


All this crap about bikes and buses simply does not work for everyone.  I am one of those people.     This is not central London.    We dont have nice purpose built cycle infrastructure and cheap perfectly timed fully integrated, tracked and metro service timed public transport systems to all possible destinations.


Yes clearly more needs to be done.  Nobody is disputing that.   But a bunch of silly stunts like this morning are not the way to go about it.   



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Just now, ECCOnoob said:

We ARE aware of the issue of climate.   We ARE doing things to tackle it already.  We ARE as a society in this country making changes but cars wont disappear overnight and there is no sufficient alternatives redilly available yet.


It's nowhere near enough though is it, hence the protests.

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1 hour ago, TimmyR said:

if all the drivers were cycling the protest would have held no one up.  There is nothing more illogical that people sitting in huge queues of cars blaming everything other than themselves for the huge queues of cars.  What people don't seem to realise is they are held up every day because of people driving cars - a commute taking 40 minutes which could be done in 20 by bike, that adds up. And this protest demonstrates clearly how little it takes to completely snarl everything up.  

I'll remember to tell my collegue who lives in scunthorpe to ride on his push bike to work tomorrow. Not everyone coming to Sheffield is in the immediate surroundings.


i agree on the snarl up, Sheffields system always gridlocks at the slightest disruption.



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3 minutes ago, MarkS20 said:

It's nowhere near enough though is it, hence the protests.

Protests against who?    I say again and again.  What was the target supposed to be.


Why didn't you protest and disrupt them instead of aggrivating ordinary people trying to get on with thier working day. 

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12 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Well actually according to the real-time air pollution index updated 1 hour ago it was Barnsley Road.  But irrelevant of that, its still only at worst a "moderate" level as is the rest of the UK and most of Europe.     The results show Good air quality for nearly all of the UK and Europe with a few patches of Moderate.   




We ARE aware of the issue of climate.   We ARE doing things to tackle it already.  We ARE as a society in this country making changes but cars wont disappear overnight and there is no sufficient alternatives redilly available yet.


All this crap about bikes and buses simply does not work for everyone.  I am one of those people.     This is not central London.    We dont have nice purpose built cycle infrastructure and cheap perfectly timed fully integrated, tracked and metro service timed public transport systems to all possible destinations.


Yes clearly more needs to be done.  Nobody is disputing that.   But a bunch of silly stunts like this morning are not the way to go about it.   



You will agree, lots of small changes can become a significant one?

 We ARE NOT doing anything like enough to address the problem. Hardly anyone is. It's going to take huge changes in lifestyle to stop the rot. Personally I think it has gone too far already.

Would you have preferred the protest in the middle of a field somewhere, where no one would be disrupted by it (or even see it)?  


Edited by blackydog
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