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Climate change protests

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23 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Oh really so why does the statistics from the the European Commission Environmental Assessment Agency have have 64 countries ahead of United Kingdom with worst CO2 emissions per capita.


How come that list is filled with places like Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, Estonia, South Korea, Turkmenistan Taiwan, Libya, Poland, South Africa, China Slovenia, Bulgaria, Iraq, Chile, Ukraine, Venezuela, Latvia, Thailand...


I'll tell you exactly what their baking habits have got to do with it smart arse.  That bun in the oven will cause more environmental damage when it's born on this planet than 1000 jumbo jet flights.


Its that wonderful thing that climate change protests completely ignore. Overpopulation.  

Wow. You really need to calm down a bit. It can’t be good for you to be so angry about everything.


No doubt, many  places have lots to do about their carbon emissions. That doesn’t excuse us. In fact, it should embolden us to go faster and further in our quest for net zero emissions.


We are, after all, one of the largest economies in the world. With that comes the opportunity to develop new technologies to reduce emissions. I’d say that we have a responsibility to do so too, but that might make you explode, so I won’t. 

Edited by Pettytom
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13 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Oh really so why does the statistics from the the European Commission Environmental Assessment Agency have have 64 countries ahead of United Kingdom with worst CO2 emissions per capita.


How come that list is filled with places like Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, Estonia, South Korea, Turkmenistan Taiwan, Libya, Poland, South Africa, China Slovenia, Bulgaria, Iraq, Chile, Ukraine, Venezuela, Latvia, Thailand...


I'll tell you exactly what their baking habits have got to do with it smart arse.  That bun in the oven will cause more environmental damage when it's born on this planet than 1000 jumbo jet flights.


Its that wonderful thing that climate change protests completely ignore. Overpopulation.  

You realise that a lot of those countries have fertility rates below the UK? Thailand, South Korea, China, Taiwan for example. Poland also - the reason Poland produce so much CO2 is that they burn brown coal to produce electricity when they could use renewables. They also allow massive deforestation. Both policies could be changed overnight.

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4 minutes ago, TeaFan said:

Contrast this risible list with what is going on in Denmark 


You are right that it can't be done overnight, which is why some countries made a start on this years ago. Generally it's countries populated by actual adults, that don't have the infantile culture Britain has, where massively important decisions are made based on whether someone is wearing sandals. 


We haven't got time to pish about like you are advocating, politicians have had all the time they needed to get ready and stave off disaster. Unless maximum pressure is put on them they will continue to dawdle and drag, because it doesn't really affect them because they are so old. 


(Note: post made without use of capital letters)

What are you talking about dawdle and drag. You have absolutely no idea of the preparation and the work that is required to implement these things.


There are companies ( including mine) which have been making environmental adaptations for years.   We already have significant laws in place regarding environmental waste and emission levels.    We already have direct action and fines brought against companies which failed to comply with a law.  For citizens we already have incentives for recycling including changes being made to the way we package, distribute and dispose of goods. We've been discouraging car use for years and changing road layouts to make improvements for public transport services.  We have been trying for a decade now to build high speed train lines in line with those in Europe but the NIMBYs won't have that in case a bush has to be chopped down somewhere are in Lincolnshire.   We have taken major steps to change our own habits in terms of recycling, reducing disposable waste and brought massive increases in the numbers of vegetarian and vegan diets.


Public attitude is already adapting. The message has been received.


That will explain why we are so far down the rankings of CO2. 


The top 15 worst contributors according to the global carbon statistics make up 72% of the entire global emissions.  The UK is not part of that.  Do you know who is.... countries like the US, Russia, Japan Germany, Canada, South Africa and of course China who alone produces the same percentage of the all global emissions than the non top 15 countries all put together.   


Don't preach to me that our politicians inactivity.   How about you protesters wasting your time causing disruption over here when you should be getting off your backsides and go and protest where the real problems are.


We're doing our share already.  

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19 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Oh really so why does the statistics from the the European Commission Environmental Assessment Agency have have 64 countries ahead of United Kingdom with worst CO2 emissions per capita.


How come that list is filled with places like Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, Estonia, South Korea, Turkmenistan Taiwan, Libya, Poland, South Africa, China Slovenia, Bulgaria, Iraq, Chile, Ukraine, Venezuela, Latvia, Thailand...


I'll tell you exactly what their baking habits have got to do with it smart arse.  That bun in the oven will cause more environmental damage when it's born on this planet than 1000 jumbo jet flights.


Its that wonderful thing that climate change protests completely ignore. Overpopulation.  

I don't many serious climate change activists are ignoring over population at all, far from it. But it's a sensitive issue.

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4 minutes ago, TeaFan said:

You realise that a lot of those countries have fertility rates below the UK? Thailand, South Korea, China, Taiwan for example. Poland also - the reason Poland produce so much CO2 is that they burn brown coal to produce electricity when they could use renewables. They also allow massive deforestation. Both policies could be changed overnight.

Go protest there then what you bothering us for.  

8 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

Wow. You really need to calm down a bit. It can’t be good for you to be so angry about everything.


No doubt, many  places have lots to do about their carbon emissions. That doesn’t excuse us. In fact, it should embolden us to go faster and further in our quest for net zero emissions.


We are, after all, one of the largest economies in the world. With that comes the opportunity to develop new technologies to reduces emissions. I’d say that we have a responsibility to do so too, but that might make you explode, so I won’t. 

I never said it did excuse us. We are still working to reduce them.   It's an ongoing process that takes some time.  I have said before that there is no magic wand to be waved here.


However I was certainly not going to skip responding to the statement like you said before which is completely incorrect.  


I take it you concede now that there are plenty of developing nations which emit much more CO2 than the UK does?



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2 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Go protest there then what you bothering us for.  

There have been XR protests in Poland, and Client Earth are currently trying to shut down a brown coal plant. It's a bizarre and ranty position to argue that there should only be protests in countries with worse records. On that basis, right wing Poles could argue that there are worse polluters than them, and so on down the chain until we identify the one population in the world who you think should be allowed to protest.


And it is almost exclusively the Right who oppose climate activism isn't it. People should remember that, because when the crap hits the fan the Right will try to persuade us that it's someone else's fault. Always remember.

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I'm more trying to make the point why there is so much public disorder being acted out by ER in our capital and other major UK cities when most of the biggest problems don't appear to be connected with this country.   


In this entire thread I have not seen one justified reason why members of the British public should be disrupted in this way.  


Their disgusting behaviour has gone well beyond getting the message out and certainly will beyond legitimate and targeted protest

Edited by ECCOnoob
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26 minutes ago, TeaFan said:

There have been XR protests in Poland, and Client Earth are currently trying to shut down a brown coal plant. It's a bizarre and ranty position to argue that there should only be protests in countries with worse records. On that basis, right wing Poles could argue that there are worse polluters than them, and so on down the chain until we identify the one population in the world who you think should be allowed to protest.


And it is almost exclusively the Right who oppose climate activism isn't it. People should remember that, because when the crap hits the fan the Right will try to persuade us that it's someone else's fault. Always remember.

We have the European environmental groups figures haven't we. I thought climate change protesters liked evidence. 


Protests are supposed to have a point and are supposed to be targeted - not just scatterguned in a desperate hope of hitting the target.    


Is that sort of lazy behaviour that makes the public feel as if it's all a load of hot air and not credible.    Even more so when the actual message is being drowned out silly stunts and irresponsible behaviour. 

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5 minutes ago, TeaFan said:

I've emailed them and asked to get your approval before they do anything like this again.

So you can't justify it then.    Clearly, as you have resorted to childish comments.


I think my point has been made. Since you no longer have any substantive response I won't waste any more time with you. 

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